What a wonderful perfume. Orpheus paused to say.
Then the missles struck. Most of the reapers were foribly dematerialized by the force of the blast. The Shadow went from fluidly reaching to leap to staggering drunkenly around. Orpheus was reduced to a small pile of bones.
With Marv closing in, it began to look like this would be over soon.
Then the bones of Orpheus began to move. They slowly started to rise and recollect themselves. A flowing black robe appeared.
That was my favorite suit. The Shadow also seemed to be at least trying to shake off the force of the blast, but she was tired. The fights had begun to wear on her.
She considered her options. When fair fighting doesn't work, then only one way remains.
Time to cheat.
The shadow waved her sycthe and screamed. The Reapers were coming. Normally one hundread strong, their ranks were depleted by the fight.
But still, eighty of them managed to appear. Ghastly skeletons, withered hags, dark dogs and translucent men all appeared. Each one of them a deadly force, a reaper of souls. All under the command of one, slightly psychopathic shadow.
But they were not alone. With them came the magic minions. They were small and blue, made more of shifting energy than anything of substance.
"This is gonna be fun." The shadow whispered gleefully.
“She'd become a governess. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. And she'd taken to it well. She'd sworn that if she did indeed ever find herself dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps she'd beat herself to death with her own umbrella.”
― Hogfather