Arthur Walter
Morph: Armadillo
Normal Mode: In his normal form, Arthur is a stout man of average height with a few tattoos and brown hair.
Hybrid Mode: When using his hybrid form, Arthur becomes more like an Armadillo. He becomes shorter and more board, with leathery plates along his outer arms and back. His fingers also become clawed like an Armadillo.
Strengths-Increased Durability
Arthur is far more durable in in hybrid form, due to both toughened skin and the leather plating.
-Burrowing Abilities
Calling on the Armadillo side of his morph, Arthur can dig swiftly through most dirt and earth. He can not burrow through solid stone or very compacted dirt.
-Rolling Movement
By curling up, Arthur can move with great speed by rolling. While rolling his armored sections protect most of his body and he moves much faster.
Weaknesses-Limited Movement
Due to both the armored plates and the differences in form, his hybrid form is much slower moving by conventional means of movement, not counting burrowing or rolling. He also is much less flexible.
-Lower Stamina
Being somewhat heavier than in his normal form, Arthur is more easily exhausted from movement or physical activity.
Full Form: Arthur looses more of his humanoid form, and becomes an armadillo about the size of a large dog.
-Increased Durability
In this form, he is much more durable than a normal armadillo, to the point that bullets have been known to be stopped by his shell.
The speed and ease of his burrowing skills increase drastically. Even very compact earth gives way eventually.
While his rolling position is less damaging than in his hybrid form, it is much faster in this form. He can use it in this form to bounce off walls and ricochet off people.
Weaknesses-Limited Movement
Even more so than the hybrid form, this form is inflexible and slow moving barring burrowing or rolling.
-Lower Stamina
As a rather large Armadillio, Arthur tires rather easily. His low metabolism makes this even worse.
-Low Strength
Because of the loss of size, Arthur's armadillo form is much weaker than his normal one.
And now you know why I needed random things.
“She'd become a governess. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. And she'd taken to it well. She'd sworn that if she did indeed ever find herself dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps she'd beat herself to death with her own umbrella.”
― Hogfather