Gentleman Vaultboy wrote
11th Zeppelli
Doomed Paradox-Duplicate
A man known only by a number, supposedly one of over 100 different Zappellis to have existed at some point. Possessing the ability of time travel, he used his powers to run hundreds of simultaneous time loops for personal gain. However, a massive paradox ensued when Zeppelli Prime was killed by unknown means, causing the universe to begin cleaning up his now originless time clones. Banding together, they sought out the one creature that could keep them safe from the universe itself. 11th Zeppelli was the only one of his kind to survive to find it, becoming part of The Vault Collection.
11 is one of only three individuals in the collection to know every other person in the collection. Of the three, he is the only one to be on first name basis with all of them. As such, he is one of the more influential members of the collection.
Hug Bug Harold
So Sweet You Could Eat
The Hug Bugs were cursed with an extremely open, naive, kind hearted nature and a flavor like candy coated chocolate. After first contact with another sentient species, the whole Hug Bug population was eaten into extinction in less than a year.
Harold escaped this slaughter by being subtle, quick, and almost sickeningly adorable. It was because of his cuteness that he was originally added to the Collection, his status as the last of his species only coming up later. Shy and withdrawn, he is nevertheless a sweetheart once you get him to open up.
I prefer this character profile format for more informal RPs, like NB, to be honest.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…” --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)