What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.

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What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.

All Rights go to vault boy, if he wants to re post them himself at a later date he can until then I'm going to copy and past each post because I can't figure out how to move them form their original location without leaving a copy of them there as well.
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.


'm bored, so I've decided to read New Beginning from the beginning and post my reactions from an outsider perspective.

Highlights from the first 10 pages of thread one:

1. It was Bohemian Rhapsody. Fiction Integration is the Stand Ability Bohemian Rhapsody and no one got it. Wish, good lord, if only I had been around back then.

2. Zale: "Hey, if everyone has all these powers won't meaningful conflict be kind of hard?”
Everybody else: "Naaaaaaa....”

Myself, earlier in the thread: "We are all now literally unkillable.”

3. “My base is invulnerable and you can't get in because superpower/technobable/wards.”

4. I want to put Neo's continent back in orbit, I don't care if he destroys Australia. It's funny how Mik's and my mind seem to head to roughly the same places in general.

5. WHD argues that the more powers you have, the more creative you have to be. It is as though this man is my opposite.

6. Wulf details his 4 layer blasted hellscape torture dimension and all the fun vacation activites one can find in scenic Celadon.

7. There was this Alex guy that apparently had Darwins power from X-men and everybody hated him. There is also a power that's designed to let you kill omnipotent things, which I find even more suspect.
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.


In fact, let me summarize what happens without any of the OOC stuff. Just the things that happen to the world in those first 10 pages.

New Beginning, A Retrospective by Gentleman Vaultboy

21, November 2012, 7:00 a.m. A date that will live in infamy. Dark Friday.

WHD, Myself and Greenday, and Wish all awaken on Earth to discover they have gained every superpower they have on the Superpower List. WHD and Myself immediately seek one another out and form an Dynamic Duo All Star Tag-Team, becoming almost unkillable because of a bunch of complimentary powers they can share, then start looking for Wulf. Greenday, meanwhile, plays some Maplestory and suddenly realizes he's dressed as his character.  Upon discovering this he calls out to Neogenetica so he can shoot him with an arrow.

Meanwhile, Wish is having troubles. His Fictional World Interblending, while giving him a bunch of neat toys that any nerd would cut off their right hand to own, is bringing all manner of fictional characters to life and causing people to become them. After seeing the damage caused by a pair of rampaging supervillains in giant mechs and almost becoming Timmy Turner, he wraps himself in a protective ball to keep from getting mind controlled by his own ability. As I said before, this is pretty blatantly Bohemian Rhapsody so it's happening world wide. Maybe universe wide. Then the Devil shows up in the bubble with him. Mark It: first villain ever.

Meanwhile, out in space, Wulf wakes up in his beautiful Celadon crib. Wait, let me back that up: Wulf accidentally a planet in his sleep. It's a beautiful, mythical world where he rules as the Penultimate, emperor for life. It's like he died and went to Mormon Heaven. He says it's a combination of powers that caused this to happen, and I like to believe Wish's Fiction Merging had something to do with it too. Also three immensely powerful beings presumably appeared on Celadon when it did, but they haven't actually come into the plot yet. Just covering my bases here. Also it's unclear just how close Celadon is to Earth.

At this point Wish masters his powers and, to keep the normal people from getting too stressed, teleports all the superpowered mess to a different planet. He doesn't say which, so I'll just call it Rad World if it ever comes up again.

Myself and WHD clairvoyance Wulf to find him and teleport in front of him, integrating him into their tag-team which is now more of a Stable. I will be referring to this stable as The Holy Trinity. Myself has heard that Wulf enjoys bases, so he builds a base in his base so he can base while he bases. He then makes it impossible for anyone but him, Wulf, and WHD to enter Wulf's base, which I'm sure is going to be momentarily embarrassing for him when the servants can't get in.

WHD, meanwhile, heads back to Earth and uses technopathy to tell everyone to remain calm and that some people have just sort of become godheads overnight. This man that no one knows, who doesn't tell anyone why this happened because he doesn't know, then offers to train the superpowered people at a place he doesn't tell them how find and is in fact impossible to locate. This mysterious voice/video over every electronic device then tells everyone that "there's a new sheriif in town."  

I don't know about you, but my fears are completely assuaged.

Anyway, he builds an awesome Australian Xavier School as Myself comes back and helpfully points out that, not only have new superpowered beings come into existence, but some didn't like Rad World and came back. Presumably via teleportation. There is pandemonium, fighting everywhere. People with powers that give other people powers are doing just that, making huge gangs that are fighting in the street. It's like a plague. Myself, thinking quickly, teleports them all to WHDs base. Let that sink in: he teleports a whole riot into his friends living room. He does not tell WHD he is going to do this. I'm going to let him knowing about the base, being able to find it, and teleporting a riot through WHDs protections slide on the basis of Tag-Team.

Meanwhile, so far out in space that even space hasn't come into existence yet, Mik floats in the infinite. He is told by a being known as The Jester that someone has screwed reality a little and now everyone on the Superpower List has all their powers from the Superpower List. The Jester then throws all the bad things in the universe at him, to train him in the use of his powers so that he can keep existence from ending.

Meanwhile, Celedon, Wulf decides he's not going to do any fantasy stuff today. Instead, sensing all the troubles, he flies to Earth. This means that Celedon must be fairly close, like uncomfortably so. So not only is there superpowerd riots going on, but there is also a new planet visible to the naked eye just hanging out near Earth. He finds a riot and yells at them, then gets taken out by Killer Croc.

Considering the power scale here, I find this mental image hilarious. Kudos to you, random boulder hucker, where ever you may be. I bet nobody believes him when he says he once knocked out the Penultimate with a rock, but I know his story. I will carry it in my heart always.

Anyway Myself shows up because that guy is everywhere. He valiantly protects Wulfs prone form from the onslaught of deadly deadly rocks, shocks him back to life, and tells him that superpowered armies are now fighting for control of the planet.

Meanwhile Wish is chillaxing on Rad World, and comes to the realization that having all the super powers was super boring. Then the Devil shows up again and taunts him about the fact that, because the Devil comes from his imagination, he is just as powerful as Wish and can not truly be killed. Wish's own power is also his worst enemy. It is on this cliffhanger that Page One draws to a close.
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.


Page Two opens with Wulf throwing point blank annihilation at the rock throwing crowd, which seems to me like seriously disproportionate retribution. He then picks up a fat man and starts beating people with him.

I can only pray for Mysterious Boulder Hucker.

Meanwhile, Myself walks up to Wish (I told you, that guy is everywhere) and obliterated his imagination, killing the Devil in a hilarious anti-climax. He then restores Wish's imagination, as if this makes up for the horrific invasive thing he just did to Wish. He then builds "The Ultimate Horocrux," something that will revive any member of The Holy Trinity if they die. Wulf, WHD, and Myself are literally immortal, invincible Lichs. God help us all.

Cut to Neogenetica, who has been so enthralled by Maplestory that he has noticed none of this nonsense. He hears Greenday's call from downstairs and heads down to see him and has a arrow shot at his head for his trouble. He blocks it though, because he just now notices he has superpowers. Specifically, wards. I'm not going to go into the specifics of how terribly this could have gone if only Greenday had received superpowers because it's pretty obvious. Luckily for everyone Neogenetica does have powers, and he decides to be a benevolent god and grant everyone who doesn't have any one or two immutable powers. There are now no non-powered humans left. Homo Sapiens are now extinct, replaced entirely by Homo Superior. Greenday momentarily blocks this, but thinks better of it. The two go outside an only then notice the carnage in the streets. He then makes this astute observation:

Greenday wrote
He didn't know. When he shot an arrow at his brothers head, he had no idea. He then continues to prove that he may in fact be evil by creating golems and kystians to go out to kill and kidnap people while he sit in his house, creating "Poisons and Super weapons" as he practices "controlling people."

This come to fruition as we go into page three, where he also creates a "fractal crystalloid" to help guard his house and his minions haul back around eight "teammates."

Meanwhile, in Australia, WHD has staffed his Xavier School with invisible clones of himself to do the grunt work. He now has two persona's: a normal one for everyday activities, and a Superhero one, WHD. He apparently has both crazed fans and enemies. He puts out another bulletin, telling everyone that there are super people now, which I can only imagine was met with a collective "Oh, really? Ya' think?" from the entire population of Earth. Anyway, he's been doing the whole "walk the Earth like Caine in Kung-Fu" thing and has ended up in a town that is hostile to supers. Despite everyone being super because of Neo. I guess they didn't get the memo. He then finds a gang of outlaw bikers, kills half of them unceremoniously, has the other half help the town before kidnapping them away back to his base for training.

Lets get into this training a bit: apparently, once you're in WHDs Xavier School, you can't leave and because of the shielding you can't communicate with the outside world. You are telepathically linked to every other person there, and if you're rowdy you are thrown into a power deprivation cell he has set up. You also know this man is totally willing to murder you if he deems you "beyond redemption." Finally, it's managed and maintained by invisible clones of the man who brought you here, so he is potentially always watching.

WHD now has three bases: His old house, one in Wulf's Attic, and the Xavier "School". All completely unassailable according to him. Wish decides to get in on the base action, and constructs one that's presumably on Rad World. This one is also completely unassailable, and can fly and turn into a giant robot.

Page 4 is almost entirely base and power wanking, so we'll pick this up on page 5 and 6. Neogenetica decides to get in on the base building and raises a giant continent called New Atlantic out of the Atlantic ocean, a paradise where it's always summer protected by a horrible cloud of poison that circles the coast and Kystians that attack anything that get's too close, along with "giant orbiting space squids ready to obliterate small countries." It is also not touching any other continent, even though it's occupying space that already filled up by parts of Africa and Europe. So, parts of those continents have been completely annihilated to make room for it. I can only presume that the massive tidal wave that would result from a new continent displacing that much water never happens. Him and Greenday then proceed to throw a fit when it's pointed out that this thing would screw the world up and they threaten to blow up Australia and Celadon if anything is done to fix it. Greenday then builds a Golem made a lasers.

Page 7 details how the two of them took their house to this new monster continent through a tunnel and built their palace around it. Zale pops in and points out that most of the players are complete psychopaths. On that same page Wulf details his Hellscape Torture Dimension.

Page 8, Mik details how he's been fighting angels all this time. He completes his training and slams head first into the Earth.

No new developments happen on the next two pages.
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.

Pages 10-20 AKA Everyone goes crazy mad with blood and power lust.

But first lets travel back in time 2 years for the halcyon days of October 31st, 2010. At exactly 7:20 a.m. the very first superpowered being comes into existence. Bug awakens from his slumber to find that he has all the superpowers he has on the Superpower List a full 2 years before everyone else. Energized by this discovery he leaps out the window and runs off at supersonic speed to find the other people on the site to share the news, or perhaps warn them. It doesn't matter either way, because I can only assume he gets lost seconds after this and stays that way for the entire thread. His only other post in the whole thing was about how he was still searching for them. I like to think that first errant burst of speed put him somewhere in the Amazon rainforest and he remained wandering South America for the duration of the thread and beyond.

Meanwhile, Myself (seriously, he's everywhere) has found Mik buried in the crater where he hit the Earth and helpfully lifts him out of it with his psychic powers. Mik, thinking he's still in training, flips out and pops all of his joints "along with [his] spinal cord." He uses all the powers and traps Myself in a block of indestructible white matter, grows a sword out of his leg, and tries to kick his head off. But then he realizes he's not in training anymore, so he stops at the last second, releases Myself and asks him what's up.

Myself's sphincter slams shut with the force of an industrial press, and so traumatized is he by this event that he immediately creates a realm where he is omnipotent and places another Ultimate Horcrux in there, giving himself triple immortality. I apparently missed a post where he created another of these things to get double immortality and for that I apologize because I missed a chance to reference Hellsing Abridged. This will not be Myself's last redundant immortality.

This all happens before he replies to Mik, so fast it's like Myself never left. Anyway he puts on a strong face and tries to pretend that he's not completely terrified of Mik by having an idle banter with him. He also turns into a cat, perhaps in a bid to convince himself that he is indifferent to this man he is so obviously afraid of. He says he's healing Mik from the horrifying amount of radiation he's being bombarded with. Mik then says that the radiation is just him, as he's been fighting in star cores and things like that.

Let me segue a little bit to talk about Mik because he really is a different beast from everybody else in the game at this point and it bears pointing out. So far everyone else that has appeared in New Beginning has been a normal human given all their powers by the list. With Mik I do not believe this is the case. We open on him floating in a void in space. He's being trained in the use of his powers, something that no one else has to do (Wulf makes this same point in the thread). He has a rival that shows up on Earth later in the thread. Finally, nowhere in his first post is it implied that he received his powers from the List itself. In fact, the entity training him only makes reference to the list as something Mik was researching. Mik probably isn't human, not like the rest of the players. He isn't playing as himself who suddenly gained superpowers like the others, he is playing something else. Something not human. Something, I'm guessing, that already had powers and instead used the list as inspiration on how to give them form. Something shot at Earth to keep this whole reality bender situation in check, but went native instead.

The Jester, Thread 1, Page 1 wrote
Becausae the list came into existence we now have a slurry of omnipowered monsters trying to destroy all of existence."
Considering who got their powers from the List, Miks boss can only be talking about the other players.

That's a lot of words I wrote about Mik. Later I'll write just as many about The Penultimate because his situation is, in my opinion, much much stranger.

Anyway, Myself the Cat asks Mik if he wants to help stop all the crazed superhumans and Mik decided he has nothing better to do while he waits for one of these nigh omnipotent evil badasses to show up.

As if on cue, at 2:15, a man named Spydyr wakes up in his home after a three day coma and breaks everything in his house with a surge of electricity. Intrigued by this he goes out to a park and conjures a thunderstorm, in the process reducing several trees to ash. The murder of these poor innocent trees causes the thread to flip out and declare Spydyr public enemy number one. Seriously, Mik and WHD imminently sense a disturbance in the force and the other aren't far behind.

Wulf is busy in wolf form killing the hell out of that same group of supers he was obliterating at the beginning of page 2, presumably looking for Boulder Hucker so that the mans great power can never be used against him again, when he somehow smells one of Spydyr's powers: Intuitive Aptitude. And this is a power that, as will become apparent, Wulf has a big old honking murderboner for. So he starts killing people faster.

Meanwhile, WHD has found and restored the park that Spydyr so brutally desecrated but somehow fails to find the man himself. He then makes a bunch of clones of himself and tries to find him by detecting Intuitive Aptitude, as he somehow knows Spysyr has this power. Instead he finds a young woman with that power and, not wanting to waste a good opportunity for murder, does just that by apparently giving her a brain hemorrhage when she tries to use it.

Mik asks what he's supposed to be doing and Myself replies "You weren't a psychopath and we need as many non-psychopathic superhumans as we can get." He is completely right, because at this point there's only him, Wish, Mik, and Bug. One of them will be dropped from that list.
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.


Mik makes a point out of character that maybe they shouldn't just be, you know, killing everyone. Instead, he offers to build something that will imprison them so he can suck out their insanity and negative thoughts and put those into a rock or something. Instead Wulf....well....

Shadowulf1 (Wulf) wrote
Oh, my... while I'm doing all that coughing, I pass on Virus: Fungamonus, Virus:  Fungous Amongous and Virus: Virobacteriosis unknowingly, and soon look down again to see that most of the crowd of crazies is either incredibly sick and covered in their own filth and body fluids, or they're dead from the debilitating versions of normally-innocuous sicknesses, or they're zombie-like and passing their sicknesses on to others. The streets smell just plain foul and sickening (especially to my sensitive Wulf constitutions ), and so I decide to get a move on from this city block (taking my lovely mini-army of sickness and sickos with me just in case I should encounter some unpleasantness). Any of the creeps with sickness-immunity powers are conveniently "tripped-over" along the way...
It's the smiley that keeps me awake at night.

Make note that he decides to roll around with this sick death army, because it plays into something ludicrous near the end of thread one. Anyway, after that he wanders around sniffing the air for "maybe a worthy nemesis." That's right, after fighting for so long that his hands were literally too sticky with blood to fight with and giving a crowd of people hypersmallpox Wulf immediately starts looking for more people to kill.

On the topic of people Wulf wants to kill, Spydyr the treeslayer is back home, having tied up his roomate. He's taunting him, circling him, what could this diabolical fiend be planning for this poor- oh. You're just going to send him to Las Vegas? Really? Yeah, okay, Spydyr just teleports his roommate to Vegas. The fiend.

Cat Myself teleports to Wulf, lending his nose to the hunt for the insidious Spydyr. How the two of them can smell anything but Wulfs army of rot is a mystery to me. The last member of the Holy Trinity, WHD, sets all of his senses on high alert to try and detect him. Myself contacts the Army, pulling them out of Iraq and stationing them near all the world major cities in preparation for this attack by one guy. What?

Oh, you didn't know? Myself took control of the secret shadow government and dominates the United States, Russia, China, and Australia. He also got his own army from somewhere. Also the War on Terror was still going on. Despite the superpowered riots happening all over the world and a new continent obliterating most of western Africa the War on Terror was still happening. Those are some dedicated soldiers. While they're doing this, Mik sets up his non-lethal plan to take down all the crazy supers. He sets up little spinning toys that draw all the insane supers of all the major cities into marbles, which he arranges on a shelf somewhere.

Suddenly "1000000000000000000000000000000000x1000000000000000000000000000000000" Fempts, I assume some sort of Kystian creature, are unleashed upon the world by Greeday. If they head to the closet thing they're either going to ravage Greenland or what's left of Western Africa, and the Holy Trinity is to busy hunting down the wicked arboreal assassin to go fight them. Myself even commanded ALL THE TROOPS to defend the major cities of the world, so if they go for Greenland it's completely defenseless.

I just now had a thought: If New Atlantis is right under Greenland whatever happened to Iceland? Oh god....

I'd like to ask you all the remove your hats and bow your heads in respect.

But wait. What's that up in the sky? It's a a bird. It's a plane. It's...! Oh my god I don't know what it is, it's like some sort of horrible demon with wings and an energy tornado coming out of it's back "a god mile in diameter" which we all know is bigger than a regular mile. It's Mik, he's unleashed the inner beast and entered the Bloodrith Throes and he's sick and tired of all these superpowered freaks tearing everything up. He was headed for the Holy Trinity because they're the biggest blips on his radar, but he can put that on the back burner just long enough to Save The World.

He warps space around all the Kystians, containing them before dragging out their collective vital essence and eating it. But not all of it! The bits that make up their minds and personalities he throws back into their own dimension. Even in this huge horrible demon form Mik again opts for the non-lethal option. He then leaves the husks behind to continue on his way.

Wulf meanwhile finds another dude who has that power he hates so much. He menaces and sicks his army of Super Lepers on him.

Back to the heroes: the soulless husks fall from the sky like rain, undoubtedly going to pollute the ocean. Suddenly, they all stop, frozen in midair. It's Wish, descending from Rad World in his shining battle armor. He sucks all the husks up with a rad machine. Greeday get's pissed because he thinks that Wish is the one the stopped his evil army, and plows through reality at him. But Wish it ready for him. All time stops and wish pulls out his anti Kyst, sucking him into it. He then teleports out of earths atmosphere and hits the machine containing Greenday with the explosive force of "a milion suns" to teach him a lesson.

Unfortunately, that machine must have been made of stronger stuff than Wish though because Greenday is completely unfazed and summons " 1 decillion to the 1 decillionth power" Kystians, which Wish eliminates with a sneeze.

Wulf, offended by this great amount of death not perpetrated by him, rips a he in space time and shows up just in time to suck all the corpses into his hellish torture dungeon dimension by eating them. Greenday uses this as a distraction, planting a nuke on Wish, but Wulf eats that to just as Mik, from Earth, saves the poor inhabitants of the torture plane by creating a black hole to suck in the nuclear explosion and teleporting it off into deep space to explode harmlessly.

Seeing his nuke didn't work, Greenday uses everything from mind bullets, to pollen, to fire, to millions of force wreaking balls, to turning into a bird to defeat his adversaries. Finally having enough Wish summons his robot base from Rad World and has it occupy the same space as Earth to protect it from the fighting. That's right, the base is as big as Earth. Rad World must be huge.

Myself, who didn't get the memo, Makes a bunch of arks and teleports select specimens of every species to mars, where they set up colonies.

The fight winds down, Greeday get's beaten but not killed, and the Holy Trinity offer Wish a place in their stable. Wish, somehow sensing that these guys aren't completely on the up and up, declines. Thus rejected Wulf makes the same offer to Greenday, the guy who just tried to destroy the word because he was bored. This offer is also rejected, but he does sign a pack to non-aggression with the Hloy Trinity.

At some point during the fight, Wish sealed Mik into a prison like a jerk. Taking to opportunity to calm down, he transforms back to normal and, no doubt distraught by all the fighting, unleashes a quasar to try and stop it before realizing that it's already over.

But Myself catches that in a pocket dimension because he's everywhere.

Myself then decides to brainwash "the crowds" into chanting the names of all his powers, constantly, in order for his powers to becomes more powerful. I assume these people are "the troops" he had set up to protect the major cities and the people left in the cities after Mik imprisoned all the mad ones. He does all this in preparation for the day when the insidious Spydyr decides to do more gardening.

Wulf finds a bunch of larpers larping with real power. He swings his superpowers around to impress them then, then paralyzes them so he can set his lepers on them and "enjoy it for a while as they slowly but surely encroach upon the fifteen nerdlies, to make them one of their own... "

Then Myself creates a virus that changes Kystians into Humans/Werewolves that he can control. Because, you know, non-aggression pacts aren't such a big deal, right?
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.

WHD has those invisible clones of his stalking Spydyr, ready to pounce if he even thinks about harming another tree.

Zale makes his first appearance in the thread on page 21, stopping Wulf army of the living sick before something really gratuitous happens to those D&D nerds. He appears here alongside Shadow, his literal AND metaphorical shadow, and lets them go. His explanation for only just showing up: he hasn't been throwing powers around willy nilly, so no one noticed him. He hasn't been swaggering enough.

Wulf, on the other hand, has not done nearly enough swaggering in his opinion. He brags about mythpowers to them and is in general so super awesome that most of them pass out or poop themselves. Myself also shows up, but doesn't do anything really. Wulf then takes the nerds as henchmen.

Greenday also finds a group a nerds who's only crime is blocking the street with their castle. They immediately attack for some reason, probably because he's the sociopath that broke Africa and has been spraying Kyst everywhere, and he kills their leader and takes the group as his henchmen.

Mik, meanwhile, has been meditation. His freak out quasar that nearly destroyed the Earth seems to have convinced him that he needs better control of his powers.

Hold on, this just in: The dastardly, despicably evil Spydyr has been sighted. He's begun is no doubt dastardly plans by.... enjoying a coffee in a London coffee shop. Monster. He reflects that there's really no reason for him to destroy anything, what with everybody else doing such a good job of that all on their own. WHD then joins him and they share a coffee. The longest coffee in the history of the world.

Myself then does the old "buttered toast on the back of a cat" experiment and ends up blowing up the planet, but he remakes it so fast that no one notices. Because Dryad first posts not long after this, and because she seems to know nothing about the state of the world, I chose to believe she was actually created when the planet was remade.

Then Wulfs rival, Boomqueefa the BITCH (capitalization not mine), shows up to have a throw down with him. He's happy to oblige her. They will proceed to fight, offscreen, for the rest of the thread. Zale decides to let Shadow off the chain to go help him.

Side note: Boomqueefa? Really?

Mik finishes his new batch of training and pops out right where Wulf is fighting. Doing his best to ignore that nonsense, he begins constructing a pyramid out of the debris.

Meanwhile, Myself says he's coming to visit New Atlantis. Welllllllll, he says that. Then he sneaks in and starts killing Kstians. This is like a dude being invited to your housewarming party, then breaking in through the back window and murdering all of your cats. Then when you catch him in the act, he justifies it by saying that he hates cats, he never said he wouldn't kill all you cats, and has a gun anyway so you can't stop him.

Seriously, that's what he says. He doesn't like them, he never said he wouldn't attack them, and he's more powerful than Greenday and Neo combined so they can't do a thing while he kills all of them. The ones he doesn't kill he infects with  that disease I mentioned earlier that turns them into werewolves under his control. The the members of the Holy Trinity offer their support of this blatant disregard of non-aggression packs from the sidelines. Basically they can do whatever they want to anyone else and they know it, and they aren't afraid to throw that weight around. After he does this, Myself gets to stay and walk around New Atlantis because Neo and Greenday know that they can't do anything to him.

I haven't been mentioning it ever time Myself gives himself a redundant immortality, because he does it a lot, but I will mention it this time because he pretty much creates the Farplain to do it. Then someone, somehow, is using a bunch of Kystians to attack Chicago. He stops them by spreading his anti-kyst plague across America.. Then he goes to Australia, where it turns out the Bikers have managed to escape from WHDs brainwashing center, so he lifts up a lake and drowns them like rats. After this fresh wave of murder, he joins Spydyr and WHD for coffee in London. Then the Thames starts to flood but he fixes it immediately.
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.

So Myself plops down a factory that produces Kystians on New Atlantis by way of apology, and Neo thanks him for this. He doesn't seem to realize that, because of Myself's special virus, every Kystian is really just a werewolf waiting to be added to Myself's growing legion of mindslaves.

Greenday discovers a group of supers who have set up in a pocket dimension in a moving castle, staffed by over 500 supers that have formed a government, schools, and military training centers. Myself Heads in there to visit them. Now HE says that he teleports out because he was imminently attacked, but we've already seen what Myself considered a "Visit", so in all likelyhood he killed a few dozen people before being shown the door. Also he used a power called Safety Net to get out before he was killed, because I guess he's not confident in his sevenfold immortality. Myself heads off to make battle armor for his next run at them.

I must stress that these people have done nothing actually villainous. Myself s specifically planning to destroy their new country to "show them their place on the totem poll." Oh, and he wants to enslave their minds with a virus that lets him use their powers.

Meanwhile Mik has finished construction of his pyramid out of the wreckage from Wulf and Boomqueefas fight, and it turns out to be the base for an anomaly core. It brings mythical species to the planet, gives spirits physical form, and will grant a wish to the first person who makes it past Mik to get it. Like most of Miks events this will be completely ignored by everyone for the rest of the thread, except Greenday who gathers up an army and marches toward the pyramid. I don't think this ever get's resolved, however.

OOC Note: At this point, a dude named the knight of neverending dark shows up, but all of his posts have been deleted. From what I gather, he thinks Mik is Threads bad guy, which is hilarious to anyone who's been paying attention.

We have first confirmation the Myself controls the world media as well as the government, where he apparently spams non-stop propaganda encouraging people to say his powers.

Mik has also set up a little kingdom around his pyramid, building housing for his citizens, when his enemy Rhiolo makes a grand entrance somewhere across the country. This, like the pyramid, is ignored by everyone.

Oh, by the way, Myself made another Phylactery. Earth. He then gives all the citizens who were not under his direct control Conditional Ability Bestowal, turning them into his slaves. For those of you bothering to keep score: all those people now have 3 superpower, minimum.

OOC Note: Mik brings up that everyone is basically gods, which is rejected by everyone immediately. Of course they aren't gods, that would be silly, they're just really powerful. Years later we would have Lords of Creation, where we would proceed to do most of this same stuff that happened in NB but with limits that the guys in NB don't have.

At this point, the thread sort of peters off on a argument between Mik an Wulf that I'm going to get into in my next post. Nothing is resolved, and the whole this sort of ends on a whimper. Just really disappointing.
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.

Now, as the reader, I have the unfortunate job of sorting all I've just read into a narrative whole. First, lets look at the state of the world at the end of thread one.

There's a new continent just sitting in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by an impenetrable cloud of poison gas. Large parts of Western Europe and Africa are just gone. Australia, China,and most of Europe are under Myself's dictatorship, the citizens of which are constantly chanting the names of his power under mind control. There's an open portal to the afterlife just sitting somewhere, basically the Farplain from FFX. Because of Mik's reality altering pyramid, every mythological creature and spirit now exists, and some mountains and forests are alive. There are numerous personal plains littering the surface of the planet that I'm sure Myself never uses. Every person on the planet has at least 3 powers on average. There is not a single non-sick person in the entirety of continental North or South America. Wait, what!?

You remember when I said to keep in mind that Wulf was just traveling around with his personal sicko slave army letting then spread their sick all over everything, and it would play into something ludicrous later on? Well this is it. At one point, yet again in a snit with Mik, Wulf mentions in regards to mindslaves that he already has "a few billions." Now, since he hasn't mentioned mindslaving any Celadonians and since the plague he unleashed somehow give him control of the sickos they're obviously who he's referring to.

A few Billions. Multiple Billions. In fact, for the first time ever in this retrospective, I'm going to be generous to the Holy Trinity. I'm going to assume it's the minimum number of billions to qualify as a few: 3.

The population of the United States in 2012 is 313,914,040. Taking into account the nearly universal rioting, we can actually cut that number down a bit. Even adding in Mexico and Canada, it's not nearly enough. Adding all of South America might be. But, like I said, I'm being generous here. I'll assume the plague works on the spirit things Mik summoned up and the kystians Myself infected with his human/wearwolf virus to top off that number. There we go, a few billion sickos. I'll confess, I read ahead, and Wulf apparently puts them all in a pocket plain sometime after the end of thread one. Now we take into account the 2.4 billion people Mik locked up in marbles.

5.4 Billion human beings. More than half the worlds population is gone. One whole half of the planet is completely void of sentient life, and most of the rest are mindslaves to Myself. Those that aren't are likely still fighting and killing one another or simply hiding and trying to wait out this insanity. This is the world after Dark Friday.

Congratulations, I've seen people try and not come up with something half this grimdark. No wonder Bug can't seem to find anyone.

Let me make it a little darker.

The impression I get, as a reader, is that getting power from this list or any derivative of the list, in the vast majority of cases, also comes with varying degrees of mental damage. It's like Crossed, If every crossed had a super power and some of them became god king demi-urges. Those of you that have unfortunately been exposed to Crossed just felt a mixture of fear and disgust in the pit of your stomachs. Neo's altruistic action only spread the lists influence to everyone. This interpretation is the only way I can reconcile everyone with superpowers becoming either a kill crazy psychopath or a complete sociopath. Most of the ones that don't go crazy even have explanations for it. Zale locks all that up in Shadow (note: kill crazy psychopath), Mik (as I've already discussed) didn't actually get his powers from the list, Dryad was created with her powers after Myself broke and remade the world. The others, like Wish and Bug, represent a small minority who didn't go crazy.

Lastly, I'm going to talk about Wulfs situation. The one I said I found stranger than Miks.

This is Wulfs first post in New Beginning:
Wulf wrote
I wake up, in the bed of my immense palace (due to Author Power Mimicry, I has MythPower: Ode to the Oneiroi, and combined with Power of Imagination, I seem to have dreamed my planet into existence; here I am referred to as Penultimate).

Terryffinda: Good morning, Master Penultimate...

Penultimate: Hello, there...where's Brutus?

Terryffinda: He's off to his afternoon chores...

Penultimate: Don't you mean morning chores?

Terryffinda: It's 3:45pm sir...

Penultimate: Are you questioning me??? I know what time it is! Y'know, my Chronopathy? Ugh. Anyways, it's time for breakfast.

I head downstairs, where my breakfast is waiting for me (my servant Nikolai is intuitive like that), and after my breakfast of  various fruits, vegetables, and exotic never-heard-of before meats, drinks and pastries, MythPower: Philote's Affection allows me to sense that my allies may be paying me a visit in a short while (or a long while if they have yet to learn how to control their abilities)...
... [show rest of quote]
Pay specific attention to the bit in parenthesis, clearly implying that Wulfs powers come from the list and he created the planet Celedon in his dreams while sleeping. But later on, at the end of the thread, Wulf seems confused. In an argument with Mik, he says than he didn't create any of his villains and that "When I say that I created ANY of Celadon, I am speaking out of character." Except that clearly contradicts what he wrote about creating Celadon in his sleep. How then can this contradiction be reconciled. There is in fact a way, and it goes back to Wish.

This is Wish's first post in New Beginning:
Wish wrote
 own hands.

I created a green duplicate of me with the ring.

Then I switch into my ironman costume to go outside and stop the two rampaging mecha.

I'm joined by......Superman

I almost coughed....Superman was my math teacher.

Why was he my math teacher?

Then I realized.....this is fictional world interblending.

Everyone was being affected and were becoming their favorite characters---they were even starting to think that they are the characters.

Suddenly I had the urge to resist.

What am I thinking? I'm being drawn into my own power.

I'm saving the city because my characters would be saving the city not because I wanted too.

It is with this that I sealed myself in a protective ball to isolate myself from the mind controlling effects of my own power.

Suddenly a mysterious man shows up in my protective ball.

"Hello, boy"

It was the devil himself.

What have I done?
... [show rest of quote]
Wulf joins right after Wish does, AFTER Wish is already using Fictional World Interblending. As I've said before, Wish clearly intends for this power to mirror the Stand Bohemian Rhapsody from Jojo's Bizarre adventure.

Read about it here.

Now, Bohemian Rhapsody was beaten by a one of the protagonists simply drawing up a character from their imaginations that had the power to put all the other fictional characters back. So characters you just think up are covered under Bohemian Rhapsody.

Wish wrote
Everyone was being affected and were becoming their favorite characters---they were even starting to think that they are the characters.

I posit: The Penultimates life, as he remembers it, is complete fiction. He is in fact the poster Shadowulf1 under the effects of Fictional World Interblending, and used Power of Imagination unconsciously to build everything in his whole mythology. Wulf is in fact dead, completely subsumed into The Penultimates personality
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.


Geez, it has been a while. I really don't know where to start again, honestly. Okay, let me just try and recapture the appropriate mood here.

*Deep Breath*



I'm going to be honest, not much really happens over the course of the first five pages. If the last thread ended with a whimper, this one begins with an uncomfortable clearing of the throat. At first, it's just office talk. Then there's cat ladies, giant malt balls, a enormous Zale fangirl, Penultimate and Boomqueefa (I can not get over that name) get married and then very quickly have a messy divorce where he slaps her with a divine restraining order that can't be gotten rid of by anyone but him, which just makes me wonder why the hell he didn't just use that on her in the first place. It's all just such nonsense that I have a hard time parsing it, which is why I'm going to ignore it all until it become relevant again and start from the point where WHD revives the thread.

It starts with Myself putting Mik in a room designed to contain "Rogue Reality Warpers" and then killing an immortal man just to see if he can. Then he teleports to a "major crime syndicate's major base" and literally juices them with telekinesis. He then ports to Wulf's big Celedon house to watch T.V.

Yep, there's the New Beginning action I've come to expect/dread.

Luckily, Mik escapes the room easily, either proving that he is exemplary or that Myself is incompetent. The rest of the Holy Trinity (Wulf and WHD, in case anyone forgot) show up in Wulfs T. V. Lounge moments later with popcorn and fizzy drinks to "watch the carnage." What Carnage? Why, that's just what Mik wants to know as he tries to port on over and join them.

Okay, so before he came to Celedon Myself set up a teleportation network that connected his home (where his family still is, apparently. Nepotism.), all his realms, Wulfs house, New Atlantis, "Other places on Celedon," and "other places on Earth," all connected to a central hub/fort realm. It also connects to an island with an alter on it, which gives someone the ability to alter reality at will. This ensures that "The army" (Myself's army?) will fight over it, causing much carnage and death to entertain Myself and his friends.

You think I'm exaggerating? That is it's stated purpose:

Myself wrote
You'll see, when I place an altar on an island in the middle of the ocean. This island is uninhabited, with a hidden teleporter on it.

This altar grants the power to alter reality at will (and immunity to said powers of others). This means it will be fought over by the army, studied and protected.

Meanwhile, we're all immune to the power granted by it, so we can safely watch the petty fights over it by the "normals" (people with powers granted by neogenetica).
He even made it so that it can't hurt anyone with "Real" god powers, in case the mere mortal that get's the alters power finds out about this manipulation and decides to get all uppity. Mik, seeing this, goes oh hell no and hits that alter with a meteor before anyone starts to fight over it, saving countless lives.

Wulf then reveals that Mik isn't even in the real Celedon palace, but an incredible illusion "where all known chaotic entities are automatically teleported when they think they're smart enough or powerful enough to just waltz into [his] territory."

They then get into a little slap fight over this,with Wulf giving THIS as the reason he doesn't want Mik around:

The Penultimate wrote
@second comment: You're not getting in. That's all there is to it. I have no idea why the heck you want to get in so bad ANYWAYS. There's nothing for you here, to be quite honest. No chaos on YOUR level. No DISCORD. And certainly no desire to stir up such. And when it DOES arise, I do my best to squash it. WHD, Myself and I are enjoyin' a nice peaceful day doing basically nothing. So...what business could you possibly have here that makes you want to get in so desperately?
Emphasis mine.

Then Myself decided he wants to research all the technology. All of it, ever. He basically conscripts a bunch of Celadonions, has them develop intelligence enhancing implants, shoves those into their heads, and has them mass produce teleporters, starships, replicator technology, and a planetary shield to pay Wulf for his citizens labor.  He makes no mentions of compensating the workers themselves. Then he expands the teleportation network to include:

Myself wrote
Now, I teleport to Marvelous Miscreant's desert city, leaving an inactive teleporter in my wake. Marvelous can choose if and when to activate this teleporter, granting access to the already-existing network. This network includes:
1) All conlonized worlds.
2) Many on Earth, including:
-My home (requires my permission).
-WHD's base (requires WHD's permission).
-New Atlantis (requires permission from neogenetica and/or Greenday).
-Shadowulf1's Earth bases.
3) Many on Celadon (which all require Shadowulf1's permission), including:
-Several towns.
-Shadowulf1's palace (requires it's own permission from Shadowulf1).
-Some other "useful" locations.
4) One in each realm, including:
-The "hub" realm.
-The "fantasy" realm.
-The "prison" realm.
-The "enjoyment" realm (I think most will get that, think "bunny outfits").
-The "utopia" realm, where all desires of it's occupants come true without need for any powers like reality warping. However, this cannot go against certain rules set by myself (although they aren't very restricting; enjoy) and Philote. This is Philote's realm, as I haven't fulfilled my promise from long ago, so you'll have to ask him for permission to enter.
-Phylactery realm/s: Hiding places for my phylacteries. You may enter them, but you cannot touch the phylacteries. This requires my permission.
5) The extra-dimensional room (in a realm, but in it's own classification). This needs permission from myself.
... [show rest of quote]
  Wait, Marv, what? Phi?

I feel as though I've missed something.

Then page ten rolls around and everyone remembers Miks Pyramid and decides to destroy it because, well, okay they actually have a good reason for that. Mik claims it will destroy the world. But, then again, Mik claims that he the demon form was a superpowered evil side and that all that did was save the world.
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.

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The only notable thing that happens on page eleven is that Rhiolo and Boomqueefa take over the Legion of Doom headquarters. They do so just as unceremoniously as the previous sentence. On page twelve Myself traps Mik in the playboy dimension, but he escapes this trap as easily as the last one. Then he....

jester_of_god wrote
 "In News today, in addition to the sudden appearance of super powered lunatics still causing mass mayhem on a global scale, apparently every Hippie, Vegetarian, Terrorist, Politician, and death row in mate in the Known world have disappeared. In other News a new island has been discovered in the center of the Pacific Ocean, which appears to be entirely inhabited by Sentient humanoid creatures who seem to obey all orders given in any language, but seem to be incapable of long periods of rational thought, several of which appear to periodically transform into random animals and objects, including, oddly enough, Beautiful women. More on this At eleven."

Really? Vegetarians and hippies on the same level and terrorists? What's the cut off age, does it grab everyone who was ever a hippie? What about small town politicians, people who just wanted to get involved with local government and make their town better? Mindwarping and transformation, what in gods name?

I can't. I Can't.

I Can't.

I feel so betrayed right now.

Oh, and they're conscious of what's happened to them, that's just perfect.

Betrayed and disappointed.

A mysterious person is spotted in Japan helping to clean up the devastation because everyone is still crazy and still murdering and blowing things up indiscriminately for some reason. Also, you know, all the diet members just vanished into thin air to become sexy girl mindslaves, so the people in charge of getting things under control are just gone. In fact, every country just lost all of it's national and local leaders, so I imagine they're all running around now like chickens with their heads cut off not knowing what to do. Except, I guess, Myself's mindslave utopian societies, but those people don't know what they're doing anyway. I'm not even sure they have leaders.

There's another thing: these last two posts are relaid to us in the format of news broadcast, and I'm wondering who it was that's still able to 1). get information this quickly with all the chaos and 2). care enough to put the information out there. It's not Myself (god knows those people don't need news) so I'm going to conclude it's some Japanese station for simplicities sake.

Mik then brings back the island of Atlantis "in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean." Quick, what's the problem here?

Times up! Something is already in the middle of the Atlantic; New Atlantis, the big horrible megacontinent. So let's just move Old Atlantis down here, a bit under New Atlantis. They have super advanced technology, but they're thankfully peaceful. Still, I can't help but think they're not too happy with this whole situation. "New Atlantis", who the hell are these guys with their awful poison surrounded country. And it's bigger too, innit it? And infested with weird bug person/werewolves. I'd be ticked off. That seems like the sort of thing that would weaken your brand.

For the hat-trick, Mik then spawn an ideal crystallization of Chuck Norris. This is the beginning of a hilarious series of events because A). The Chuck Norris joke flies over everybody's heads, and B). No fictional idealization can be cooler or more powerful than their fictional idealization.

It is then that Mik releases the 2.4 billion people he had trapped in marbles, hopefully clean and free of that awful bloodlust that seems to grip everyone who has superpowers. So there, this is where we get, finally a population that isn't crazy or mindslaved to someone. Taking bets on how long that's going to last.

Myself then creates a self replicating Alex Mercer, whom he tells to "Go nuts" in an enemy base underneath the water of New Atlantis. I am again not sure who the enemy is, because they haven't done anything. I mean, he says that they were trying to take New Atlantis over but you'd need a bit more than a single base to subjugate an entire continent. But, oh no, they replicate two much and escape onto New Atlantis. What a pickle, the place he says he was trying to save is now under attack by the very force he sent to save it. The place he's already attacked without provocation just because he didn't like it. By the army he says he could make stop at any time if he wanted to, but he just doesn't want to.

Myself did New Atlantis wake up sheeple. What else isn't he telling us?!

But wait, that's only 3/4ths of the Mercer army. Where's the res- oh. Ohhhhhhhhhh,

They're going for Chuck.
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.

So, the Kystians and the Mercers start fighting, but everybody pretty much forgets about that immediately in favoring of piling on to Chuck because Mik just isn't allowed to have nice things. Including Neogenica. The guy who's under attack by the Mercers.

The thing is though, I'm not sure a confrontation ever actually takes place. Sure, Myself employs drop bears and turrets against Chuck, Neo grows a bunch of trees so they have ample drop coverage, and Wulf summons up Gaugamon, the bringer of Doom to layeth the smackdown, but the description of this epic clash of titans is passed over entirely in favor of arguing over how the fight would go. Everyone just assumes that Chuck goes down.

How many anticlimaxes are we at now? I've honestly lost count.

Also, the Mercers were after Chuck so they could absorb him and do one final push into New Atlantis, destroying it. But that kind of just doesn't happen, the whole thing gets dropped. Maybe they didn't win after all, maybe the Drop Bears won and killed everybody. But the Drop Bears and the Mercers were both controlled by Myself, so they have no reason to fight other than his sick pleasure. Maybe Neo bribed them over to his side with delicious eucalyptus leafs and got them to kill everything, using this gambit to save his country. Maybe Myself is as bad at turrets as he is at prisons and they just mowed everyone down. Maybe Wulfs monster swallowed everyone. Maybe Wulfs monster never actually showed up to the fight. Maybe Chuck actually won. We'll never know because, and I can not stress this enough, no one described a fight actually occurring.

Anyway, Mik losses it. He opens up his edgy little headspace and unleashed every monster that's ever plagued his nightmares onto the Earth and Celedon. To be fair, he immediately regrets this rash action after he calms down and with good reason because, according to him, these things are able to toss him around and he's a New Beginning character. He describes each of them for us, a old man is a star garment, a demon who looks like a rotting corpse flanked by zombies, a swarm of huge mosquitos being ridden by inside out goblinoids, a reality manipulating tree that lives in a great maze where physics doesn't make sense, "A race of vampires". And that's just the ones he can describe. He warns everyone about these grave threats. Like most things Mik tries to do, this is disregarded and ignored.

Dryad show up now, at the top of page 19, jumping between everyone (I guess they're all in the same place now? Honestly, keeping track of who is and isn't is a given place is really hard. I don't even know where they're supposed to be. Gonna say the remnants of North Africa, that's pretty close to New Atlantis. In fact, it make sense that the "Enemies" Myself started all this to kill would be based here, they have the most reason to want to take over New Atlantis seeing as it crushed their homes by existing) and bringing up a literal wall of fire to keep anyone from fighting. Wulf immediately threatens to kill her for this flagrant disrespect.

Nothing happens on page 20, everyone just argues about powers.
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.

Gentleman Vaultboy
It's at this point Mik just says screw it and decides to take a vacation. He pulls Chuck up out of the ground to train his army for him in case, I don't know, Myself decides to "visit" the civilization that's built up around his Anomaly Core. You know, the reality altering one. That's still around, no one has done anything with it yet.

Anyway he leaves the Monster King, another aspect of himself, in charge. Huh, for some reason this all seems horribly familiar. Mik claims that he's a slightly more evil version of himself, but this proves to be all talk as, spoilers, he doesn't actually do anything evil in the thread.

Wulf, being bored, decides to try and use Mik's Anomaly Core to create a new villain for them all to fight, which he really doesn't need to do so because he created all his villains. But screw it, he'll mindslave some helpless sap to do it for him. Mik's vacation is immediately interrupted because the world can't last two seconds without him around to make sure the others don't blow it up, and he snipes Wulf with a beam mad of pure nothing as a way to express his objections to this horrible, awful, wasteful plan. Wulf, of course, no sells the attack but nonetheless agrees not to go through with it when Mik reminds him the Rihalo and Boomqueefa (remember them?) are still around, having taken over the Legion of Doom. Both insist they they are handling them, despite doing nothing to actually handle them AND the fact that they haven't done anything since kicking a bunch of super villains out of their clubhouse. Which I'm pretty sure makes them more heroic than Wulf and Myself at this point.

Also, didn't Wish teleport all the fictional stuff off world? So they aren't even on Earth, they're chilling on Rad World. Probably drinking coffee in that big Legion of Doom meeting hall.

Oh, also:
Wulf wrote
Uh, we're handling them as well. I was saying that if not for US, the planet would be screwed...dog products
Do I even have to say anything?

They're still board though, so Myself opens up portals to the Substitute Battle Arena universe and lets a bunch of nasty beast in to wreak havoc. That's not me, that's exactly what he says. "To wreak havok."

Hey, you know what hasn't happened in a while? That right, a redundant immortality! Let's see what Myself has cooked up this time, shall we?

Myself wrote
Here is how I guard my latest phylactery:
1) I create an extradimensional room with the phylactery inside, heavily guarded.
2) I give it the power to be impenetrable except if you have all 13 "keys" to the realm, which I hide individually, but I do not need them.

Some ways I hide them:
1) I make a personal realm in an isolated location.
2) I put the key in the personal realm, inside a heavily guarded fort.
4) I disable Omni Vampire in this realm.
5) I drag Alex into it, giving him Omnipotence, Omnipresence and Omniscience (although I can overpower him) and a relationship with Shelby Webster inside this realm, on the condition that the key is not removed or destroyed.

Beat that!

I also do similar things -heavily guarded realms protected by a guardian who, as long as the item is intact and inside the realm, experience their dream world, as well as adding additional defenses and putting them in secluded locations.

The 13 keys:
1) Me (my soul/consciousness, which has it's own protections). This is obviously protected by me.
2) A throne I give to Shadowulf1. It enhances all his powers exponentially.
3) A gift to WHD. It has a function of his choosing.
4) The aforementioned realm. This is protected by Alex; I feel sorry for any poor souls stupid enough to embark on the journey for this key.
5) A government satellite, capable of scanning the globe with several methods and has the ability to read minds. This is protected by a secret guardian.
6) One ring, given to another friend. She's not going to let you near it very easily.
7) One in Marvelous' city. It too is a power-boosting throne.
8) One which bonds to Jester's life force, so he must die permanently (well, at least to the point of needing someone to resurrect him) to get. Should he be revived afterwards, it rejoins his soul. This does come with a benefit though; while in his body, it will resurrect him if necessary, in addition to multiplying the power of each of his powers by the number of powers he has (besides mimicry).
9) A kyst enhancer -the power ofeach kystian within range is multiplied by the amount of kystians present. This affect kyst powers in the same way. This is given two guardians -neogenetica and Greenday -to put anywhere on New Atlantis.
10) Inside my friend, who has Alex Mercer's powers. This will continually bring him back, but to be removed, he must die permanently.
11) Secret.
12) Secret.
13) Secret.
Orwellian spy satellite, making his friends targets. To be expected. Marv, you have a throne sitting in a Kethencian warehouse somewhere just gathering dust. And you know, I take issue with portraying Alex Mercer like he's some sort of invincible, unstoppable monster that can regenerate from a single cell. I've played [Prototype] and you know what can put him down for good? Sustained gunfire or blunt force trauma. Same stuff that kills regular people.

Oh look, everybody reacts like he hasn't done this a million times already. He's already immortal, you can't make yourself more immortal than immortal. It's not like dressing for cold weather where more layers help.

He also makes New Atlantis and Wulfs house teleportation hubs so they can come and go from their to the hub world at any time. He then builds a tranquil valley on Celedon full of mythical creatures, because I'm sure Celedon didn't already have like a million of those. He then builds an army of cats, giving them each human level intelligence and an individual power in addition to, surprise surprise, mind control and the ability to add more cats to the cat swarm. Neogenica then triples the cat population to help out. In gratitude, Myself gives him command of a third of the cat army, to be taken back to New Atlantic with him. Well Myself says he give Neo command, but he says in the same sentence that the cats are still under his control. So, this mind controlling cat swarm, that can add any other cat they meet to the swarm (who I can only assume also become loyal to Myself) is now in the country that Myself intentionally attacked once and "accidentally" attacked another time. Neo see's absolutely nothing wrong with this.

You ever hear the phrase "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever?" Myself and Neo's relationship comes off a little like that, except Neo wants to be the boots friend and thinks that it has the best of intentions for him. The stomping is just a charming character quirk, you see. He invites the boot over for Sunday dinner. He see's the boot on the street and stops to chat about his day. "Oh, hey there boot, how's it going. Hey man, you want to go play racquetball or- oh okay we're just gonna do the face stomping thing again that's cool buddy."

----Vault's Confused Question Corner----

Going on to page 25, I actually have a few unanswered questions. One's that aren't answer to my satisfaction in the thread itself. So in order to give myself some context to work with, or just to satisfy my curiosity, I'll occasionally ask for clarification on a few things.


Question 1). There's this guy, Alex, that's been mentioned a few times. In Particular, Myself seems to think that this guy would be some sort of unclearable hurtle when it comes to guarding his various immortalites. Who is this guy?

Question 2). Could someone give me an effortpost on exactly what this Kyst thing is, and what Kystians are? It's explained in the thread that its some sort of living dimension squashed between the others, but I don't understand it's relationship with Neo and Greenday.
Hey son, wanna' learn how ta' make witch balls?
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.

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1) Alex was an old user that had a power called conditional immortality or something similiarly named. It made you immortal, and indestructable, and allowed you to integrate whatever had last tried to kill you into your powers or just anything used against you, and gave you complete control over it. Like say for example I postured what would happen if I just trapped him in a timeless space less void. Wulf said thanks to the power he'd just adapt to it become invincible to anything related to voids, and then have complete control over anything related to voids. This made me angry for a bit as I continuously tried to come up with ways to kill him before I realized that I had somehow created an ability that could kill him retroactively before I ever heard of conditional immortality called Immortal Slayer.

2.) As far as I can figure Kyst are alot like baby kthulu that come in a variety of fun and playful forms.


What I find ironic about the first one is that everyone had a coctail of powers that basically did the same thing, making them completely immortal and invincible to pretty much anything and everything because 'I say so' which I found annoying but now just find laughably hilarious. Looking back on it with my ability if it weren't for everyone either straight out ignoring me and saying it wouldn't work because of their invincibility I would have been the biggest threat given the second they could have been described as immortal all I would have to do is touch them or even just make contact with something containing a fragment of their consciousness or being and they'd die, but the wanking contest ignored that.
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.

Marvelous Miscreant
In reply to this post by Gentleman Vaultboy
Thanks to you GV, I am now aware of this odd anomaly of Myself constantly referring to me and my creations well before I entered NB. I never knew about this stuff until now since I didn't read all the previous threads to prepare. Now I'm kinda curious as to why Myself did this if I wasn't even reading it to know he'd done it. was someone supposed to be telling me? Did e think I was participating in New Beginning at that time. Was it meant to be a surprise that never got revealed to me?

These are questions I need to ask him next time he's online.
Praise the Sun
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.

Myself even mentioned me once before I joined in. He must get around the multiverse a lot.

1. He had super adaption to the extreme. He had posted this power called Perfect Immortality or something of the like onto the main SPL site. At first the power seemed in line with the site's rules of not creating completely overpowered powers, but then he created a discussion on the forums and started revealing what the power was really supposed to do and many viewed it as him trying to intentionally slip past the rules.

For example, say you tried to punch him. He would first adapt so that the punch didn't hurt. Then he would think "People punching me really isn't that fun" so he would adapt a power that prevented people from punching him ever. Then he would become so adapted to the concept of punching that he could control the very aspect of punching itself. The thing is, you wouldn't even have to punch him to start this chain reaction of events as just the possibility of him getting punched would begin the adaptation. He could retroactively become immune to any power and adapt to use any power better than the original version instantly.

2. I'm not sure if it was Neo or GD but one of them was the inventor/creator of the kystians and the one who actually submitted all the powers for them to the main site. It was one of the biggest series along side the mythpowers. The combination of being on the main site, being such a large series, and being one of their main powers in the NB universe is what made them strong. From my understanding of it, it was a giant living dimension that contained a lot of highly duplicated super powered creatures that they could summon in swarms.
Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?

1 Corinthians 13:1-3 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.

Save it for the DVD commentary guys, but yeah if i remember correctly the main reason Myself did this was because he became mixed up as to what was happening in which RP at what time, so in some cases he would refer to happenings in LOC in NB.
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.

When I started reading this minutes ago, I began to laugh harder than I have in quite a while.

I think I may make a YouTube video of me narrating New Beginning, perhaps with help. What does everyone think?
Bow before your unimaginably powerful overlord!

Wait a minute, I'm currently too busy holding a cork in mid air for petty groveling.


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GENERATION 21: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


[CENTER][IMG]http://www.wizards.com/magic/images/whatcolor_isblue.jpg[/IMG][URL=http://www.wizards.com/magic/playmagic/whatcolorareyou.asp][B]Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/B][/URL][/CENTER]
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.

In reply to this post by Marvelous Miscreant
If you need to ask me a question, do not hesitate to send me a question (or several of them) on Facebook.

To answer your question, I have no real idea.
Bow before your unimaginably powerful overlord!

Wait a minute, I'm currently too busy holding a cork in mid air for petty groveling.


<p align=center></p>

GENERATION 21: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


[CENTER][IMG]http://www.wizards.com/magic/images/whatcolor_isblue.jpg[/IMG][URL=http://www.wizards.com/magic/playmagic/whatcolorareyou.asp][B]Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/B][/URL][/CENTER]
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Re: What the flying ####: AKA: New Beginning a Retrospective by Gentlman Vaultboy.

In reply to this post by Philote
I remember that. It was horrible.

The entire site teamed up to either create new strategies, add counter powers or both. It took a long time.
Bow before your unimaginably powerful overlord!

Wait a minute, I'm currently too busy holding a cork in mid air for petty groveling.


<p align=center></p>

GENERATION 21: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


[CENTER][IMG]http://www.wizards.com/magic/images/whatcolor_isblue.jpg[/IMG][URL=http://www.wizards.com/magic/playmagic/whatcolorareyou.asp][B]Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/B][/URL][/CENTER]
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