Ok, then for now I'll go with this:
Reiko of the Ryoka Tribe
Kata Template [189]
Create Electricity (Psionic -10%) [18]
Control Electricity (Psionic -10%) [14]
Discriminatory Hearing [15]
Clinging (Magnetic -50%, Psionic -10%) [8]
Fit [5]
Total: 249
Don't know whether these are included in the grouping or as Innate Attacks under the control electricity.
Lightning Blade 2d (Burning Attack 2d (Surge +20%, Melee Attack Reach 1 -25%, Link +10%, Psionic -10%) + Affliction (Stun, Link +10%, Psionic -10%)) [30]
Lightning Dragon 3d (Burning Attack 3d (Area Attack +50%, Persistent +40%, Mobile +40%, Surge +20%, Costs Fatigue 4 -20%, Psionic -10%)) [33]
Total with these as separate from other abilities: 312
Then I would like to add on pacifism in such a way that she only fights to defend and to never intentionally harm innocent people. Also, add in that she's a light sleeper and imaginative.