I'll tell you right now, and don't you dare laugh at me, that I have seen the face of God.
It was a fish.
God is a fish.
I know it sounds insane, but the farm was dying until it came. I got up real early in the morning and saw it out there, big as an Oldsmobile, flying through the sky plain as day. I went out to make sure I hadn't gone plum crazy, and it flew over and looked me right in the eye. We shared.... something, I don't know what but it was like I was at peace. Like everything was going to be all right. Then it turned tail, and disappeared behind a cloud.
I never saw it again, but ever since that day the crops seem to pull themselves up out of the ground and pests? Why, we haven't had trouble with anything like crows of gophers. It's like everything that fish touched turned to gold. If it wasn't God, it was something very much like him.
Hey son, wanna' learn how ta' make witch balls?