The game: Describe a supernatural or seemingly normal situation, either through drawings, schematics or a short story, where a superpower is involved and let the others figure out what the power is.
Here are the rules (new ones could be added later on):
1- The situation described is tied to the use of a superpower.
2- The superpower used is already
on the List at the time the message is posted.
3- Only
ONE superpower is involved.
4- You can ask as many questions as you want about the superpower and the situation, preferably but not exclusively using Yes/No questions.
5- The questions can be qualified as irrelevant or their answers as not important by the author of a description.
Here's an easy example: (solved)
"An elderly woman has been the victim of unusual assailants. The police reported that around sixty birds crashed through the closed window of Mrs Huntpot's kitchen, severely injuring her while she was cooking. The woman has been rushed to the hospital after neighbours heard the commotion and called the police. She is still in critical condition."
List of riddles:
"Birds" by Vespert (solved by Shadowulf1)
"Beer" by Zaleramancer (solved by Shadowulf1)
"Robbery" by Shadowulf1 (solved by Vespert)
"Babysitter" by Vespert (solved by Shadowulf1)
"Dictator" by jester_of_god (solved by WHD)
"Jellybean" by Shadowul1 (solved by Vespert)
"Dead-End" by Vespert (ended)
"Superman" by Myself (solved by Shadowulf1)
"Alcoholism" by Shadowulf1 (solved by Vespert)
"Dreams" by WHD (solved by Vespert)
"Silence" by Vespert (solved by Myself)
"Winner" by Shadowulf1 (solved by Vespert)
"Drown" by neogenetica (solved by Vespert)
"Resurrection" by Myself (solved by Vespert)
"Mentalism" by Vespert (solved by Shadowulf1)