I have just the right number of points for the creature that shall inhabit my island.
Ability:Communicate psychically, can heal others(including the race I made), multiply rapidly(they breed asexually, affect ether(not aether, ether, which I count as more spiritual energy).
Description:Aethereas are small creatures that look like baseball sized orbs except that they are blue and slightly transperent. Their only features are a mouth(appears as a slightly darker shade than it's normal coloring, eyes(same as mouth), and stubby digitless arms and legs that are more like rounded cones than anything else.
That should be 4(base cost)+4(strength cost)+2(speed cost)+2(durability cost)+15(ability cost because if I am correct then the first ability is free)=27
In that case I shall post how this creature is created.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn