The Watchman
Overgod of The Oppressed and Just Causes
Power: 2
Precision: 2
Perception: 5
Presence: 1
The Watchman watches and listened, and prefers to aide mortals with their causes indirectly due to his belief that they should stand by themselves.
Stealth (5)
The Watchman has an uncanny ability to place himself where he will not be noticed, even among the gods.
Escapology (2)
The Watchman has the uncanny ability to slip his bonds and escape the most well-designed of cells, traps, ambushes, and even disengage from a fight he knows he will not win.
Tools of Revolution (3)
It may be heroic, but swords just aren’t his thing. Axes, scythes, hammers, peasant weaponry is more his forte.
=Tool Of Office=
The Watchman’s Mask:
Reincarnation (6)
The Watchman may, upon death, be born again from any of the Watcher Servitors with no damage done to his domains.
Okay, moment of truth time: did I do this right?
Hey son, wanna' learn how ta' make witch balls?