...okay Jester o you think you could handle this.
Jester: honestly I don't see why you cant' mostly from what I've seen it seems tht you directed most of the players actions int the first mission.
I know but I'm trying to make it a bit less controlled
Jester: That would quickly dissolve into mass chaos.
True, do you have any suggestions.
JEster: How about 0-1470193251-4890980-978-7_)&_)*#%&)#(&^t#74976"indesciferable white noise."
....give me a description in english please.
Jester: Okay how about you just create the character yourself and control it yourself.
I can't it was made by someone else, I've got a freaking mental block.
Jester: Ah, then have him killed off almost immediately or dissolve into a background character used exclusively for portals, and replace him with one of your own design.
That's actually a good Idea.
JEster: did you doubt I would come up with one.
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