Fair enough, but can we find another word to use for someone who's all powerful, all knowing, and practically invincilbe besides onmipotent or "very powerful/seemingly nigh-omnipotent. or nigh omniportent. it's actually getting to te point that I've actually considered going back in time, "in the roleplay," and wiping the negation powers and powers like super power list from existence." I don't really think that powers that directly adress the list, or powers that allow you to shair abilities or be immmune to abilities simply because you hacve them are actually that fair in this RP.
I get what myself said aout how some negation abilities are needed because that is the only way to defeat some enemies, but that's not neccessarily true, case in point immortal slayer, or the soul manipulation abilities, or the tactics I've been using to survive in a fight with you guys
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