Billy BishopAge: 18
Studies: Death Magic
Appearance: Just imagine an older Flapjack. Curly blond hair, slight frame, near permanent smile. He prefers dressing in dark clothing, and dressing in white is right out. White is reserved for the honored dead, as is the color yellow and most shades of red.
Billy hails from the Millennial Kingdom, which is ruled by a Lich and where the dead handle the cities defense and all of it's labor. He was surprised to learn that the rest of his world saw this as an abomination against "the natural order" and had a pretty dim outlook on necromancers as a whole. Billy has decided to use his entry into this prestigious academy to show people the good ways that Necromancy can benefit society.
As a person, one would describe him as enthusiastic, simply burning with energy. Growing up his parents would joke that if he keeled over dead he would simply hop back up and go about his business without even noticing. He also has a deep respect for the dead, and the first thing he learns in any new land is the death rights of it's inhabitants. He dose not extend this respect to practitioners of the healing arts, whom he views as just necromancers who "give up too soon." He is also very blunt and forward, and expect the same from everyone else. As a result, the boy can not spot subtlety and has problems understanding lies, metaphors, threats, and poetic language.
Hey son, wanna' learn how ta' make witch balls?