I updated Ability Linking, so if you use it to link together certain combinations:
- Any power + Ability Cancellation or Ability Jump-Start = that power becomes uncancellable (Ability Cancellation and Ability Jump-Start are uncancellable because of their respective purposes
- Any power + Mimic Absorber = that power becomes unmimickable (if a duplicator uses power mimicry on that power, a copy of the linked combination is created; Mimic Absorber will then delete its own mimicry before it reaches the duplicator, but because deletion is carried on to every linked powers, the copy of the other power is deleted as well
- Any power + Coffin Teleportation = that power becomes unstealable (apparently, teleporting out of a coffin is unstealable
- Any power + Power Boomerang = that power becomes virtually unstealable (if a power theft is attempted on that power, the power will come back, that is the reason I created that seemingly useless power in the first place
- Any power
s + Enhancement: Untouchable + the power enhanced by Enhancement: Untouchable = Makes all linked powers unstealable, unmimickable, and unalterable, including Enhancement: Untouchable itself (this nicely removes the limits of Enhancement: Untouchable, namely enhancing only one power and the stealability of Enhancement: Untouchable