Yesterday had an amusing moment in the MMO I'm playing (GuildWars 2).
They added a PvP minigame to it where you have to run and jump to get first at the finish line.
With powerups that make you run faster, jump higher, etc.
And powerups to hinder the other players, make them fall in the abyss etc.
Some high altitude obstacle course.
Now the thing was. You can get achievements with it.
And one of the achievements is when you get 1st.
So I was with a group of other players and they started complaining that some always took first place.
And we agreed to let the slow players win in turn.
I didn't think other players would listen to it. You don't get better rewards by getting first, but it's a game after all.
But they actually did!
It was kinda fun waiting with the faster players in front of the finish line till the slower players caught up with us. :p
True colours always shine brighter within darkness. ~ WonderDrow ~