GoblinStrength: Low
Constitution: Low
Dexterity: High
Intelligence: Med
Wisdom: Low
Charisma: Med
Goblins aren't exactly the most impressive creatures. They're small, weak and fragile. Most of them can't quite get when to shut up or flee.. But, goblins are rather agile. They tend to run really fast when they need to, and catching one is hard. Goblins are not, despite popular opinion, stupid. They're rather clever, capable of tinkering with mechanics. Most have a very good sense of space and direction. Goblins are
tenuously related to fairies, and as such, most of them will stick loyally to a deal.
*Goblins are smaller than normal. They must use smaller weapons, but they can reach places and are somewhat harder to hit.
*Goblins are sneaky buggers. Few things can hide better than they can.
*Goblins can practically see lies. If you lie to them, they'll see it all but written on your face.
“She'd become a governess. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. And she'd taken to it well. She'd sworn that if she did indeed ever find herself dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps she'd beat herself to death with her own umbrella.”
― Hogfather