I see an immense difference...
There is a scale in fact (in MY mind) as to the level of pleasing, amazing or remarkable feats)...
-1 or lower: bad to worse to really bad/sucky to terrible/horrible to "ARGH!!!" to "Time to Panic"to Catastrophic to apocalyptic to "DAMN"...and beyond
0-1: Meh- less than okay, believe it or not. It doesn't really catch your attention at all, and is easily ignored or forgotten
2-4: Okay- unremarkable, but not totally unworth of attention (perhaps you only remember it for a short while, or remember it for a long time, but maybe forget the guy who did it)
5-7: Good/Pretty Good- yielding a pleasant result, and worthy of note; something significantly good is always appreciated
8: Great- yielding a more than just good result; it may even put a smile on your face, and/or is somewhat unlikely (like hearing a song you haven't heard in a long time that you REALLY like, or getting a "B" in a subject you're "okay" at)
9: Wonderful- something that kinda makes you happier than you thought you would feel; this is typically reserved for family events involving close family members (graduations, spending Christmas with the parents, marriage, divorce, etc.)
10: Awesome- something that makes you maybe smile wider or laugh harder than you normally would, and is really hard to believe and quite often makes you want to document it, see it again and/or perhaps show friends
And THEN we have...
11+: See normally, scales go only from 1 to 10, and maybe negative numbers if things are really bad, but if we go past 10, then we enter into epic territory; feats of an epic magnitude? Seeing an incredibly wonderful movie/hearing an incredibly wonderful song (lowest), making a really difficult shot in basketball, if you SUCK at basketball (higher), doing a nearly impossible daredevil stunt (high), being a celebrity/famous (Pret-ty high up there), having superwpowers or going on an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime journey (OH crap, that is EPIC!) and being divine (OH MY GOD, YOU'RE A GOD!!! this is like the ∞ on the number scale, of course...nobody ever reaches divine, but it is often used jokingly to describe an act, instance or feat of awesomeness at an epic level)
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…” --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)