I dabble in Tarot cards. Got a deck right here. I'll read off the descriptions.
"The Hanged Man" - Rise above material concerns and they way things have always been. Try another avenue. Relax and rethink. Contemplate don't agitate.
When reversed: Stop being so closed minded. There are plenty of alternative and solutions to your problems. Try something new.
"The Tower" - Everyone wants to be admired. Others embellish the truth, but what's necessary and real will prevail. Illusions will be shattered, enemies revealed. Don't be upset if things go as planned.
When reversed: Delays are inevitable. A fall from glory is likely. Be prepared to change course midstream.
"The Sun" - Any personal growth you achieve now will be linked to self-expression. say what you feel when yo feel it. Accept criticism and admit mistakes. Enthusiasm and self-assurance bring results.
When reversed: Relationship hassles are likely. Don't get wrapped up in your self so much that you ignore your partner's needs. Stop being overly dramatic. Set realistic goals and do what's best for everyone.
Praise the Sun