Perfect Immortality

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Re: Anti Powers.
Temporary defeat is still a defeat. Let me use an comic book example.

Take Superman and Lex Luthor for example.

Superman has gone up against lex luthor numerous times and suceeded to get temporary victorys because lex luthor comes back later stronger and becomes more of a challege each time.

Yet Superman foiling Lex's plans is still considered a defeat even though Lex got away and comes back stronger in fact lex has numerous plans that have hidden goals built into them that may indirectly or directly cause superman to lose even though he foilded one plan and is still considered to have won.

Facing someone with perfect immortality is the same way you can trapp them all you wan't but they will adapt like I have explained their adaption and will eventualy come back and defeat you probaly.

The openent vs the openent with perfect immortality is in some way simular to Superman vs Lex Luthor in that you can gain  victorys only to later have to deal with something that you will have harder.

Think of a fight with someone with perfect immortality like this with every battle it is like you are fighting a small scale war.

In a war you can have numerous temporary victorys but it is the planning and numerous victorys and successfull plans that win the war. So win you face someone with perfect immortality everything you do against them they will adapt so every move is the battle and your choice of move your battle plan if perfect immortality adapts and manages to use it in an effect way against you it will mess up your battle plan so you have to adapt your battle plan to the adaptions. So every move every successfull battle is small scale battles is large scale war.

So if your battle and battle plan is successful you will have won the battle and hopefully impresson them lon enough to carry out your plan.

So while Perfect Immortality gives you the ultimate advantage it will still depend on the people useing the powers and tactics to see who will win the battle and the war.  
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Re: Perfect Immortality
In reply to this post by Myself
Actualy those facors won't work let me explain.

1) Its not an omnipower.- It doesn't have to be a omnipower in fact it doesn't have to be a power at all.
2) It doesn't affect the perfect immortality- It doesn't have to affect perfect immortality in order to for perfect immortality to prevent it.
3) It stop it from affecting the body, thus preventing an adaptation- It doen't have to affect the body because if someone with your power even if they don't use it comes within one mille(figure of speech) it would automaticly adapt so that it not longer has to just affect the body it can adapt other ways also.
4) The body cannot access it- You don't even have to use your power for it to adapt so if you come near someone with perfect immortality even before you use the power perfect immortality would render it comply uneffective.

So you wouldn't even have to use it so by the time you use it perfect immortality will have overcome it.
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Re: Anti Powers.

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That example is far from similar to fighting someone with Perfect Immortality. Lex Luthor has to learn from his defeats. He may or may not succeed to become stronger. A much closer example is Doomsday. You may be able to kill him, he will always come back stronger. No matter how many times you try, he will come back. Would you consider killing him and making him stronger a victory? I doubt it, because unlike Lex Luthor there's the certainty that he will come back stronger. That's what's fearsome about him. In that case and in the case of Perfect Immortality, the true victory would be to permanently kill him.
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Re: Anti Powers.

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I am Ruin
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Re: Perfect Immortality

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1+2)I never said all the points block the power.
3) This power will block ANY adaptation, past OR present, because if you adapted, it would be affecting the body.
4) The BODY cannot access it, so even if you had a passive power like enhanced memory or regeneration, it would be blocked.

Besides, I have other solutions:
1) Requires: a reality bending power like The Power of Imagination.
The user makes a reality without Perfect Immortality and moves everyone to it, thus, the person with Perfect Immortality cannot adapt. If you say there is a way out of this I will literally yell at you, both possible ways.
2) Requires: Ability Countermeasures.
How are you going to modify your power now Alex? Anything you throw at it, it will throw back at you.
3) Requires: Ability Sponge.
See above, after all, it will be a similar scenario.
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Re: Anti Powers.
In reply to this post by spydyr
If you have perfect immortality dieing is impossible.

They can be defeated because they can be trapped until they adapt.

I am going to find a superhero rpg that will let me have perfect immortality as my character's power and then you will see it is not overpowered.

Iam not giving up on this power I say it is not unbeatable and I will eventualy find proof it isn't unbeatable.
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Re: Anti Powers.

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I never said to fight them with the power of imagination, until now.

By the way, I also cast my vote in favor of Perfect Immortality's deletion, even though I haven't really been on this site all that long. I agree, Alex and his power has infuriated me. First, he starts to use my omni vampire power to his advantage, then he posts this power, then he makes it omnipotent.

That's it, I say this power is useless, due to omni vampire. Sure I said it only affected omni powers, but this really fits that description and if Alex can change his power so drastically, surely I can change one of mine in the slightest way.
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Re: Perfect Immortality
In reply to this post by Myself
1) You will adapt to the reality change. I already said Perfect Immortality can adapt to reality manipulation powers and the spacetime continume itself
2) You will adapt to ability countermeasure in order to make it so that countermeasure will no longer work.
3) If you even get close with ability spounge before you use it it will adapt to make it useless in fact it will adapt not only a counter measure and one of those will probally make it so that everytime you try that it will not work and you will be damaging yourself with a overload everytime you try.

1+2) it doesn't have to block all the points of the power.
3) Like I said before it will adapt to your power before you use it and plus it will instantly adapt to the point that if it tries blocking any adaption it will a not work and be it will adapt to the point that it can reflect the negation power back at you automaticly so that if you even try that you will only lose your power while the wielder of perfect immortality keeps theirs.
4) What if it adapted to the point that the adaptions no longer depended on afecting the body and it could automaticly effect both the body and it could also effect adaptions from the outside meaning even though you make it so that it can not longer affect the body the adaptions would still work outside of the body. So that means it could adapt even outside of the body to negate your power on everything period and since your power would no longer be working restoring the adaptions to the body.

Your stopping  power states it stops the target and their powers interacting. But perfect immortality would adapt before you even used the power to alow the weilder to use their adaptions with out them interacting with the body and retaining them and since it effected them after they adapted that adaption would still be effected because it adapted so that it retains its power with out interacting so it will adapt and render your power useless.
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Re: Anti Powers.

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Alex, the problem with your power is your recent additions. The power was fine until now. So, I suggest you leave the power description as it is and as it is understood, voiding your changes. No excuses, like you couldn't put something. No ambiguities. No double entendres. No reinterpretations. No additions.
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Re: Anti Powers.
In reply to this post by Myself
Actualy perfect immortality makes power negation uselss no matter what and since that is what omni vampire does it will not work.
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Re: Anti Powers.
In reply to this post by Vespert
These are the aditions I was meaning to adding since I created the power in the first place I am simply just now getting around to it.

I admit it does make it powerfull but it doesn't make it unbeatable it can be defeated you just have to use stradegy.
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Re: Anti Powers.

"it can be defeated", but temporarily I presume? Then, it's not a defeat. Sorry.
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Re: Anti Powers.

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I am Ruin
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Re: Anti Powers.

Not to mention the fact that he did comment on his power around that time and that what he said contradict in a sense his late additions.
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Re: Anti Powers.
In reply to this post by Vespert
maby if you let me explain my reasons for creating the power you will understand.

Since I was two I have had autisim and me and my family has had problems some I coused.

For years my autisim was realy worse I was acting on instinct alone I did not realize what I was doing was wrong but even though I could not help it I still can't forgive myself. I caused trouble I could not help it but I caused trouble for the onething that I have always had you see I have grandparents that despite being in their seventies still atempt to help mom raise me my mom is a teacher, my sister can be nice but we don't get along. Fore years I caused trouble I ended up in the princible office alot I coused my family to get angry and unhappy I caused so much trouble due to not being able to think straight. that was until in 7th grade my autisim got better and I started being able to think straight and finaly got control over myself. My grades started getting better rapidly until in a few months I had become one of the best students in the school. I gained a concence allowing me to realize right from wrong so I became a better person I started obeying rules and hardly ever telling laws and became responible I earned everybodys trust finaly I am something that is not just a burdon.
But I still remember all the things I did earle'r and I became overly sad about it, I try putting it out of my mind but all the bad things the stress I put on my family and everybody else is something I can never forgive myself fore so I desided to make up fore it but I stil haven't forgotten it and I still can never forgive myself. I began to fear I would slip back so stopped dreaming becaue the years I caused all the trouble I couldn't tell fantasy from reality so I cut myself off from my fantasy.

 I think if I had enough power I can finaly be able to do somegood but everything I do I suffer setbacks something allways happens. My power perfect immortality is the representation of the power I hope I had in order to finaly be able to acomplish and do some good it is not just a power it is a resprention of the power I think if I had I would finaly be able to do something other than cause stress and alot more things I can't explain. Perfect Immortality is not just a power I created someday in my spare time it is my desired power. the power if I had I think I would be able to acomplish something and maby finaly just stop watching things pass by. It is not just an power it represents my ideal power it represents almost everything I would wan't in a power and what I will finaly be able to acomplish something and alot of other reasons. The power means alot to me it represents more than what I said.
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Re: Anti Powers.
In reply to this post by Vespert
I am planning on getting help to figure out to explain it better in so few words so that I can change what I said in the coments to explain it like I did in the forms only with fewer words.
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Re: Anti Powers.
I sen't justinm a email explain why the power is important to me and asking for him not to delete it. I also told him what I have been kept saying but that most people won't believe that you can overcome Perfect Immortality if you use a good enough stradegy.
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Re: Anti Powers.

What... The... Hell!??!

I almost missed the flame war!!!

This is gonna be so much fun!!!

Alexander, I'm not going to let you use that as an excuse to attempt to radically change a power, as well as make it totally overpowered.

With the new additions, your power is simply delayed omnipotence, because given enough time the user will gain every power just because they lived long enough to be exposed to nearly every possible danger there is.

I would never want to be able to do everything, because after you can what else is there for you to do?


Ok lets say that I have the ability to create miniature universes. What if I made one and zapped the guy with your power into it? Annnd, Its not a bad thing. The universe is a freakin' paradise, with beaches, eternal summer, banquets of your favorite foods, and you are attended to by an infinite number of lovely eternally young beach babes!

Would the golden prison hold the rampaging dragon?
“She'd become a governess. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. And she'd taken to it well. She'd sworn that if she did indeed ever find herself dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps she'd beat herself to death with her own umbrella.”
― Hogfather
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Re: Anti Powers.

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I know you are autistic and I'm trying my best patience to get through to you.

The issue is that your power was approved based only on what could be understood from the information in your power description. Sadly, if every aspect of the power were in it, there would be next to no chance it would have happened. Now, whether you like it or not, your power is way overpowered. You rejected every strategy we offered so far. You say with a good enough strategy we could win, but you can't or won't even tell us what it is. And I mean, a true victory. That is a victory that could make the Perfect Immortal curse at whoever defeated them, like Lex Luthor would curse at Superman for foiling his plans, rather than have him shrug it off knowing full well they will survive and become stronger. Besides, if to you a temporary defeat is a defeat, then why did you say "it doesn't mater if you managed to kill them with it because they will have adapt and come back to life even stronger". Managing to kill them is definitely a temporary defeat, am I right? Then why did you say "it doesn't matter", even though you should count it as a defeat by your standards.
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Re: Anti Powers.
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What I mean't by dieing didn't matter is that dieing wouldn't affect them for long so dieing didn't matter.

I did not mean the temporary victory didn't matter I was simply saying dieing didn't mater because they wouldn't stay dead. I also said they would be stronger because after they adapted to it it would in fact make them stronger. I didn't mean the temporary victory didn't matter.

I didn't list the stradegy because against a person who has perfect immortality the stradegy would very depending on the situation so their is no set stradegy because a stradagy for one circunstance wouldn't work in another circanstance so thats why I didn't list a stradegy.

I said a person with a stradegest could beat them because with the right stradegy you could make up for an disadvantage.

Lets use the x-men vs apocalypse for an example

Apocalypese greatly surpasses most of the x-men in power, intellegence, and he has advanced technoligy and yet the x-men managed to beat him.

Although Apocalypese is far more powerfull they come up with a good plan, learn as much about his plan as possible and stop him with a combination of stradegy, information, and team work.

No matter how powerfull you are if your openents plan succeeds it won't help much.

See with enough cunning you can beat an more powerfull foe.

So the way to beat a person with perfect immortality is not to use a glaring weakness which they don't have but to outsmart them. If you use enough cunning and come up with a good enough plan you can defeat them because a temporary victory in my book is still a victory.

 Like how reed richards defeated galactus, reed richards didn't out fight galactus he couldn't so he gained the ultimate nulifyer and gained a temporary victory by convinceing Galactus to leave Earth and promise not to try to eat it again though he latter found away to convince reed richards to make that voy null and void so it was an temporary victory.

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