Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

Then how would it affect a non-living thing?
“She'd become a governess. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. And she'd taken to it well. She'd sworn that if she did indeed ever find herself dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps she'd beat herself to death with her own umbrella.”
― Hogfather
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

Why wouldn't it, you don't have to be a living thing to have a perception of time.

Hmm....let's see it would probably affect an inanimate object by controlling it's rate of atomic decay, or if you isolate it in which the area around it repeats the same event over and over you could create an area in which a state of super erosion occurs.
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

Not really.

That would be physically affecting the environment, not it's perception of time. Something has to alive to perceive  time, but not alive to experience time.

A rock doesn't know five minutes have passed, but is affected by the passing time.
“She'd become a governess. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. And she'd taken to it well. She'd sworn that if she did indeed ever find herself dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps she'd beat herself to death with her own umbrella.”
― Hogfather
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

percieve=being able to observe something and or be affected by it...

Exactly what are you asking.
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

Celadon's Penultimate
Um, that's not what perceive means.

Perceive means to be aware, and therefore is a capability only inherent in sentient creatures. As Zale said, inanimate matter would be basically incorruptible by time, if it were limited to a perception of motion. I mean, even if a rock moves, it is not aware of such, and people who are not able to perceive when they are being influenced  are still affected by time (take a possessed person, for example; they lose consciousness while their body is being dominated, but their body continues to age), so what is the defense of that? It seems there is none, unless time is a force, an actual influence, instead of an imaginary notion thought up by humans, like the equator. Those who can influence time do not bend it by perceiving it (or changing their perception of it), and those who can perceive it cannot necessarily bend it. It is a force, not a sensory stimulus, although sensory acceleration/deceleration can allow similar faculties to those of time manipulation and time travel.

In addition, it is my theory that time is the force which accelerates, decelerates, stops and/or reverses molecular progress and entropy, rather than the actual molecular progress and entropy itself. The motion or immobility of matter is not time, nor is the perception of the motion or immobility of matter; rather time, is simply the engine to produce those things, the means by which we can perceive and recall those things. Time is the producer, not the product.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

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I use percieve for lack of a better word. Inorganic matter percieves the flow of time by being generally affected by it.The only differrene between inorganic matter and organic matter is that organic matter is a lot less stable than inorganic matter in most cases and therefor will decrease at a faster rate. You still seem to be using time as a type of energy in which the workings of the universe are allowed to continue. I never said that time was an imaginary concept invented by man, I said that time was a dimension that physical objects are able to be affected by but not control. We are able to only see small segments of the time stream at a time, and we as physical objects are only able to exist in one field of time as well. My theory of time is, although I am ashamed to say this, similiar to the theory represented in the stephen king novel the The langoliers. In this book time was demonstrated as being seperated into different days which each existed in their own dimension. As we approached the next day we enter the next dimension which holds tommorow. My perception of time is similiar to this except instead of days time is seperated into impossibly small incrimants in which motion takes place. Much like the images in a cartoon. Once again I would like to state that time is not a force it is a dimension.

Okay this guy is beggining to flounder so I might as well wrap this up . Your were right in some respects concerning time in that it allows the movement of matter throughout space. yet in my opinion you are wrong in the statement that time is a physical force composed of energy, like electro magnetism, gravity or radiation. Unfortunately time is not that simpe. Other wise we should have already found a way to more easily control it besides applying a great amount of physical motion to simply slow down an objects atomic moovement by a few micrometers a year. Like he said earlier time is  like the pages is a book, but not the average books in which humans read form on a daily basis. More like a book in which is recorded an infinite number of symbols incripted with other symbols in which each symbol describes a certain place and an action occruing within that place. time itself would be the pages in that book in which your theory of time takes place. the books pages would continually flip forward in that one direction to convey a symbolized feeling of motion. In this respect it is easy to slow down time by forcing your area's symbol  to move forward while the rest of the page remains still. This is also why moving backwards in time is much harder than moving forwards in time, because it is similiar to pushing in the opposite direction of a mechanical motor. It is possible to reverse time by applying a constant amount of force to move the motor to push it slowly backwards, but to achieve large jumps in time you would need to apply a large amount of force to punch through the motor and force it back a significant amount of distance. However it is much easier to simply step back from the motor stopping it from pushing you and simply walk towards the section that you wish to be. and then step back into the force of the motor in that new space. By the way Controllor of the horned demon king just because he has a limited vocabulary in the english vocalizations concerning this type of discussion does not mean that you can use that to try to poke a weak point in a theory, it''s just that he used the wrong word. . By his definition objects do percieve time by simply being influenced by it and reacting towards it. Turthfully if he wanted to have gotten his point across he probbly should have explained it more thouroughly but se la ve to reason, he usually shortens things by using a similiar definition, oh well. But listen your idea that inanimate objects do not percieve time simply because they do not seem to age is not entirely true. Everything in the universe ages because it is designed to opperate using a specific set of chemical reactions that are included to be activated at a certain period coupled with the correct influences. biological objects simply age at a faster rate beause they go through more chemical processes which allow them to have life, which subsequentially causes them to tear themselves apart.  Thus leading to what you call aging. By the way the arguement that you tried to use with a possessed person does not pose a threat to the theory because their body is still being affected by the flow of time, AKA the flipping pages of the book, and there for still percieves time to a certain level. And please don't try to include another challenge to this theory simply by using the word percieve to try and disable my arguement with the human perception is limited arguement and it could not work without it being a force of matter. As I have stated before I believe that time is not an energy or focre as you tend to explain it but is instead a dimension of space itself . I believe that he continually uses cartoons as a referrence to this, oh well as I have said before his vocabulary is limited in these fields and he often uses similies.

By the way Master of the Horned demon I am well aware that you do not like the large blocks of text that are often produced in forums because of their large length and difficulty to find the cohherent ideas, but I do not have the time or the interest to seperate them at this point, but then again he'll probbably seperate them later out of guilt or some other trivial emotion of some sort. So Lycanthrope I await your rebuddle.
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

Celadon's Penultimate
Time is a force. It is a force, or an energy, or an influence, whatever you want to call it. In its absence (or the effect of it being slowed down.stopped, we see temporal stasis; if it is accelerated, we move faster; if it is decelerated, we move slower; this is not accomplished simply by moving forward or backward or sideways through what you describe as the dimensional equivalent of a book. If it were so, then time could not be distorted ONE way in CERTAIN places, while working totally DIFFERENTLY in OTHER places; it would make sense if you accelerated ALL of time to a certain interval, but it doesn't.

Ex: Bridget Morses (Tock from the RP) can cause time to work erratically for different areas. One area will work normally, while another will become erratically fast, or erratically slow, or even stop. She can also allow others to time travel with her. How would this be accomplished? By somehow projecting her perception of time to others, when she accelerates it into the future?

Ex: Zoom the comic book villain I mentioned earlier, can cause time to affect himself differently, while the rest of time moves normally, and he uses this on a regular basis to achieve superhuman speed. He can pass this on to others. Therefore, he can decide to extend the altered flow of time to others.

Ex: How would you explain the abilities I created, Temporal Spike, Quiescence and Obliteration? These all affect one's temporal presence; Temporal spike is a spike of temporal force formed into a sharp spike or shard that can cut foes, while also randomly making them speed up, slow down, stop, or blink from time completely. Quiescence allows you to acquire a temporal version of intangibility, in which I intend for the user to escape the forces of time (which in turn renders him immobile). Lastly, Obliteration allows one to blink a foe from the face of space-time, so he seemingly doesn't exist; this correction of the space-time continuum wipes you from everyone's memory except the one who used this ability (and those with Reality Perception/True Sight). If time isn't a force, then these abilities I created are invalid, correct?

In addition to these, perceive is still a term limited to living things, despite your own interpretation of the word. Look it up. It does not mean to be affected by. If that was the case, then everybody can perceive thoughts, fate, life, death, space, time, energy and matter. It makes no sense. And what makes you so sure that our scientists are so advanced that they would have found a way to measure and alter time by now? That seems a bit arrogant, even conceited to me...surely you jest...
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

First. I referenced time as a book, every symbol in such a book is described to say what happens in that certain action. if you wish to accelerate time while still using the book similie you could say that you simply cut that area from the rest of the book therefore making it act seperately. Once it is seperated from the main page you can cause it to flip forward faster or slower, or stop it completely, while the rest of the book moves at it's regular pace. This is the example I used earlier when I was talking about the field of influence.

Temporal spike= a localized field of influence surrounded by a flow of energy. once set in a certain direction it will continue in that diection until the field makes contact with a certain physical object. Once it makes contact the energy serves as an anchor as well as a destabilizer which causes a small section of the object to be forced apart. meanwhile the area of influence encompases the object and causes it to move differently through time based on a preprogrammed instruction

zoom and Bridgett= I believe that he already explained this earlier while he was descussing the fields of influence.

Quiescence= Creating a field of influence around yourself in which time does not move. Affectively causing your symbol to remain the same on each of the pages from then on until someone invades your territory and starts it back up.

Obliteration= affectively cutting out the symbol that describes you from the book, therefore erradicating all of the interactions that could have sprouted from your existence, forcing the book to rewrite itself to remain stable and make up for your non existence.

Did I not tell you that percieve was an incorrectly used word on the part of this idiot. We were origionally looking at time from the human standpoint which is our best and only observation of time. We can not ask a rock how it percieves time, yet we know it is affected by it.
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

Celadon's Penultimate
The Quiescence was a bit off, but you know, whatever. Not important.

So, let me get this straight. It's more comprehensible for you to think that the universe has an intangible coding system encompassing the known Cosmos, than to think that time is a force that operates on a purely quantum-mechanical level? Interesting.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

It appears that you are trying to insult my mental or logical skills with that last post. I find it harder to believe that time can be considered as a purely physical force that is somehow completely intangible and seperate from gravity, and energy, or perhaps we are indeed speaking of two entirely different things...
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

Celadon's Penultimate
What insult? I wasn't being sarcastic. It's a psychological thing I guess; just like an atheist finding it easier to believe that RANDOMNESS governs the affairs of the world instead of an intelligent, purposeful God. No harm intended there.

In addition to that, I was saying about time, not that it is purely physical; it is metaphysical. Similar to gravity. You can't feel it, but you can see the results of its effects. It works on a quantum physical level and so only psychics can perceive its workings. It seems to make sense one way for me, and another way for you. And who knows? It could be a combination of both;maybe all time-constrained dimensions are contained within a vast super-dimension that is subject to temporal influence, while anything outside of that mega-dimension escapes time's influence. On that strain of thought, some superhumans can defy the effects of time, twist time to produce different effects, or even travel through time like a teleporter travels through space.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

ahh physics...humanities attempt to explain the incomprehensible...Oh well Se la ve to reason like I always say each to his own. I guess that this rant arguement ends with a sort of tie then...for now.
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

btw which one of us was the aethiest in that comparison, because my theory seemed more order based on a premade plan, while yours seemed to be purely mechanical. Eh, never mind it doesn't matter.
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

Celadon's Penultimate
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In reply to this post by jester_of_god
lets hope it's permanent; I do so hate to quarrel...

PS: neither of us was an atheist in that scenario, I was just using that to show contradicting viewpoints; and IO wasn't saying it was purely mechanical, I was saying that the force transcends our own physical grasp (still supernatural, so don't strike me, God! )
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

right... besides I would hate for this forum to be turned into a giant discussion concerning the workings of the universe.
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

Celadon's Penultimate
not that that'd be a problem; technically, this WOULD be the best place for it...
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

true, but it would be slightly annoying fot the others
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

Celadon's Penultimate
yeah, quantum physical talk tends to get boring and annoying really quick, haha
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

Gravity is not always considered a force...

According to some theories, gravity is just the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of matter.

General Relativity. Fascinating.
“She'd become a governess. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. And she'd taken to it well. She'd sworn that if she did indeed ever find herself dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps she'd beat herself to death with her own umbrella.”
― Hogfather
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Re: Superhuman/Supernatural/Paranormal Rants (or Props)

Celadon's Penultimate
yeah, I know... Maybe it's a quantum theory thing; at some level time and gravity are forces, and to some extent, they are directly related to space
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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