I've got a new power idea and would like some feedback on it.
Title: Supermodel vision
Overview: The ability to look at a person and instantly induce the starnder of beauty upon them.
Description: With this ability, one merely has to look at another person, of either gender, and they will immediately express the standard of beauty in that time and place for a person of their race and gender. For instance, all will become young and females will enjoy low body fat while males will experience rapid muscle growth. Once transformed, they will revert back over time, but the effect can be reapplied. There will be no consequences of transformation in individuals before, during or after the transformation, nor after returning.
-Can be applied to yourself.
-Improve the self esteem of others, possibly for financial reward.
-Effective eternal youth in others, healing of any disfiguring illnesses.
-Restricted to the general standard of beauty, not your own.
-Standard of beauty may be different in different times.
-Cannot be used to bring the dead back to life by returning them to the beauty of life.
What do you think? I'd use it to stop my female friends from complaining about their weight. With my other NB powers, I could also make it permanent.