physics regecter, spacetime indemnity, gravitational resistance, perfect immortality, and will materialization vs invulnerability, superhuman speed, superhuman strengh, anywhere flight, and infinite staminia
Here are the discribtion from Superpowerlist.com
I know the first combination sounds a bit overpowered but the over groups abilities balance it out
Physics Rejecter
When you have this ability, physics doesn't apply to you. It's automatic. So, no need to activate it. Do anything that physics says you can't like: Flying, running through walls, teleporting, the possibilities are endless.
Spacetime Indemnity
This ability renders a person unaffected by the constraints imposed by the forces that represent time/space. Action, perception, experience, when & where he exists in the universe is free to be controlled. This enables one to: move into any space in the known universe with just a single step, perform multiple tasks in different places simultaneously in no time at all, exist in past, present, future simultaneously, act freely even if time stops & exist even in the absence of space.
Gravitational Resistance
The power to be immune to gravity so you can jump and not have to come down fly, walk on air and you have a very slim chance that you will fall.
Perfect Immortality
This power is the ultimate gift and curse. It's the ultimate gift because you can never die by any means and you are invulnerable to all kinds of damage, can never get sick and you stop ageing after you turn 30. Also, you will adapt to survive in whatever environment you are in and you will never have to eat, breathe or drink and you will never get tired. It's the ultimate curse because everybody else will die while you'll live forever. In fact, you will survive after the universe is destroyed.
Will Materialization
This ability utilizes the mind of the user to materialize his will in the physical world. This enables him to create a myriad of weapons in all forms and size he can think of with their own unique abilities. Anything formed by this ability is impervious to change; It will remain as it is in form, composition, ability, purpose, its place in the universe, and its existence in time and space as long as the person 'wills' it to be. The user also percieves everything in the midst of his creations.
Noting can hurt you, ever! You can never get shot, stabbed, burned, or wounded in any way.
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman speedsters can run at speeds of up to Mach 1 for extended periods. Their thinking processes, hand movements, eye motion, and reaction times are similarily faster. These energies are fueled by either massive amounts of food or an absorption state during sleep.
Superhuman Strength
With this ability, you will have the perfect physique and will be able to lift over a million pounds. You will be incredibly strong, but will have absolute control over how much strength you're applying. For the ladies, this ability applies to you too, but you won't look too muscular.
Anywhere Flight
This power allows you to fly anywhere as fast as you want--even in space--by forming an air filled, pressurized force field around you. The force field needs at least minor concentration to maintain.
Infinite Stamina
You can exercise all day long and never get tired. You can run a long distance race at your fastest sprinting pace. If you can do something once you can do it millions of times. Unfortunately you can't ever sleep. Also, you have to actually work for a while to be strong and you still won't be super strong. If you're slow you'll still be slow you just won't ever get tired. But if you put in some work you'll be like a batman who doesn't ever have to take a break.
Who would win?