So, the group has managed to get past the Beholder, so now the co-dm and I will be splitting the group.
They're on a mission to collect twelve idols and assemble them to achieve great power.
Little do they know that when assembled in a final temple, the idols really summon Chutulu.
At any rate, these idols are in twelve temples arranged in on a ring of islands.
Each will have a different theme.
The first was a warning, full of abberations.
The second two is where we split the party.
I'm taking one, the other dm is taking the other.
I'm thinking about having it as thus:
The temple was originally full of Chaotic Evil Demons, placed there by someone evil who didn't want Chutulu to be released.
However, the sheer amount Chaos of both the Demons and the Idol itself attracted the attention of some other extra-planar entities..
The Formians. Lawful Ant-People with a policy of aggressive expansion.
A small hive crushed most of the Demons a few days or hours before the party gets there, they plan on grabbing the idol and retreating to a temporary hive they've constructed. The Queen doesn't know the purpose of the Idol, but she plans on destroying it or sending it somewhere to be destroyed.
Then enters the party. They find a few Dretches fleeing into the outer parts of the temple, then walk through to see countless demon corpses about, pinned against walls and similar.
Eventually, they come across a tunnel with a few Formian workers who haven't seen them yet.
What happens afterwards is a manner of how they react.
If they do the unlikely thing and try to talk to the Formians, I'll have the Queen contact them telepathically and allow them to try to convince her to help them kill the huge boss demon and gain the idol. I might even include a few goodies from them, maybe even a Formian posse. Or allow the Hive to act as a town or something. I'll make the Hive HUGE if they don't fight, so they can gulp and be relieved. EXP for finding a way to roleplay out of the situation.
But if they do the likely thing and try to attack..
Well, I was looking up how to make a GLADOS voice for a reason. The Queen will swear vengeance and they'll have to fight the whole damn hive. I'll shrink it down, of course, to keep from insane long turns. They'll get exp for murdering the shit out of everything and all will be happy.
.. And then have to fight the boss weakened and without any help at all.
“She'd become a governess. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. And she'd taken to it well. She'd sworn that if she did indeed ever find herself dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps she'd beat herself to death with her own umbrella.”
― Hogfather