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Technique-based Power Creator
be so proficient with a superpower technique that it becomes a superpower of its own.
A power technique is any way you use your powers to perform certain tasks. With this, whenever you master a technique, it can become an ability of its own. For example, with Telekinesis, you can train to get the power to propel anything. If you only lose Telekinesis, you'll still retain the power to propel things, but you won't be able to freely move them. If you only lose the propelling power, you can still propel things with Telekinesis but you'll be less proficient. This power is automatic.
The actual number of superpowers you have is higher than the ones you acquired.
There's no limit to how many techniques you can develop from a "root" superpower.
If you lose the "root" power, you'll still be able to use the techniques turned into superpowers.
You can't decide when a technique becomes a superpower and not all techniques can become one.
Some conditions to become an ability are the complexity, the proficiency and the originality.
Some other conditions are the specificity of the task and the combination of abilities.
moves, abilities, mastery, refine, tasks, performance, training, honing