Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

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LoC - Eternus Lore

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I'm going to edit in a giant superpost of all the lore I've recently written in this post so that I can favorite and store it for later.
Philote wrote
In the days before the last big war, Anima used Gilgamesh's powers focused through a Divine Artifact to merge parts of the Plane of the Kingdom with Gilgamesh's continent, which will now be named Eternus. This caused many, if not all, natural land formations to be transformed into the appearance of different aspects of the kingdom. Major towns have the appearance of just being residential districts of an overall larger kingdom. The large forests between the major settlements hosting the mythos of the lands were preserved in the form of massive castle gardens.

With the loss of several domains and artifacts, by the time of the second age, the natural land will be fighting against this unnatural alteration. So most towns have this artificial versus natural theme running through them.

With Crav as a guardian, many of his races have taken up residence in the major towns and with the reduction in conflict, each of the main settlements are not as divided in race. Also, with Crav as a guardian, some of his technological innovations begin trickling over the land bridge into the daily lives of the main settlements, though magic would remain predominate.

To build upon the tier system I had for my heroes in the first age, I had the idea of having a magic battery system. Each tier a character builds up to is equal to one mana battery that character can activate. Normal mortals have one battery but can reach a second tier (Such as those on the Council of Heroes). Heroes naturally have three batteries but can work up to a fourth. This is sort of like a Super Saiyan system. With each tier that is activated, the mana from that mana battery floods in, refueling the mortal and activating more abilities.
Philote wrote
The Humans: They have the largest settlements of the four main sections of Eternus. Magic is dominate with, the Colleges of Magic dominating most of the landscape despite being the closest to Crav's land. The capital, which doubles as the ruling college, lies to the far south where it has a nice gap between itself and the other settlements

The Goliath: The most earthy/stone-built of the settlements. In the very center of the ring of mountains in the north lies its capital with many smaller clan sites dotted around it. With the passing of each clan leader, another is chosen through a test of strength and the chosen one's clan take its place within the capital. Due to the Watchman's influence by generating rich resources in the earth, the Goliath's have a large mining operation.

The Dragonborn: The settlements of the Dragonborn are divided due to the great diversity in the type of Dragonborn species. Similar to the Goliaths, a singular leader to chosen to rule over all the Dragonborn in their dealings with other settlements, but other than this, each Dragonborn tribe runs itself.

In the mountains between Dragonborn and the Goliath are the criminal gangs created by Balasar that control most of the crime across Eternus. Originally protected by Balasar's status as a hero, they are now tolerated because they keep the main concentration of crime out of the main settlements and within the mountains.

The Shifters: Once nomads, the Shifters have now started to create their own settlements within the trees of the largest forests of Eternus. The forest ground is still ruled by nature, with  most of the continents Mythos having a large population here. The Shifters use magic to conceal their settlements in the uppermost parts of the trees for both protection and to preserve nature. The main capital of the Shifters is a mythical location that only they have seen.

The Shardmind: Having one of the largest lifespans of the Eternite races, the overall population is low comparatively. They have the most arcane affinity but lack the focused spell use of the humans, nevertheless they rival the humans in their feats. Nearly all Shardmind place their homes within the red crystal tower in the center of Eternus, where they carry out their studies. Many go out into the world for a time in order to further their knowledge, with the most traveling either into the Human settlements or Spectropolis.

The Genasi: The least changed of the races. Like the Shardmind, they have a long life, but their population is greater in number as they have the entirety of a Plane to call their home. They are the greatest crafters of the races natural to Eternus and the ones who called most to have Crav as a guardian. They enter into pacts with those of the physical plane, being summoned to carry out work that their half elemental bodies are specialized for in exchange for the experience it brings and the magical energies given to them to form the pact.
Philote wrote
On the pacts, a person first has to know the spell to perform it. In the first age this didn't spread beyond Gilgamesh's lands but in the second age, with the world being more connected, others could learn the secret. The Genasi have to agree to the pact and there is generally a "Workforce" looking to respond to the pacts and take a journey to the world. So, it doesn't just randomly grab a specific Genasi at inopportune times. The person making the pact could specify a certain type or a certain Genasi if they wanted though.

- Yeah not a specific Genasi but there are exceptions. You can specify a type, so such as summoning specifically earth Genasi. Another exception is if you know a specific Genasi and have good relation with that Genasi you can call on that Genasi specifically.

I also forgot to mention that Anima made harbor regions for the four races on the coasts that recreated copies of the boats that the Shark Spirit gave Gilgamesh really early on in the RP.

- They will have good ships anyways, and having hippogriff troops on the ships as well make them effective. They don't have any major experience with naval stuff though. Just exploration and some trade.
Philote wrote
I'm going to try to work on this one part at a time

Gentleman Vaultboy wrote
Who makes what? Who grows the food? What are each races exports? What do they have to import? What do they trade with one another?
This is sort of hard. I'm not sure what the regular crops would be in this world. Gilgamesh did a Create Life action in one of the earliest posts that provided basic food resources for the Dragonborn and Goliath until everyone got more developed.

The Genasi and Shardmind probably need the least involvement in export and imports, they can take care of themselves.

The other four have all had access to boats at some point. They did a lot of business with Zale's hags. Each has its own food production but they probably trade for variety. Shifters would live mostly off the land but as the Second age comes they are becoming more settled.

Gentleman Vaultboy wrote
What are the major religions? How do they interact with one another? Are there any religious controversies? Is Heroism seen as something that has to be handed down by a god, or can normal people achieve heroism? Is their conflict between these two philosophies?
Well Gilgamesh or Crav. Not really any controversy there, most honor the memory of Gilgamesh and those who have benefited from Crav's contributions usually pay respect in whatever way is natural for Marv's group. Heroism is seen as something specifically built into the fabric of each race. Those that can reach their second tier are most commonly brought into either the Council of Heroes or the Colleges of Magic. They don't see heroism as being part of the fabric of other races but understand that it can be gifted to certain individuals. As long as they don't have any reason to be hostile towards an outside Hero, they would probably have some respect for that hero's power. Each of the races have a sense of competition in them, even though its dulled from being the wars from before, so they are constantly testing each other with mock battles or tournaments.

Gentleman Vaultboy wrote
How do they react to the Durhians? How do they react to technology? How do they treat outsiders in general? How do they treat one another? Is there much racial tension between them? If so, how would this influence the way they interact with non-Eternus races?
They generally consider Crav's group to be a benefit, everything they bring over would be a new aspect to improve their lives. Gilgamesh's group being magical and Crav's group being technological they sort of fill in what the other lacks.

They are wary of the Watchman's group. Watchers/Vandals. Being the Watchman's police force and spy network, but they've learned to put up with them. Mostly with the Watchers since probably not many vandals on Eternus.

They would probably be most untrusting of large groups coming over, not counting Crav's group. Smaller groups of each species visiting the lands they would put up with though would probably expect them to live up the the toughness of the Eternites.

Gentleman Vaultboy wrote
What is daily life like for a soldier? For a hunter? For a King? For a farmer? For a tradesman? For a child? Fisherman? Teacher? Scholar? What do people do for fun?
Soldiers, Children, Teachers, Scholars all have a lot of training with magic and combat. Hunters, Farmers, Tradesmen, Fishermen, would be pretty ordinary I think but would have to be trained in case they encounter mythos. Kings have to deal with the general improvement of their settlements and have to fulfill their duties in the Council of Heroes where the overall prosperity of Eternus is looked over. For fun you have the tournaments and some lesser recreational activities involving a mix of physical activity and magic depending on how magical the race is.

Gentleman Vaultboy wrote
How are people named? Are names important? What is the naming scheme of each society?
I get my inspiration for naming from D&D mostly, I'm not sure I could explain it. Shifters are the easiest, all nature themed names.

Gentleman Vaultboy wrote
If one group does this, how do all these other groups react? And does everyone within the group react the same way?
In general each settlement's people all tend to be along the same lines. It would depend on the situation for me to answer more clearly.

Gentleman Vaultboy wrote
What are the most dangerous animals? What are the most common animals? What animals do the inhabitants domesticate? What do the Mythos do? How do the Mythos interact with one another, the normal animals, and the people? Are Mythos hunted? Are they domesticated?
• Dragons - The mountain mythos. Varyling levels of intelligence. Can be tamed but this is a feat reserved for the upper members of the council of heroes. They avoid the grounds of the main settlements of the land.
• Hippogriffs - The tamed mythos. Very common, equivalent of horses.
• Treants - Intelligent mythos. The population of mythos are almost entirely within the shifter lands.
• Warp Stalkers - Dangerous in the wild but can be tamed companions of hunters. Wolf versus Dog mentality.
• Minotaurs - One of the three mythos who primarily live below ground in the Dungeon/Cave system Gilgamesh created. Mid level intelligence, enough to use weapons.
• Changelings - One of the two meddler mythos. They live on the outskirts of settlements. They can sneak into settlements to steal food or hunt in the wild. Mid to Low intelligence.
• Goblins - Other meddler mythos. Live primarily in packs in the wild. They tamper with technological and magical systems they can get their hands on despite their lower intelligence.
• Void Walkers - Second of the three mythos below ground. They are night hunters that can appear above ground through cave openings.
• Philosopher’s Stone Slime (Pantheo’s Blood) - Third mythos primarily below ground. Dangerous and least understood of the mythos. Have the possibility of appearing anywhere in Eternus.

- I saw your other post about why some are not races before you deleted it

Treants are the closest, but none have the same level of society/sentience as a race.

As for the Goblins, like the Changlings, they cause the races to be more perceptive and prepared. The meddling with those systems causes the races reinforce their constructions. As for why the goblins do this, it is partially just the nature they are born with, but if their meddling results in something favorable for them then they might steal and horde it.

Gentleman Vaultboy wrote
Shardminds: They stay in their tower most of the time, I can only presume they don't really need anything. How is this going to affect the way they view themselves? How is this going to affect the way other people view them? Do the Humans resent the fact that they're naturally talented at what the Humans have to go to school to learn?

Genasi: How do they form pacts? How do they respond to being overworked? Underworked? How much of them appears in this plane to do the work? What keeps one from getting summoned just as they're sitting down to dinner with the family, or on the toilet? Considering their isolation, how do they view themselves as compared to he rest of the world?

Shifters: How do people view them in response to their hidden nature? Do they have to go into town to buy anything? What happens when, lets say the Goliath, want to get at a copper vein under a patch of trees? Consider how terribly mysterious all three of these races are to the others living on Eternus. What are their relationship with the Treants?

Dragonborn: How would being so divided along color lines in addition to being divided along racial lines affect how they view the world? Are there many revolts, say, by the green ones when a red one is chosen as leader? Is there any arrogance over of being the favored child of Gilgamesh, or the first? How, specifically, do they treat Goliaths, as the second child and enemy since the dawn of time?

The Humans: Why are they the most widespread? How would they, who have access to a battery, be seen by the other magic users of the world, the one's who don't? How is their relationship with technology specifically? Are they worried that it could allow the other races to rise in prominence and oust them? Are they worried that it could allow others to accomplish things that, before, would take magic? How would this affect their relationship with the Durhians?

Goliath: What do they mine? Who do they trade it to? What are the mining conditions? Is strength really the most important quality of someone who has to make such decisions? Is there dissent over this?
Shardmind: The Shardmind don't have much concern for events outside their settlement. In the old times, the red crystal mountain was not the focus of many of the wars within the land, instead, the shardmind loaned out some of their magical specialties to the other armies. The Shardmind are viewed as sort of odd by the rest of the races because they are the least physical/active of the races. The Shardmind deal with other races when they need them as a source of knowledge. They have a close connection with the Genasi, both being long lived and the Tower acts as a crossover point for Genasi that don't come over in pacts. The Shardmind are to Bahamut in magic what the Humans are to Anima. The Humans view the Shardmind more as a resource to develop their own magical powers.

Genasi: People form pacts with them through a specific spell in the shape of an emblem, whether this is draw with magic or actually inscribed on a surface does not matter. In their Plane, the Genasi respond to these pacts as they appear and can generally inspect where/who they will be going to before they agree. The world offers them different conditions to work their crafting powers than their Plane. They view the other races with curiosity, only having any real opinion directed towards the Shardmind. The upper class of Genasi can have a superior air about them, though these generally don't take pacts.

Shifters: They have stricter protection policies for nature than other races, so they wouldn't respond well to tampering within their land, though the other settlements are well aware of this. They are not completely isolated, they have settlements open to other races. These settlements, while still hidden to preserve nature, have paths to them that are wildly known. Only the capital is completely hidden. They live in harmony with the Treants. The Treants are not exactly domesticated, but they move freely through the shifter settlements and they have worked together.

Dragonborn: There is definitely conflict between the types of Dragonborn as they aim for supremacy/leadership as well as a sense of Pride from being modeled after the dragon aspect of Gilgamesh. The conflict/warring aspect of this had died down over time, especially due to the loss of the Conflict Domain. At the moment, Goliath are not viewed as mortal enemies but are seen with the same sense of competition as the other races. There are common types of Dragonborn (Fire, Ice, Acidic) that form the tribes and then unique types of Dragonborn that appear as unique mutations randomly within the tribes. These unique types are generally expected to bring great heroic accomplishments to the tribe they are born to.

Humans: They are widespread because of the adaptive nature they were born with. They can adapt and bring in new magical technique and are widespread so that many techniques can be brought in and absorbed / studied. They view magic as superior over technology. The Humans/Shardmind/Genasi would have the least amount of technological focus but they would not fear its rise as it currently stands. For the battery, they would probably compare and try to integrate other methods as they learn / encounter them.

Goliath: They mine Magicite mostly, the magical substance that was created by Pantheo's formation. Now that I think about it, this would be a main export for the Goliath, especially to the Humans. They also mine any normal earthy material to trade with. Mining would be a dangerous business since the below ground has its own share of mythos and was transformed into the dungeon landscape. Besides just pure strength, a Goliath's connection with the world would be tested to determine who was the greatest (They were blessed with a connection with the earth just as the Dragonborn got the draconic Spirit and Shifter got a connection with nature. They are to shamans as the shifters are to druids.)
Philote wrote
For the Dragonborn, I'm thinking that the main tribes will be the Fire, Ice, Poison, and Lightning Dragonborn. Any other variation of Dragonborn will have to be the result of a mutation within one of these tribes, such as a Hero I plan to use during the Second Age.

For Genasi, I'm thinking that the majority of them are based upon the ten elements that I used in EPRP with other variations appearing if they are trained enough to have abilities like Emere's Dual Soul.
Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?

1 Corinthians 13:1-3 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

Gentleman Vaultboy
I have a better idea. Take what you've written and Copy/paste it onto the wiki.
Hey son, wanna' learn how ta' make witch balls?
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

I'll try to get around to updating the wiki sometime if I'm free. There is just a lot of stuff to update and format
Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?

1 Corinthians 13:1-3 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

Gentleman Vaultboy
As long as we're talking lore, I'm declaring a holiday.

Well, the Babysitter is. And not so much declaring it as turning something mournful into a celebration over time. Three days out of the year, on the anniversary of the Monster Kings attack to celebrate how he was kicked in the pants.

It's actually a bit of revenge for that sucker punch way back when, taking his lasting legacy away and turning a day of fear into one of revelry.  The advice she got from The Veteran on how to get even with a dead man was, quote, "Take what he left, and use it. Work it. Make it yours. Turn it into your own personal 'anti-son-of-a-bitch' machine."

I only know how it would play out in Spectropolis but the whole thing is pretty much a celebration of the mortal races and their resolve. It starts with a big parade through the gate, traditionally headed up by Eternians because is was Gils tournament that brought everyone to Spectropolis to experience the events. There are then games and a tournament, which goes on throughout the celebrations.

Next night is the Night of Dancing Monsters, and this is the part she likes the most. The children dress up like monsters and dance through the street "Attacking" and Pillaging" (scaring people, playing jokes, and getting teats for their trouble.) Is basically a Disnyfication of the actual battle.

The last night there's a huge Pitching display, another parade, the recreation of the various events on the Monster Kings defeat (the Pantheo costume is huge and gets better every year, Aox is the most contested role), and at last the big glass ball representing the new moon is hoisted over the Main dome along with another Pitching display.

All because the Babysitter wanted to take the day back from him. It needs a name, someone help.
Hey son, wanna' learn how ta' make witch balls?
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

Marvelous Miscreant
King's Day Festival? Sretsnom Day? Some made up word that sounds festival-like?
Praise the Sun
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

In reply to this post by Gentleman Vaultboy
That is a good thing to have happen right at the start of the Second Age. Spectropolis is in the middle or start of this festival when Zale makes his opening post. I make my first post where I can get a Spirit to work with again. Then everything unfolds from there.
Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?

1 Corinthians 13:1-3 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

hmm, just so you know, had the monsterking succeeded in his plan it would have resulted in the death of the omni and every god and everything that has ever been erased from existence coming back to life and conjoining into one super utopia of immortality.
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

Marvelous Miscreant
Yes, but that would ruin the whole purpose of the RP and wouldn't be allowed so its kinda pointless to consider it.
Praise the Sun
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

yet another reason I need to start running Rp's again.
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

Marvelous Miscreant
So you can end them? That seems like an odd reason to start one?
Praise the Sun
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

Not so I can end them, so they would end up being more free form and adaptive between omniversal utopia and mass genocide the odds were that you guys would have staged a multi universal manhunt just to kill the character which would lead to a literal war among gods his factions and yours.
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

Marvelous Miscreant
That doesn't sound like fun to me. It sounds tedious. Besides, if you're so keen to start an RP like that, make your own Forum like I did and you can run all the RPs you want there.
Praise the Sun
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

Gentleman Vaultboy
In reply to this post by Mik_Hael
Yes Mik, but that would involve you completely taking over the game and turning it into something else.

It's the equivalent of someone showing up to play Risk, then smashing the bored and insisting on playing chess. Chess is a cool game, but I came over to play Risk.
Hey son, wanna' learn how ta' make witch balls?
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

In reply to this post by Gentleman Vaultboy
You know, we never followed up with the Paragon idea.
Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?

1 Corinthians 13:1-3 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

In reply to this post by Gentleman Vaultboy

okay first two things, first stop treating me like a child, it's getting annoying, and enough with the wide branching statements that are overreactions that make me look evil, stupid, and a sore loser.

that goes for everyone.

next. Valt, that is basically exactly what happened to new beginning and no one, batted, an eye.

also Marv, creating my own forum sounds like a good idea, but if I had that much free time I'd just write the stories and make them into comics and books, which I'm already doing.

and lastly, the only reason I'm talking at all is because I have empathy towards my creations, I probably shouldn't, but I do, and in fact, I'm just going to keep quiet from now on and do whatever the hell I feel like in game, because talking, just isn't working.

by the way if anyone comments saying I'm throwing a fit, I'll ignore it.
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

Gentleman Vaultboy
In reply to this post by Philote
Give it orders along the lines of "defeat any god who attacks another god" would still allow for conflict, just through different means.

Still, I'm kind of off about the idea. The game is more interesting when the players can snipe at one another.
Hey son, wanna' learn how ta' make witch balls?
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

In reply to this post by Philote
dully noted, when gilgamesh comes back I will ask for his help to convince hazet to join us, or perhaps simply convince the watchman to join us in order to create one of pure law.
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

Gentleman Vaultboy
In reply to this post by Mik_Hael
New Beginning and this game are completely different beasts. One is a random game in which anything can happen, bound up in comedy and where there is implicitly no limits. That does nothing to refute my point.

You are free to explain how we can go on a manhunt across dimensions looking for someone without that person becoming the thing the campaign revolves around, and how it would not be an entirely different game from what we are playing now.
Hey son, wanna' learn how ta' make witch balls?
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

I don't think you were here at it's conception, originally it wasn't random.

races are still being created, the same interdimensional enemies show up except at a greater rate, the same rules, we are all still gods, artifacts still being created etc.
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Re: Lords Of Creation 14 (OCC)

Marvelous Miscreant
Mik_Hael wrote
I don't think you were here at it's conception, originally it wasn't random.
Whoa now, kinda dodging the issue there ain't ya? Rhetorical question, you are.
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