Hero Vs. Hero...

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Re: Hero Vs. Hero...

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I am Ruin
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Re: Hero Vs. Hero...

So Batman will win it is decided

Underdog vs Krypto the Superdog

Who do you think will win win these canine titans go head to head.

Kryto has all the powers of superman and human intelligence and superman weakness making him one tough canine.

Underdog was granted powers in a lab acident win he escaped from barsinister granting trimindous superhuman abbilities along with human intelegence.

Will the super dog beat this beagle to a pulp or will there be no need to fear because underdog is here?

Who do you think will win?
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Re: Hero Vs. Hero...

to keep people from getting confused this Krypto from the Krypto the Superdog telivision series vs Underdog from the Underdog movie.
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Re: Hero Vs. Hero...

Celadon's Penultimate
In reply to this post by Zaleramancer
That would be incredibly awesomely awesome. How..."Sylar-without-powers-ish", I think we should make a villain like that for the RP, haha

And, oh, yeah, Batman would definitely win; he'd probably try to wear him out with his  fighting techniques, just to get the shield away from him, and then Captain America would be open for Batman's bat-arang or bat-ice-shooting thingy or bat bomb...hell, he really IS always prepared. At first I was just making that all up to be funny, but then realized he really DOES have all that stuff. Yup, definitely goes to batman.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Hero Vs. Hero...

Juggernaut vs Morbieas the vampire

The unstopable Juggernaut vs Morbias the vampire who will win?

This is Juggernauts powers, abilitis, and weaknesses from http://marvel.wikia.com/Cain_Marko_(Earth-616)
The Unstoppable JuggernautJuggernaut possesses the conventional superhuman attributes of an Elder God, however many of his abilites are greater then the average member of his race. Cytorrak grants his godly body to his avatar, the Crimson Ruby of Cyttorak then bonds to his avatars soul and makes him a god by giving him this new body, however this body is Cyttoraks origanal Elder God body instead of his degenereted demonic body hence it is superior to Cyttoraks current body.

Superhuman Strength: The Juggernaut possesses vast superhuman strength the limits of which are unknown. He was able to go toe to toe against an enraged World War Hulk until the moment Cain was outsmarted and removed from the field of battle [1]. His strength is said to rival Thor's strength. [2].

Superhuman Stamina: Juggernaut's body generates no fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting him limitless superhuman stamina in all physical activities.

Superhuman Durability: Cain is virtually impregnable to all forms of conventional physical injury regardless of magnitude or intensity. Although Cain is able to be harmed by exceedingly high levels of mental or mystical attacks, these attacks have rarely been shown to cause any permanent damage.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his complete resistance to physical damage, Cain can be damaged by sufficiently powerful mystical forces. If damaged, Cain possesses a regenerative healing factor that enables him to completely regenerate with superhuman speed. For instance, he has been injured by Shatterstar's sword, which is forged from a mixture of extra dimensional technology and magic and healed instantly. The demon being D'Spayre once flayed the Juggernaut down to a skeleton only after absorbing almost all of the Juggernaut's power and even then, the Juggernaut could not be stopped and was able to instantly regenerate all the damage done once he regained his full power. The only other time the Juggernaut has been physically injured is by the likes of Thor in a physical battle, and that was only after Thor used Mjolnir to negate his mystical enchantment[3].

Immortality: Cain is functionally immortal. His aging process is completely halted and he is immune to all toxins, poisons and diseases. He is also sustained by the mystical energies flowing through his body and has no need to eat, drink or breathe.

Force Field: The Juggernaut is capable of generating a personal force field around himself, extending to about 1 foot in diameter. He uses this force field to heighten his already impressive resistance to injury. In his earliest appearances, he is able to use this force generating ability to hurl people and objects near him away from him, though now it seems to function only defensively.

Unstoppability: Once he begins to advance in a certain direction, it is virtually impossible to halt his movement. Some obstacles such as many tons of rocks and plasma-discharge cannons have slowed his pace but can't stop him. The only known examples of him being stopped involve physical force with mystical involvement which is Juggernaut's sole weakness. Thor unleashing his power was able to stop him in his tracks but his powers are mystical in origin (It should be noted that Thor was severely hampered at the time as he was extremely weakened by an extra dimensional malady.)[4] and during a battle with War (Hulk), in which the mutant Apocalypse, increased the Hulk's strength and power enormously by grafting Celestial tech to him, which again involved mysticism.
 Abilities Juggernaut is able to summon and remove his mystic armor at will. As a result of his days in the military and his experience as a superhuman criminal and hero, the Juggernaut is a formidable hand to hand combatant preferring to use street fighting and brawling techniques that allow him to make full use of his great strength.
Cain is susceptible to exceedingly high levels of mental and mystical attack. Both have been shown to be able to at least temporarily defeat him but neither have been shown to cause any type of permanent injury. The weakness to physic attacks though are nullified by his helmet.

EquipmentThe Juggernaut wears a helmet fashioned from an unknown mystical metal found in the Crimson Cosmos dimension of Cyttorak. The Juggernaut subsequently fashioned a skullcap from scraps of the metal used to construct the helmet. This skullcap provides him with complete protection from telepathic attack even when this is from telepaths of the order of Professor Xavier. The Juggernaut originally wore a suit of armor that he could summon around himself at will from the Crimson Cosmos. After being stripped of his powers, the Juggernaut took to wearing a suit of armor that resembled his original but was fashioned from unstable molecules. However, now that he has access to his full powers once more, he is able to summon forth his mystical helmet and armor.

These are moribius powers, abilities and weaknesses from http://marvel.wikia.com/Michael_Morbius_(Earth-616)
PowersPseudo-Vampirism: Morbius has been transformed into a being similar to a vampire and, as a result, possesses a number of superhuman abilities similar to those possessed by true vampires. However, Morbius isn't a true vampire as the source of his transformation is scientific, not mystical.

Superhuman Strength: Morbius possesses super-human strength (the extent of which depends on the amount of blood he has ingested and the type of blood), At his peak, Morbius possesses sufficient superhuman strength to lift approximately 1,500 lbs.

Superhuman Speed: Morbius can run and move at speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Stamina: Morbius' enhanced musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a normal human. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for several hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.

Superhuman Agility: Morbius' agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Reflexes: Morbius' reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Acute Senses: Morbius' senses of sight and smell are enhanced to levels well beyond that of normal humans. Morbius is able to detect objects with perfect clarity at much greater distances than a normal human. He retains this clarity, even in near-total darkness. He is also able to see into the infra-red end of the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing him to see individuals at night by their body heat. His sense of smell is similarly enhanced, able to detect the scent of blood in the air from miles away.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Also, like true vampires, Morbius possesses an accelerated healing factor that enables him to rapidly regenerate damaged bodily tissues much faster and more extensitvely than a normal human. Injuries such as gunshots, slashes, and severe burns, within hours or minutes, depending upon their severity. Though highly developed, Morbius' healing powers aren't suffient to regenerate missing limbs or organs.

Fangs & Claws: Like supernatural vampires, Morbius possesses elongated canines that he uses to pierce the flesh of other beings for the purpose of consuming their blood. Morbius can also, however, use his fangs as weapons in very close combat situations. He also possesses a single retractable claw at the tip of each fingers. The claws are very sharp, capable of rending human flesh and bone with ease.

Psionic Gliding: Through mental concentration, Morbius is able to glide through the air over short distances. However, Morbius can only glide at speeds of about 35 miles an hour. While he can run faster than that, Morbius can use this ability while flying over rooftops.

Mesmerism: Like true vampires, Morbius can hypnotize others if they look directly into his eyes long enough. While under his control, Morbius typically has full control over an individual. If an individual has sufficient willpower, they can resist or overcome this power.

Vampire Creation: Like true vampires, Morbius is able to transform individuals into pseudo vampires like himself by draining them of all their blood. Morbius has control over the pseudo vampires he creates, just as supernatural vampires have mental control over the vampires they create. The ones Morbius creates possess superhuman strength but they don't have accelerated healing powers. Upon receiving lethal injuries, their bodies turn to dust.

Immunity To Most Vampire Vulnerabilities: As Morbius isn't a supernatural vampire, he is immune to all of the special mysical vulnerabilities that they have. He is unaffected if confronted with religious icons and will not incinerate if exposed to direct sunlight. Morbius does tend to rest during the hours of the day but most supernatural vampires fall into a dormant, death-like state during the day. Though he does rest, he doesn't have to line his sleeping area with soil from the land of his birth whereas supernatural vampires must do so otherwise they're unable to travel more than 100 miles. Morbius has no special vulnerability to objects of weapons composed of silver. While he can be injured by weapons made of silver, he'll heal normally as he would from other injuries whereas injuries inflicted by silver on supernatural vampires take much longer for them to heal from, if they're not killed outright. Morbius also won't be killed by having a wooden stake driven through his heart.

AbilitiesMorbius is extremely intelligent, having won the Nobel prize for biochemistry. While he has had no formal training, Morbius' powers make him a formidable combatant against most individuals.

WeaknessesThe one true weakness Morbius has that supernatural vampires possess is that he must regularly ingest fresh blood in order to maintain his physical and mental vitality. He must generally feed several times a week, though he can go for long periods without feeding if he pushes himself. However, the longer he goes, the weaker he becomes and the more likely he is to lose control. While he can't be killed by sunlight, his eyes and skin are sensitive to exposure to sunlight.

Will the unstopable Juggernaut run over Mobius like everthing else or will Morbius prove why he stalks the night.

Who do you think will win?
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Re: Hero Vs. Hero...

Celadon's Penultimate
Juggernaut v. Morbius? Um, that'd be Juggernaut ftw...
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Hero Vs. Hero...

I agree, Juggs wins.
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Re: Hero Vs. Hero...

Morbius is a serious threat to less powerful characters, like Spider-Man, but he couldn't dream to put a dent in the Juggernaut. To take down the Juggernaut, it regularly takes all of the X-Men and several tanks.
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Re: Hero Vs. Hero...

Ericus Europaeus (Bug)
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Re: Hero Vs. Hero...

Ericus Europaeus (Bug)
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Re: Hero Vs. Hero...

In reply to this post by Celadon's Penultimate
Doctor Manhattan vs Golden Age Superman

Doctor manhattan

 Powers and abilities
Jon is the only character in the Watchmen series to explicitly possess superhuman abilities (although the details of the plot presuppose the existence of genuine human psychics). Throughout Watchmen, he is shown to be immensely powerful and seemingly invulnerable to all harm; a clear limit to his powers is never explicitly shown. Jon has complete awareness of and control over atomic and subatomic particles. He can alter his body's size, coloration, density, and strength. He does not appear to age, need food (although he is shown to eat regardless of this), water, or air, and is for all intents and purposes immortal at thirty years old. In addition, he is even able to reconstruct his body if completely disintegrated. He can teleport himself and others over great (even interplanetary) distances, but the exact limit to the number of people other than himself he can teleport at one time or the distance he can teleport them is unknown. It is quite possible there may be none since on one occasion he teleports a whole crowd of rioters away from the streets and each into their own individual homes. However, he seems unable or unwilling to prevent the side effects others experience during teleportation; Laurie, for instance, always throws up on arrival and two demonstrators had heart attacks--something Jon seems to dismiss.

Due to his non-linear perception of time, he can also see the future (and the past), although he is apparently unable to change it, regardless of the outcome. His only weakness appears to be tachyons; a large burst of them can 'jam' or slow his ability to see the future to a large extent, as well as temporarily confusing his perception of the "present time". In addition to these powers, Jon is able to phase any part of his body through solid objects without damaging them, produce multiple copies of himself which function independently of each other, project destructive energy, create force fields, transmute and create matter, move objects without physically touching them (telekinesis), reverse entropy, and, he suggests, create life. At one point in the Watchmen story-line it is stated that, in the event of a nuclear war, he would be capable of destroying upwards of 60% of all Soviet nuclear missiles while at the same time 'destroying' large areas of Russia. As a result of these capabilities, Jon becomes central to the United States' Cold War strategy of deterrence.

from http://www.worldlingo.com/ma/enwiki/en/Doctor_Manhattan

Golden Age Superman

Superman's Heat Vision The Golden Age Superman does not have super–humanoid powers that are as great as they eventually become. The stories also establish that all Kryptonians can use the same abilities as Superman on Earth; however, how they do that is never fully explained.

■Invulnerability – Only strong military weaponry, specifically "nothing less than a bursting shell," can pierce his skin.
■Flight – Superman is always, as per the famous radio–series introduction, "able to leap tall buildings in a single bound," and leaps 1/8 of a mile to be exact. However, by 1943, he possesses the power of flight.
■Super Strength – Early on, Superman's debut shows that he can lift cars easily. As the stories continue, Superman becomes, as per the famous radio–series introduction, "more powerful than a locomotive." He is shown to be able to throw Army tanks with little effort, and on one occasion, he pushes an ocean liner into a dry dock with his own power.
■Super Speed – Originally he is faster than a speeding express train. However, as the stories continues, he becomes, as per the famous radio–series introduction, "faster than a speeding bullet," and in 1947, he gains the ability to travel faster than light, and is even able to penetrate the time barrier, as shown in a story where he time travels back to Krypton to find out about his true origins.  
■Super Breath – Initially, he can hold his breath for hours. However, as his audience comes to expect more from the Man Of Steel, his power level increases to the point where his lungs can withstand any pressure or lack thereof. Superman often relies on this power for space–travel because he cannot breathe in space, at least not until the Silver Age.
■X–Ray Vision – Again, since before the theatrical cartoons began.

from http://www.comicvine.com/superman/29-1807/

Who will win in this clash of titants?

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Re: Hero Vs. Hero...

Dr. Manhattan wins. He's practically nigh-omnipotent.

Unless, he sees Superman beating him, which is plausible only if Superman knew about his weakness. Whereas Jon could create kryptonite and would already know Superman's weakness since he can see through time.
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I am Ruin
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Re: Hero Vs. Hero...

Celadon's Penultimate
Yep, Manhattan beats Metropolis anyday, hehe.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Hero Vs. Hero...

In reply to this post by Celadon's Penultimate
One Above All the cosmic entity not the cellestial vs Presence

One Above Alls Powers and abilities from http://www.comicvine.com/one-above-all/29-44473/

The One-Above-All is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. He is the most powerful being in the Marvel Multiverse. His powers are unlimited, incalculable and immeasurable.

The One-Above-All is also Omnipresent which means that there exists only one, and in all realities at once.

Presence's powers and abilities from http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Presence_(New_Earth)

PowersThe Presence is the supreme being in the DC Comics Universe as it is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and omniversal.

The Presence is the beyond the Source which is merely thought of as the intelligence aspect of its infinite scope.

The Presence is everywhere at all time. It chooses to appear in different forms such as the "Hand of Creation."

The Presence is the most powerful entity in the DC Universe. Different stories portray it as being the "creator of the DC universe" and thus transcending all things with the Presence itself being its representation within creation. Other stories have it as another god who inherited a large portion of the godwave, the force that created the gods of the DC universe, and relies on the faith of its worshipers to empower it.

Powers Infinite. Abilities Unlimited. Strength level Incalculable. Weaknesses None.

Who will win when these Suprem being colide?
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