Since I'm not sure anyone understood me when I said it the first time I'll say it again.
Schools of Magic
Protection (dealing with wards and protective enchantments to defend)
Restoration (dealing with healing and the restoration of energies)
Fire (dealing with all things fire)
Wind (dealing with all things wind)
Storm (dealing with all things weather)
Earth (dealing with all things earthen)
Water/Ice (dealing with all things water and ice)
Illusion (to cast deceptive illusions to fool others)
Summoning (to summon familiars and useful items)
Charms (to craft charms for use in both battle and everyday tasks)
Enchantments (to craft enchanted objects with different effects)
Destruction (to corrode, decay, rust and plague)
death magics (to control the dead)
There may be others but I haven;t quite thought of them yet so feel free to suggest some.
Praise the Sun