Thank you sister for appearing on such short notice."
Tiberius lay on the bed of his very tidy room with a feminine looking automaton leaning over him. All around him are tools and pieces of metal.
"It is no problem, Brother. I am more than happy to assist my younger brother when requested." She murmured as she lifted a piece of scrap metal and compared it to the arm and chest plates that Tiberius would have to replace.
"Though I am surprised you would allow yourself to be damaged so severely. Though a fall such as the one you took would be harmful." She continued in an slightly rebukeful tone.
Thank you Aria. I have no doubt that you will be able to repair me. You are the best of our family in this type of restoration."
Aira nodded, and continued to examine a cog and another mechanical part.
"I will order another voice-box for you. It will arrive in a few days, so please do not attempt to further change your current one. I have repaired you to the best of my ability, but replacement parts will not arrive until later this week. You may walk, but I must stress that you do not attempt to move any objects of weight or accelerate suddenly."
"<font=1>Thank you, Sister. I shall await the parts patiently."
His sister nodded and began gathering tools and cogs from the bed. As she stood to leave, Aira said a few final words.
"I am glad to see that you enjoy your stay at this school, despite the damage you have suffered. I will attempt to visit you more often."
Tiberius smiled slightly, metallic plates creaking as he did. The siblings exchanged their good byes and Tiberius leaned back into his bed to rest.
He would attempt to wander later.
“She'd become a governess. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. And she'd taken to it well. She'd sworn that if she did indeed ever find herself dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps she'd beat herself to death with her own umbrella.”
― Hogfather