Is that Good then Bad?
Feel free to discuss the super people..
“She'd become a governess. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. And she'd taken to it well. She'd sworn that if she did indeed ever find herself dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps she'd beat herself to death with her own umbrella.”
― Hogfather |
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Alright. In that case, Peyton Manning? Waht!? Other than that, pretty good. Good call on Petrelli. But how can you not like Gambit? He so sexy!
In reply to this post by 667
Even though my taste sometimes go through all kinds of genre, but the type of music I listen to the most is the type that
brings me to a state of serenity, and creativity. It is also where I mostly get my super power ideas from (for some weird reason). Here are the Artists that bring that exact same feeling. -Nujabes -Force of Nature -Nomak -Fat Jon -DJ Okowari -Nomak -Shing02 (in some occasions) -Uyama Hiroto That's all I can remember at this point. There are plenty of others though.
Somethings we cannot explain, neither should we provoke them.
In reply to this post by justinmahar
As I was browsing the list of these superpowers, I thought to myself
"if this site is about super powers, what kind of super heroes (or Villains) could we come up with when they possess any of these powers?" If you want to express your creativity on a super character, here is the place to do it. Some Ground Rules........ 1. The Maximum number of powers to give to a character is 8! No More. Sorry... 2. Treat Other peoples characters with respect. If judgement has to intervene, do it with respectful critique, Not with Criticism (there's a difference). 3. You can either use powers that you've made or any other power on the archives, BUT if you do use some one else's power, be sure to put the name of the original creator on the side of it (AND DON'T CLAME THAT POWER AS YOUR OWN CREATION). If you want to come up with a power that you know is on the list, but do not know the name (or creator), just come up with any name and place the word Un-known on the side of it. 4. If you are adding a power that you are planing to add eventually, that's great. 5. If you decide to add personality traits, likes, dislikes, enemy(ies) and a small background story, that's a plus. But no stories that take the entire page. 6. There's no penalty for adding a knew character in existing series, (like Naruto, Batman, etc.) But it is encouraged to come up with something original. 7. If you add a concept of an original show or a series for that character to be in, that's a triple plus. 8. Drawings and artworks are optional. Be sure they're PG-13 or under. Other than that, "HAVE FUN"...
Somethings we cannot explain, neither should we provoke them.
I prefer to give ordinary people abilities and see where they take them. Will they be evil? Good? Help themselves, help their family, etc.
Name: Edgar Romero Vitals Abilities: Personality Traits: --62 years old --Superhuman Speed --Dedicated --5 foot 11 inches --Passionate --172 pounds --Stubborn BACKSTORY: Though Edgar Manuel Romero is now an old man in an inner-city neighborhood, he was once the scourge of US border patrol. Some called him nothing but a villain. Some called him Correro, the Runner. But now he's just Senor Romero, especially to the children to whom he tells his stories. Born to a poor family not twenty miles from the border, young Edgar could look from the top of a hill and see wealth beyond his wildest dreams. His older brother, Cesar, died in his attempt to cross and find a better life. This would haunt Romero for the rest of his life. When it came to his time, 18-year-old Edgar decided to make a run for it. He got spotted from a tower and the lead flew. As the raw energy pumped through his veins, his ability switched on. In less than 15 seconds, Romero was moving fast enough to clear the fence in a single bound, skidding painfully to a stop half a mile away. He had done it. Though Edgar was now in a better place (in a better time), he could think of dozens of people--friends and family--who weren't. So, once he had worked up the nerve, he became a masculine Hispanic Moses. El Correro lead what the Department of Homeland Security eventually estimated to be at least 300 men, women, and children right into the States in a year's time. Irked, Border Patrol stepped it up with heavier armor and weapons. But stubborn Edgar just put on his game face and kept it up. His injuries started to show, however--a stumble here, a bruise there--and he knew that he couldn't do it forever. But he didn't have to do it forever. His fatigue could wait: he could sleep when he was dead. He almost did, one night. He was tired and his knee was acting up and there was an old bullet wound that never quite healed right--and there he was, on the ground, flashlight in his eyes, pistol in his face. The minuteman squeezed the trigger, and he died. At least he thought he did. The woman he was carrying across--Rosa Vasquez--came out of nowhere, wrestled the gun out of the man's hands, and beat him senseless. But he couldn't shake the feeling that he had died; he could feel the bullet's hot metal piercing his forehead and blowing his mind out across the desert floor. A few questions later, in a safer place, and he realized how lucky he was--Ms. Vasquez--could rewind time, up to an hour. He HAD died on the sandy soil that night. Rosa simply fixed his mistake. He invited her along a second time, and it was history. Thanks to Rosa's ability, El Correro stayed a threat to Anglo society for nigh-on 15 years. They went out together every night, even when nobody needed to cross. Each admired the other: his indomitable passion, her encompassing kindness, her black hair, his winning grin. They married on May 10, 1975--the most beautiful spring day either of them could remember. The wedding went off once without a hitch (a couple of times not so hitchless but not quite remembered, thanks to Rosa). After they became Sr. and Sra. Edgar Romero, she made him give up his life as El Correro. Fair enough. He had a family to think of, after all. But every once in a while, a blur'll pass though some inner-city neighborhood, and dozens of children'll cheer and their parents'll cry a tear. They remember. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************** PS I know I totally ran through the half page limit. I did not mean to deliberately ignore that, but this idea's been squatting in my mind for a while now. Sorry. |
I like "normal" superpowered people as opposed to simply superheros/villans
(i was meaning to make a thread like this but i was to lazy) hmm 8... must chose wisely... (or make more accounts) Awesome story 667
“She'd become a governess. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. And she'd taken to it well. She'd sworn that if she did indeed ever find herself dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps she'd beat herself to death with her own umbrella.”
― Hogfather |
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“She'd become a governess. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. And she'd taken to it well. She'd sworn that if she did indeed ever find herself dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps she'd beat herself to death with her own umbrella.”
― Hogfather |
In reply to this post by WILD_WONDER
That totally reminds me in all the best ways of the Onslaught arc.
/pokes forums with a stick...
"Still alive?"
“She'd become a governess. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. And she'd taken to it well. She'd sworn that if she did indeed ever find herself dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps she'd beat herself to death with her own umbrella.”
― Hogfather |
In reply to this post by 667
Great Job. I'm impressed.
Never let that creativity die.
Somethings we cannot explain, neither should we provoke them.
In reply to this post by JoeD
Keep em coming everyone.
Never be ashamed of your own imaginations.
Somethings we cannot explain, neither should we provoke them.
Out of an attempt to make someone interested here ya goes
Name: Morrígan, The Morrigan Gender: Female Age:1900-2500 years (ageless) Species:Former Deity Looks Personality: As a former war goddess morrigan is verry aggressive, bordering on bloodthirsty. She is proud, and stubborn. She is always searching for someone to equal her skill in battle, she rarely shows any concern for anyone around her, but she does often take care of young children, though she might venomently deny caring about them. Other: The Morrigan was forceably exiled form her homeworld for unknown reasons, She is also no longer a goddess but still quite powerfull. She uses her magic to make weapons to fight with, prefering her combat skills to her weakened magic. She prefers the spear but is skilled in most weapons. Note she is no longer immortal or unstoppable but not a push over. Whatca think? based mostly off the Morrígan.
“She'd become a governess. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. And she'd taken to it well. She'd sworn that if she did indeed ever find herself dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps she'd beat herself to death with her own umbrella.”
― Hogfather |
In reply to this post by 667
Name: Ben
Vitals Abilities: Skills: Personality Traits: --Middle to Late 20's --Music-Induced Abilities --String Bass Virtuoso --Passionate --5 foot 9 inches --Funny --140 pounds --Forgetful BACKSTORY Ben was found behind a warehouse in Paris next to the shattered remains of a double bass. He spoke nothing they said. He was the only black man for miles. And he had a third-degree concussion, a shattered leg, huge gashes all over his torso, and contusions on his face. In the hospital, the medical staff quickly learned that the man that had been brought to them was an enigma in a puzzle wrapped in a quandary. Once he awoke from his coma, he said nothing--not even his name. He just sat in his bed, casted leg in the air, and healed quietly. Then, as part of the patient rehabilitation program, a small jazz combo was invited in and all of Wing B was invited. The nurse wheeled a listless, half-asleep Ben down in a wheelchair. He was completely uninterested until he heard the first number. Depending on who tells the story, it was Sidewinder or Night in Tunisia. On the first note, Ben snapped awake, lurched out of his chair, stumped up to the stage, stole the double bass, and PLAYED. He embarrassed the musicians. He shocked the doctors. He swung and dug and danced with the man-sized bass. Face twisted up in rapture, head rolling with delight, eyes searching for rhythms, Ben nailed it to the wall with his soul. At the end of it, the staff tried to make a move to pull him back to his chair, but they were booed by the patients and the musicians. Though he didn't understand the language, that was one thing that never needed translating; Ben flashed a white smile and got right back into it. As the weeks rolled on, he became more and more responsive. He talked some French. He ate with friends. He sat in the courtyard and tinkered on the piano, at first tenatively, but then rollickingly, joyfully. But his memory escaped him. He could only remember flashes: a smoky club, a plan gone awry, nothing important. Not even his name. Then, round midnight, in April in Paris, he was absentmindedly playing his bass in the open courtyard, searching himself. He HAD to have come from somewhere. He HAD to have had a history. But what? But what? Frustrated, he slapped out the worst interval in music--the tri-tone. It withered the bush in front of him. He almost fell back over the bench. He had discovered his powers--a strange variation on Music-Induced Abilities that let him influence reality by playing music. He took to this with as much gusto as he did everything. He practiced well into the morning hours, shooting down birds with sharp pizzicatos and bringing them back to health with gradually intensifying slid high notes, growing plants with relentless walking lines, and making fish jump from the pond with low bass chords. By the time the sun rose, his fingers were bleeding, but he wasn't close to done. With a feeling of finality, he got himself ready, and played...something. It gave him his name. Ben. Though his ability had restored this one memory, it was a balanced event. In exchange, he had totally forgotten what it was he'd played in the first place. He still had his powers, though, and that would have to be enough. He delved into his playing in the following weeks, studying Mingus, Miles, Monk, and many more. He revisited Jaco Pastorus, Donald Dunn, and kept patients up till two with his loud music. They didn't care. During waking hours, Ben was the sunniest guy in Wing B, drawing funny cartoons for the child patients, ready with a smile and a wink for anyone who nodded at him. Ben hit on the same mysterious pattern a few more times, giving him a bit more of himself: He was an American. He had played in Julliard. He had a quintet at some point, but they disbanded. He liked barbecue ribs, but not roast beef. But every time he played the notes he forgot them as though they had never been played. Ben borrowed a recorder to try and save it so he could listen to it whenever, but something always got in the way--a bird chirping, a plane going over, a friend bursting into the room. It was ridiculous. Finally he gave up. Some divine will wanted him to go on a quest? Fine. He'd go on a quest. So when it came to be his last day in the hospital, Ben sat in the only building he could ever remember and fished for the rhythm for the millionth time. He played...something and it hit him. Cafe Le Paris. He was going to meet there with someone. Someone lithe and charming. But...wrong road. Bad detour. Got out on foot, lugging Canone--his old bass! Burly men. Tried the old grin and nod. A knife! Get cut, stumble back, trip on Canone, on the ground! Bearded man grabs Canone--don't, you'll break it!--swings down. Leg. Pain. Last thought was of Her, the lithe charming woman. Shame. Kind of liked her. Then a bass to the skull and-- Ben jerked out of his new memory and vomited in a bush. Now he had someplace to go. Now he had a goal. Ben walked out of his only stable place, bass in a gig bag, and went west. Somebody was waiting for him. |
In reply to this post by JoeD
If there are ANY musicians reading this, listen up.
Listen to jazz. Jazz may not occupy a high spot in popular culture nowadays. Jazz may not appear interesting. Jazz may not seem relevant to you the way that rap or metal or ska might. I respect that. But jazz is SO much more than it appears. Take it from me, an average trumpet player: jazz is the hardest genre of music, barring some etudes written specifically for your instrument. It is an art of degrees, minute changes, imperceptible shifts that would go unnoticed until you're not doing them--then it falls apart FAST. So to become a jazz master, it follows, one must excel among the excellent, be a master of the masters. "But what does this have to do with me?" you grumble. It matters for the same reason quarterbacks watch John Elway, great writers read Hemingway, and awesome artists study Picasso--to EMULATE them. To become like them. To be a better artist. So without further ado, my CliffNotes compilation of the greatest jazz musicians and their instruments. All apologies if I misrepresent a musician. TRUMPET --Miles Davis --Dizzy Gillespie --Maynard Ferguson (not the best idea-wise, but the person to listen to if you want to be flashy) SAXOPHONE --John Coltrane --Charlie Parker --Gary Smulyan TROMBONE --Slide Hampton --Carl Fontana --Trombone Shorty DRUMS --Buddy Rich --Art Blakely PIANO --Herbie Hancock --Thelonius Monk --Art Tatum BASS --Charles Mingus --Christian McBride --Ron Carter --Victor Wooten GUITAR --Django Reinhart --Freddie Green --Russel Malone OTHERS Rufus Harley (bagpipes) Eric Dolphy (bass clarinet, flute) Dorothy Ashby (harp) Milt Jackson (vibrophone) Rudy Smith (steel pan) Don Butterfield (tuba) |
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So, you all like it? I can finish the story if you want.
Its great!
“She'd become a governess. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. And she'd taken to it well. She'd sworn that if she did indeed ever find herself dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps she'd beat herself to death with her own umbrella.”
― Hogfather |
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