2 to 2 so no one won.
“She'd become a governess. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. And she'd taken to it well. She'd sworn that if she did indeed ever find herself dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps she'd beat herself to death with her own umbrella.”
― Hogfather |
Super Speed vs. Super Strength
GO! |
This is a complicated one... super speed seems obvious to win. Not sure how super strength would be used against super speed. I like speed so I will say super speed.
I think super strength could win quite easily. It would be difficult to take down someone with super strength if speed was your only tactical advantage, regardless of how fast you could ram something into them. Super strength could stand in one place and clothesline super speed...maybe. I think my money might still be on speed, but it would be close.
I think Super Speed definitely wins. Just give the Speedster a knife and the Strong Guy is as good as dead. Also, if Super Speed comes with superfast reactions, the Speedster could easily avoid any physical attacks.
In reply to this post by Scotch
That could work, unless the super strength guy was extra resistant to physical attacks, as it is in most cases. So I'm not prepared to give up the argument.
But, I have an even better one. Slow Loris vs. Wallaby. Not superpowers, I just wonder which one would win. Youtube them if you don't know what they are. |
In reply to this post by Scotch
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Yup true. On second thought with super strength you could challenge Mark Henry and really perform worlds strongest slam. Note: I am still voting super speed, just wanted to say that.
In reply to this post by Captain Jade Tigereye
Look, seriously guys, you have all ignored THE most powerful ability of them all, e.g. empathic mimicry, which is the ability to replicate other peoples powers simply by thinking of the person who has the power. Over time, you will become an all you can eat buffet of abilities, and you will own whoever battles you. Disclaimer: You have to be an empathic and kind-hearted person for this power to work properly e.g. Peter Petrelli
Okay, with that in mind, who would win in Empathic Mimicry Vs. Empathic Mimicry! OOOH! OzaMy Gahd! Iza Craziness!
Actually, I have a better one. Empathic Mimicry vs. Ability Countermeasure, which I insist is the best power on the site. Do you think they'd be able to keep up with eachother?
By the way, Does anybody know where Zale went? |
Now that you mention it... haven't had any life signs of him lately. Maybe on vacation?
Oh no! Not Vacation! We never see him again! We gonna Die!
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Well, that was dark (hahahahahah). But yeah. I know. Its just been like three weeks. Its freaky.
wow, i've missed a lot of posturing and vs related conversation, so I'm gonna go ahead and catch up with my theories.
Plant Manipulation vs Geokinesis Okay here's how I figure it. A Geokinetic has complete control over earthly, non-processed minerals. By that I assume they have control over soil. Plants need to sap nutrients from soil in order to live, a Geokinetic could prevent this, therefore the Plant Manipulator has no living plants to use to fight back. Geokinetic wins. Super Guinea Pig Squeal vs Lotion Mimicry The Lotion Mimic bodily transforms into the Lotion of choice. The Super Guinea Pig Squealer emits a high frequency sonic wave. Sonic vibrations increase in amplitude and frequency when travelling through a liquid medium, so therefore if the Lotion Mimic uses his ability he instantly becomes more susceptible to the Guinea Pig Squeal. Guinea Pig Squeal wins. Water Manipulation vs Fire Manipulation A tough one. All in all, agreeing with pretty much everything you guys have said both for and against each power I think it'd result in a tie. At best the winner would probably be either the smarter or quicker to react of the two individuals. But since to be impartial we'd have to make each individual an equal in everything but ability, its a tie =/ Gravity Manipulation vs Teleportation Hmmm a toughy if physics is brought into the equation properly. Since Teleportation implies movement through space, either by bending space so that two points are connected momentarily, or by transmitting particles at near light speed (scientifically less probable) I think it is at a disadvantage. Gravity itself warps spacetime. So If both individuals are equally well versed in their abilities and have equal 'power levels' for lack of a better term, the gravity manipulator (by using his ability to alter gravitational fields) could warp spacetime to an extent that the teleporter cannot teleport, anchoring him in one place. By that reckoning I think Gravity Manipulation wins Cryokinesis vs Telepathy Given that impartially, both are equally well versed in the use of their powers, and if both powers were at their highest level of 'strength' (again for lack of a better term). The telepath without a doubt would win. Convince the mind that it is is mortal pain and it could shut down out of shock for example. The Cryokinetic can't do much without a fully functioning mind. Super Speed vs Super Strength A VERY interesting one if you think of the science behind each one. Super Strength would require that the individual in question had a radically altered anatomy. For one, increased muscle mass that produced less fatigue poisons when under stress would be a must, then to support that additional muscle mass, not to mention the weight of any exceptionally heavy object s/he could theoretically lift, a much denser and structurally sound skeleton than the current human skeleton. The additional mass of both mucle and denser skeleton would make the Super Strength character or classic 'Tank' character much slower and/or cumbersome as a result. Now the Speedster on the other hand, in order to not only survive at superhuman speeds (lets say travelling at Mach 1) but would require numerous anatomical enhancements, the least of which being nictating membranes over the eyes to prevent the eyes being dried out whilst travelling at supersonic speeds, a much lighter yet also structurally stronger skeleton and much more elastic muscles and tendons that produce much less fatigue poisons. (Think about it, your foot hitting a concrete floor at Mach 1? a very quick way to wind up wheelchair-bound). Taking all this into account, the likelihood of the Tank even landing a hit on the Speedster becomes non-existent, and even giving the Tank the advantage of increasing resistance to physical harm (which is being overly generous since there's no reason Super Strength would bestow that additional ability) a Mach 1 punch to the face is still pretty likely to cause permanent brain damage even if it doesn't do much damage to the denser cranium. and finally Empathic Mimicry vs Ability Countermeasures This one for me was a no-brainer. If we put both individuals in a controlled environment neither would win. It would tie. In a controlled environment only the base powers would be looked at. If you found an Empathic Mimic before he mimicked any abilities his base power, since it is passive, wouldn't give the Ability Countermeasures character anything to counter. Thus rendering the abilities moot. Then since (in a controlled environment) both characters would be equal in every perceivable way, it would tie, with each individual being as strong, as fast, as clever, etc as each other. BUT, that takes all the fun out of it, so lets say the Empathic Mimic has the same power set as Peter Petrelli from heroes, Induced Radioactivity, Flight, Electrokinesis, Time Manipulation, Invisibility, etc, etc, etc,. All the Empathic Mimic would need to do to defeat the Ability Counterers power would be to select a passive, non-combatative power and use it in an innovative way. For example Flight. Since the Empathic Mimic isn't technically using Flight against the Ability Counterer, he won't develop a countermeasure to it. The Empathic Mimic takes the opponent to 1000ft and lets go. The Counterer can only counter abilities not adapt to a dangerous situation. SPLAT! Empathic Mimic wins. |
Smart guy mean. He make fun Scotch brain-logic.
Well played, Mr. Darkside. Nice solution to the empathic mimicry problem. I can't seem to find a way around it. Yet. Still, concerning speed vs. strength, do you think a super speedster could really deliver that kind of punch without breaking a bone? Or two? Or three? Or 206? |
I'll concede that the the Mach One punch to the face may also inflict some damage to the Speedster also yes. But so longer it was administered as a jab, then the only part of the Speedsters body that would be injured would be the bones, muscles and tendons of the fist and forearm, the Tank would still be knock'ed unconscious or even severely brain damaged. Nobody said the wins had to be clean....
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Sorry Dark, I was just being objective. The Super Strength ability in and of itself doesn't bestow resistance, I just thought I'd add that in since most characters in comics etc. that have superhuman strength also seem to have superhuman resistance to physical injury as a byproduct. I was just showing that even *if* we took that as a factor Super Speed would still win out.
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