Fifth New Beginning!

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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

sorry, I'm in a unique mix of tired and over worked.
Welcome one and All to the Jesters Carnival, where the prizes are greater than your wildest dreams, but the nightmares here shall silence you before you can even scream.
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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

Marvelous Miscreant
In reply to this post by jester_of_god
My cameras will be recording this battle regardless of anything you say.
Praise the Sun
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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

...even if they're instantly destroyed the second you step onto the red soil.
Welcome one and All to the Jesters Carnival, where the prizes are greater than your wildest dreams, but the nightmares here shall silence you before you can even scream.
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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

Marvelous Miscreant
They will be working and recording regardless of what you say. You have no control over my cameras.
Praise the Sun
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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

In reply to this post by Ericus Europaeus (Bug)
As the demons appear, I calmly pull out some of my weapons. They look like an ordinary staff and scepter, but when I hold the staff out, several of the monstrosities become encased in black holes. While they are immobilized, I fire rays of holy energy at them with the scepter, while great rays of energy rain down from the sky.
You aren't symmetrical. You. Aren't. Symmetrical.
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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

One of the creatures slowly begins to pull it's arm out of the black hole and turns it's head towards the bolts of energy from greenday's spear, and opens a large cavernous mouth. It swollows the beam of light and it's bodybeins to glow in an array of odd rooms, before it opens it's mouth again and regurgitates the beam back at the group. The ray's raining from the sky are suddenly stopped by a large, clawed guantlet that suddenly appears above, "Ah ah ah, no  space weapons." The guantlet abosrbs the energy and redirects them to it's claws, firing out lazers back into space aimed at the lazer cannons, before dissapearing.
Welcome one and All to the Jesters Carnival, where the prizes are greater than your wildest dreams, but the nightmares here shall silence you before you can even scream.
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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

I desummon the Kystians that had fired them before they could get hit. I block the beam of energy from the monster with a forcefield, then jump towards the one with the gauntlets, smashing them into a half-mile deep crater with the force of my punch.

"And I was holding back." I spat in his direction.
You aren't symmetrical. You. Aren't. Symmetrical.
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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

In reply to this post by jester_of_god
Oh joy upon joys, more demons. I sigh as I balance on my hand and swing my leg at one using two powers at once. The power from my omnistrength blow is converted to spiritual energy. What happened next could mostly be described as a breach between this world and the spirit one along with the force of several thousand hydrogen bombs, and that was only on the earthly realm.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

In reply to this post by GreenDay
There isn't one with guantlets, that was Rhiolo.

On a side not: The spit landed on the monsters body and its body jerked, producing a series of loud audible cracks, as it's body swirled out of the hole, it landed on the ring of the crater, and thrusted towerds Greenda with a large clawed hand.
Welcome one and All to the Jesters Carnival, where the prizes are greater than your wildest dreams, but the nightmares here shall silence you before you can even scream.
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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

I meant "one" as in person, because I forgot their name
You aren't symmetrical. You. Aren't. Symmetrical.
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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

In reply to this post by jester_of_god
And I used "spat" as an expression. I didn't actually spit at them.
You aren't symmetrical. You. Aren't. Symmetrical.
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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

In reply to this post by neogenetica
...honesty at this point i can't tell if I should stop Rhiolo from destroying the univers or you guy's from destroying the earth in the fight against Rhiolo.

The spirit force blasts the shadows of of the beast which reveals an odd humanoid skeletal structure covered in bones, the beast's skeleton dissasembles itself, annd merges with the others as it's shadow follows, making each one more durable and with higher strength.
Welcome one and All to the Jesters Carnival, where the prizes are greater than your wildest dreams, but the nightmares here shall silence you before you can even scream.
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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

In reply to this post by GreenDay
Your no where near Rhiolo, We'll get to him later, after we finish the monsters off. , but do you actually want to engage him in a fight this early?
Welcome one and All to the Jesters Carnival, where the prizes are greater than your wildest dreams, but the nightmares here shall silence you before you can even scream.
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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

In reply to this post by jester_of_god
I look at Rhiolo with a blank expression. So this is the infamous Rhiolo, strikingly similar to other Jesters. I suppose that it was you who decided to try and open a gate to all the hells of this world. Normally I wouldn't care, as long as I could open a gate to all the heavens to balance it out, but you seem to only favor the more diabolical side. Ah well, looks like its time to fight. I manifest a layer of protection around myself above already defending clothing and concentrate it around my solar plexus and vital points using Pursuit. I launch through the air converting unlimited physical power to unlimited spiritual power and attack.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

In reply to this post by jester_of_god
Fine, I instead powered my punch with holy and divine energy when I hit one of the demons, destroying its essence. As the others converge on me, I do a low spinning kick, knocking some of them down, while others jump out of the way. I create two thin layers of forcefields seperating them, then charge both of them with divine energy, while giving them an extreme gravitational pull, then force the bottom one down ward, squishing and destroying the ones beneath it, while sending the top one upward, then slamming two parts of it together, squishing and destroying those demons.
You aren't symmetrical. You. Aren't. Symmetrical.
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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

In reply to this post by neogenetica
"A job's a Job" Rhioo's  image flickers for a second and you suddenly find yoursel an inch away from plowing into the gorund at the feet of a group of monsters. Marvelous's cameras catch a replay, Rhiolo warped behind you, and grabbed you by your left heel, seperateing a sphere of space time around the two of you from existance, and rotating the entire thing in the opposite direction, sending you spiralling towards the ground without ever altering your direction at all. "Now let's see, where was I, Rhiolo turns back towards the gate and begins to pry it open again.

OOC: At this point you should still be at the edge of the chaos, a good sixty to fifty miles away from the three bringers of the apocalypse. but for some reason I'll allow this, and the guantlet was a warp in space time caused by Rhiolo's rality bending in order to deflect the lazer.
Welcome one and All to the Jesters Carnival, where the prizes are greater than your wildest dreams, but the nightmares here shall silence you before you can even scream.
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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

Rhiolo suddenly feels a sharp pain and sees what looks like me having landed a blow on his abdomen. I turn towards him on the ground having seperated myself from the demons. You should watch out for those who can defy space and create mitoic clones of themselves. The clone of my is wiped out from existence as I wave my hand. Now lets be serious, shall we?

OOC:Got to go.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

Ericus Europaeus (Bug)
The author has deleted this message.
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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

In reply to this post by GreenDay
OOC:...Your really underestimating these things durability, the shadow form itself, can break diamond after about three of them die. And unfortunately holy energy has no affect on these things, their not demons, their more similiar to a mix between Golem and homunculi powered by pure Chaos.

The ones you had thought you destroyed liquify and converge, making on roughly two times in height, and apparently four times as fast as they were before. As you suddenly find out after being swatted three feet deep into a rock hill.
Welcome one and All to the Jesters Carnival, where the prizes are greater than your wildest dreams, but the nightmares here shall silence you before you can even scream.
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Re: Fifth New Beginning!

In reply to this post by neogenetica
"Interesting, you hear a voice behind you, I was about to say the same thing." While still facing Rhiolo feel a clawed guantlet thrust through your chest, as chains appear to it, binding and chaining your very soul to the gorund, as the other Rhiolo materializes a large blade and starts dropping towards you at nearly the speed of light.

OOC: I said we were still taking care of the Shadow beasts but whatever, just be glad that this is a projected copy instead of all three of them fighting you at once.
Welcome one and All to the Jesters Carnival, where the prizes are greater than your wildest dreams, but the nightmares here shall silence you before you can even scream.
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