New Beginning Survival Guide

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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

105) Never try to institutionalize a reality manipulator....just don't.
Bow before your unimaginably powerful overlord!

Wait a minute, I'm currently too busy holding a cork in mid air for petty groveling.


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GENERATION 21: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

106) Do not shoot someone turning into a wolf with silver without definitive proof that they are a werewolf. It may just be Shadowulf1.
Bow before your unimaginably powerful overlord!

Wait a minute, I'm currently too busy holding a cork in mid air for petty groveling.


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GENERATION 21: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


[CENTER][IMG][/IMG][URL=][B]Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/B][/URL][/CENTER]
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

Celadon's Penultimate
In reply to this post by Myself
 HA! Reminds me of my character, Raio Nandeneivious. Mad as a hatter, she was. They found her in the center of a devastated block of demolished buildings and terrified people. But, when she was locked up in Heavenly Vale Asylum for the Mentally Insane, nobody had cared to check up on the reason that she had been driven insane. They thought it was because her parents had died. In fact, it was the manifestation of her power of Reality Bending.

And for weeks, the mental aspect of her ability afflicted her. But, the next day after her mental breakdown, she had gained enough mental composure that she could fundamentally function again; from the end of that day onward, she used her power to forge for herself a miniature world inside her padded cell. She could feed herself, bathe herself, clothe herself, everything. Had the orderlies never come in and bothered her, she would have gladly remained in her little miniature world without a problem.

But, the stupid state demanded that they show the patients humane treatment.

Long story short, she escaped. She rediscovered, with a new perspective, a world which had long since been lost to her. And with fevered imaginings and delusional fancies fueling her changed mentality, the chaotic-neutral reality bender took off into the depths of space-time to take basically a huge tour of all of reality.

She's one of few reality benders that actually exists in numerous dimensions. The Raio Nandeneivious born before her is actually a citizen of Celadon.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

Wow, just wow. You don't get coincidences like that often, now do you?
Bow before your unimaginably powerful overlord!

Wait a minute, I'm currently too busy holding a cork in mid air for petty groveling.


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GENERATION 21: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


[CENTER][IMG][/IMG][URL=][B]Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/B][/URL][/CENTER]
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

107) Don't trust coincidences, especially if reality manipulators are involved.
Bow before your unimaginably powerful overlord!

Wait a minute, I'm currently too busy holding a cork in mid air for petty groveling.


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GENERATION 21: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


[CENTER][IMG][/IMG][URL=][B]Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/B][/URL][/CENTER]
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

108) If you want immortality, just ask around; someone's bound to bestow it upon you, if you ask nicely.
Bow before your unimaginably powerful overlord!

Wait a minute, I'm currently too busy holding a cork in mid air for petty groveling.


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GENERATION 21: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


[CENTER][IMG][/IMG][URL=][B]Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/B][/URL][/CENTER]
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide


109) If someone bestows you with a power (like immortality) just because you asked for it?
Then you'll probably receive it in some terrible or akward form.
For example: granting immortality by turning you into a sentient statue for all eternity.

True colours always shine brighter within darkness. ~ WonderDrow ~
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

Ericus Europaeus (Bug)
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

In reply to this post by Celadon's Penultimate

THat was supposed to be a sub set of rule 77.
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

Celadon's Penultimate
 It's distinct enough to be its own rule. And it came way later.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

This post was updated on .
111) Beware of reality benders playing a game of Calvinball

(although that would be awesome to watch)
True colours always shine brighter within darkness. ~ WonderDrow ~
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

Celadon's Penultimate
(And Calvinball will be even awesomer for us to play in New Beginning. )

112. Objects are people, too. Treat them nicely, unless you're powerful enough to fight them off (in the event a rogue reality bender should happen by and bestow them with sentience)
112a. In the event objects ARE granted with sentience, they always come after the jerks and slobs that abused them all those years. No exceptions. You've been warned.
113. Never stick around when you get a "bad feeling", or feel like something is "not quite right". More than likely, your feeling is spot on (hey, it's a world full of supers...). When in doubt, get the heck out.
114. Feelings of good things to come? Feel free to ignore those. They're much less accurate than predictions of bad things to come.
115. Always keep on-hand at least one Q-tip, several paper clips, a razor, some string, a rubber band and various other knick-knack items. When shrunk to the size of a Smurf, a Lilliputian or perhaps even a Borrower, these things tend to come in handy.
115a. In fact, you'll often find them most effective even when normal size. Seriously, keep them handy.
115b. You're on your own if you get shrunk smaller than any of the above-mentioned creatures.
116. Explosions are a reality bender's way of saying he/she/it likes you. Don't ask how to tell if he/she/it doesn't.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

Ericus Europaeus (Bug)
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

Celadon's Penultimate
 Ever hear of Jokey Smurf?
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

117) Reality warping is not a toy, except in New Beginning, where it most definitely is.
118) If a reality warper is attracted to you, take their love willingly. They can easily force it and you benefit anyway.
119) Some reality benders are nice and will give you nice things like immortality. However, remember that they do not by any means represent all their kind.
120) No reality bender should be used as a model for any other reality bender.
Bow before your unimaginably powerful overlord!

Wait a minute, I'm currently too busy holding a cork in mid air for petty groveling.


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GENERATION 21: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


[CENTER][IMG][/IMG][URL=][B]Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/B][/URL][/CENTER]
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

Celadon's Penultimate
121. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. That is, watch out when people start suddenly being nice to you. Especially if you don't know them from prior to the events of new Beginning, or if you DO know them, and they were not your friend prior to the events of New Beginning.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

122) Just remember that people do not usually assume the forms of their superpower list avatars. Except, of course, Myself, who spends most of his time as a cat.
123) Yes, it is odd to be ordered around by a telepathic kitten, but you need to get used to it if you wish to survive.
124) No, you will not likely find him as a cat at New Beginning parties. He is in his original teenage male form there.
125) We know he changes form a lot. Get used to it.
126) Some who seem to get up to shenanigans most often are actually the admins on the forums. Beware of this and proceed at risk of the banhammer. We hear it hurts.
Bow before your unimaginably powerful overlord!

Wait a minute, I'm currently too busy holding a cork in mid air for petty groveling.


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GENERATION 21: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


[CENTER][IMG][/IMG][URL=][B]Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/B][/URL][/CENTER]
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

127) Try not to tell random teenagers to do their homework. They could very well be your reality-warping overlords having a casual Friday. What is more, they really hate homework.
Bow before your unimaginably powerful overlord!

Wait a minute, I'm currently too busy holding a cork in mid air for petty groveling.


<p align=center></p>

GENERATION 21: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


[CENTER][IMG][/IMG][URL=][B]Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/B][/URL][/CENTER]
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

Celadon's Penultimate
128. Cats in New Beginning= DEATH (ie Myself and the Kitty of Doom)
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: New Beginning Survival Guide

128) a) You're on your own working out which of those two is worse though.
129) Do not rely on the fact of a default form for shape shifters. Some change simply when bored.
Bow before your unimaginably powerful overlord!

Wait a minute, I'm currently too busy holding a cork in mid air for petty groveling.


<p align=center></p>

GENERATION 21: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


[CENTER][IMG][/IMG][URL=][B]Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/B][/URL][/CENTER]
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