A 4D being wouldn't look humanoid...
And it wouldn't be right to try drawing a 4D being in a 2D picture. It would only represent a part of the being.
To explain that.
Imagine a 2D creature in the 2D world that wants to make a picture of a 3D creature.
What it observes of another 2D being is the front.
That's a line, so it would draw a picture of it in 1D.
Now what if it would encounter a 3D creature that passes through it's 2D world?
Then it would see that 1D shape change while the 3D creature moves through it.
That's because it's 2D senses can't observe the whole 3D shape.
The drawing would only be able to show a moment of the complete shape.
True colours always shine brighter within darkness. ~ WonderDrow ~