@Jester: Fine...make one. Then I'll just ask CN for some DNA, and clone him. Granted he'll want to roundhouse-kick my face in, but that's what replicates are for.
*Uses Quantakinesis, asks CN for a DNA sample, and he gladly agrees, in the form of a very hard bootless roundhouse kick. As my dupe pulls himself from the imprint he left in the wall, he pulls something from his jaw. A hair sample!*
"Um...I got a hair sample from his FOOT?"
"Nope. I hit you with my fist."
"But, but...it felt like a roundhouse kick! And I coulda sworn I saw you do the roundhouse motion!"
Leaving it at that, the dupe heads off to the lab.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…” --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)