Only the lump is considering that the fork sank into the rest of it, which leads me to assume it is either an living creature, or something left behind by a living creature that it is most likely guarding. So I'm going to leave it to someone else until I have at least two people including myself to deal with it.
Mold is soft,which makes the lump suspicious. All of the food was scavenged long before it began to rot, or even before the mold began to form, which means that the lump must have taken it's position there rather recently.
The mold itself is rather suspicious as well actually, it could be the result of the power of whatever left behind the tracks that Vault mentioned, the odds are whatever left them is still in the house.
Vault, the house has a bathroom right? When we get back I'd like to check it for any medicinal supplies that might have been left. Alchohol, asprin, anything, so I'd like to know which floor it's on.
if its where we were there would be no supplies as we would have used them or taken them already...I can only assume we cleaned out the house before hiding as well.
if it's not mentioned it didn't happen, even then there's something we might have missed. Any pain killers are most likely a shot in the dark given Samuel's headaches and the general condition of being stuck in a hole for several days or weeks, but such things as bandages, or rubbing alcohol would have had no need to be used.
Just cause it wasn't mentioned doesn't mean it didn't happen. We can;t narrate every singe detail of the events leading up to the start.
I know we need supplies, bur c'mon all the good stuff we would have taken with us. Unless we're all shortsighted morons to leave supplies in an empty house while we starve below.