Heres the roughdraft I guess, may need some work.
Name Hevasto: for the moment anyway.
age: Actual unknown, physical in comparison to human= early twenties, fledgling thunderbird.
Appearnace: Large yellow and blue raptor easily the size of an elephant. Human appearance= Masquerades as native American mail roughly six foot four. Shoulder length black hair filled with various pebbles and charms woven in. Ox hide jacket and pants.
Powers & Abbilities:
Disaster sense= Able to read the patterns of nature and sense upcomming danger in order to warn others of it's approach.
Wind control= can generate large gust of wind with a wave of the arms/wings. enabling high speed flight in spirit form.
Lighting generation: Can generate damaging electricity from the tips of his fingers/wingtips. In bird form a more devastating blast of lightnign can eminate from the eyes,only able to use at most twice a day. Fingertip lighting unlimited.
Tracking= through perhaps an added perk of danger sense, he has a hightened sensory awareness and is able to track creatures with startling profeciency.
Personality: Distant, shows little emotion, and often drifts into long periods of trance in which he is studying a single object or feature of an object. Analyctical fighter, often waiting for the opportune moment to make an attack while reading the opponents moves.
Likes: Nature, storms, rain, new things.
Dislikes: urban areas, city areas, "Civilized life in general", Wanton killers.
Memory= Location memoy: Memory of the plains. A solidified memory of the American plains and flatlands. overexposure leads to the deveopement of the need for travel and wandering. Prologned exposure warps mental and spirtual state towards that of a nature elemental.
Welcome one and All to the Jesters Carnival, where the prizes are greater than your wildest dreams, but the nightmares here shall silence you before you can even scream.