Have you ever heard of Dunbar's number?
It's an interesting thing, related to how primate brains store information. It is based on data from other primate groups where there is a strong correlation between group size and the size of the brain's neocortex. Basically, the bigger the Neocortex in a species of ape, the lager the groups those apes form. You can predict the among of monkeys that will band together, based on the size of a certain part of their brain.
Dunbar's number, for human beings, is around 150. That's the hard, biological limit on the number of stable social relationships a human being can have. That's not 150 people that you like. That's not 150 people that you see often. Those 150 people are the only people your brain can recognize as being other living breathing human beings. Everyone else you meet? Bit parts, extras in the movie that is your life. Unimportant. May as well be cardboard cutouts. Or ants.
That's why you're not constantly sad about children starving to death in Africa, but feel upset when your pet gets hit by a car. The pet was one of your 150.
So no, I don't think superpowers are a good idea.
Hey son, wanna' learn how ta' make witch balls?