Characters (cont.)

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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
Okay, cool. And I'm gathering up all of our characters into a Table of Contents.

We will most likely be needing that Character Archive thread after all.

I intend to run this RP just a tad bit differently than its predecessor, and if all goes well, our story will have room for many more characters. And we won't have to worry about going over capacity, as far as keeping track is concerned.

What do you guys think of a Freak-of-the-Week format? Like, basically, we have some short 'episodes' where we meet up with some of the supers, we fight them, we help them, they help us, we attack them, they attack us, get distracted from one mission for another, have to stop and rest, whatever, go get supplies, all depending on alignment and whatnot.

Basically, taking decent time before going for the Overlords. Because, when you always go straight for the epic fights, they tend to be way less epic. Looking back, I think in the original RP thread, it took us all of four pages to get to Caleb Trelaine and defeat him? I mean, granted, four long, wordy pages, cause me and 667 like to talk a lot, but four pages nonetheless.

It was moving along far too fast.

Which means we need to slooooooow doooooooown. Take time to enjoy this little dystopia we're crafting for ourselves. Truly get to know the towns we're heading into. Get a feel for what sorts of people we're dealing with; both the citizens and the rulers. I mean, we haven't even freaking encountered a single fiefdom, for all the mention we've given them in the former RP!

So, um, after all this here long, wordy wordiness, my main point is, I just want us to have fun and really enjoy whats going on. Really try to get a feel for everyone and everything. What's music and TV and culture like in this age, when the world is arising from the devastation of a crippling social and philosophical crisis?

Our journey through the world should uncover that. And with all my babbling about the topic, I hope I can do it justice through my narration, as well as I think we can through our joint participation.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Ericus Europaeus (Bug)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
 Yeah, well as this was our first, we're allowed to make mistakes.

And technically, we're allowed to make mistakes any time after. But after dealing with that first RP, we've moved on and hopefully grown smarter and wiser with how we do things here.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Gentleman Vaultboy
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In reply to this post by Celadon's Penultimate
I don't object to that. In California you introduced a group of antagonists then beat them in a singe page, and in Canada what was even the point of the whole prison thing?

*Edit: You skipped the whole heist.
Hey son, wanna' learn how ta' make witch balls?
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
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 Case and point.

Things need to slow the heck down. That day, I probably couldn't think of what to say about the heist, so I skipped past it.

A great deal of the story's being derailed, I attribute to having only one author running an entire RP by himself. Is it really any wonder things got to be a little schizophrenic after a while?
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
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Name- David Gorak

Nick/Alias- Overlord Gorak, Lord Gorak, Foreman Gorak, Gorak, Rock Man, Quarrymaster


Height- 6'5

Weight- 285 lbs

Gender- Male

Chronological age- 56

Biological age- 40

Skin Color- White

Eye Color- Blue

Hair Color- Gray (formerly brown)

Species- Superhuman (Human Mutant)

Other- One of three competing Overlords in Arizona; owner and head quarry foreman at the family business, Gorak Industrial


Likes-  beer, exercise and working out, being in control, competition, challenges, showing his dominance, getting his way, being right, hard work and feeling accomplished (often prefers to do things the hard way), hard workers, motivating others, sports, cars, women (especially if he can win them over from playing hard to get), getting dirty

Dislikes- men who abuse women and children, lawbreakers, oath breakers, traitors, cowards, quitters, disobedience from his subjects, having his authority challenged, sarcasm

Phobias-  rejection (hates the thought, which is why he always tries to be the best at everything he does, and attacks anyone who does not somehow work to stroke his ego)

Personality- David Gorak is an incredibly stubborn person; his obstinacy is legend around the parts he rules, and among the Overlords with whom he associates. Once he sets his mind on something, he intends to carry it out, and will not feel at ease unless it is dealt with, accomplished, completed or in the works toward achieving. Though, he also has something of a temper, and is highly competitive (known for quickly cutting people off who he sees as distracting or hindering him from his goals). Yet, while he is very goal-oriented, he is willing to stray ever-slightly from his goals to help those in need...provided, they are loyal subjects already under his caring jurisdiction, who will lavish him with praise.


Knowledge- Locations and operations of various superhumans, superhuman factions and gangs, knowledge of sports, decent knowledge of politics, decent knowledge of philosophy

Skills- Picking up on new skills, instruction in working out and exercise, instruction in the various skills he possesses, sports, various handyman trades (roofing; flooring; plumbing; auto mechanic work; building, maintaining and repairing various things; tile; paint; lumber; quarry work, etc), first aid, fighting (boxing, wrestling and fighting dirty), holding grudges, insulting people, intimidation

Nonskills- Being patient with things he considers unworthy causes, accepting or admitting defeat, taking loss graciously, giving up, backing down, forgiving those who cross him, showing mercy to those who cross him, apologizing, being humble, games of strategy (unless they are also physical in nature), going easy on people for the sake of friendly competition


Geokinesis (ability to psychically control and manipulate earth, including soil and rock)

    Sub-Powers- Tremor Sense (can psychically perceive vibrations through the earth, up to twenty feet away from him; can use this to vaguely identify size and shape with eyes open, and can use this to see with eyes closed or in darkness)

    Power Scale- 5 (capable of psychically manipulating significant quantities of earth to his will, but being distracted, prolonged use, being tired while the ability is in use, or use on too large a quantity strains his mind, and his powers may backfire)
    Control Scale- 9 (Can activate the ability at a whim, unless he is distracted or tired)

Invulnerable Metal Skeleton (Has a skeleton composed of an unknown metal, that has thus proven indestructible by conventional means, such as high impact, etc)

    Power Scale- 9 (His bones, as of yet, have proven unbreakable, though his internal organs, muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments are no stronger than those of the average human)
    Control Scale- 6 (N/A)

Celebrity Claim: Glenn Soukesian
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
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Name- Perry Maxwell

Nick/Alias- Professor Maxwell, Maxwell (preferred-doesn't let anyone call him Perry)


Height- 6'3

Weight- 195 lbs

Gender- Male

Chronological age- 87

Biological age- Mid-40's

Skin Color- White

Eye Color- Brown

Hair Color- Brown

Species- Superhuman (Human Mutant)

Other- One of the foremost professors in the world; discoverer of the Evolutionist's Stone


Likes-  chess, checkers, legend and folklore (Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Arthurian, Slavic, Norse, African, Asian, etc), occult knowledge, history, math, science, superhuman abilities, superhumans, computers (especially computer games and hacking), puzzles, riddles, tech, Chinese food, rubgy and cricket (WATCHING), animals (especially dogs, insects and fish), debate, teaching, experimenting, classical music, old-timey TV shows, public speaking

Dislikes- Arguments with no purpose, stupidity, when people state what he considers to be obvious, making mistakes, having to explain things too many times, politics, spicy food

Phobias- none; he realizes that phobias are irrational fears, and if he fears anything, it's being irrational

Personality- Incredibly socially awkward to be around, Perry Maxwell has a personality less suited to be a science professor, and more suited to be your dorky dad. He loves science and math-based puns, jokes and word-play, but if he sees that you don't understand or appreciate his professorial humor, then he has a tendency to break it down to child-level like a TV edutainment host. Though somewhat absentminded on a normal day, other scholars dare not mock him; when he gets down to business, he could think circles around them, and is not a mind to be trifled with.


Knowledge- A LOT; Locations and operations of various superhumans, superhuman factions and gangs studies various other languages and is proficient enough to translate them; the history of numerous countries; adept knowledge in anatomy, psychology and superhuman ability mechanics, mathematics, science, various other tidbits and facets of trivia

Skills- Speaks fluent French, Spanish, Russian, Italian, German, Japanese and Mandarin Chinese, instruction in mathematics and science, instruction in technology; picking up on new skills, repairing machines, hacking, skilled with puzzles, computers/machines, and cracking codes (familiar with Morse, Braille, sign language, and various other codes); very good driver, good at reading maps, reading lips and speed-reading, good at debate and interrogation, investigation, fighting (various styles); brilliant inventor (though not superhuman with it), first aid

Nonskills- Being patient with things he considers unworthy causes, social pursuits (sucks at small talk, and if he's not careful, tends to make normal folks feel inferior), fighting


Psychic Aptitude (can psychically perceive the makeup and operation of various complex systems, by touch)

    Sub-Powers- Superhuman Intelligence (can assess, analyze, comprehend, recall and synthesize data, information and patterns with greater speed and accuracy than an average human)

    Sub-powers- Speed-Reading (can read like a dynamo; finished several dictionaries within days of one another)

    Sub-Powers- Panmnesia (remembers everything he has ever learned or experienced, and can recall it at will, so memories don't overwhelm his conscious mind)

    Sub-powers- Superhuman Willpower- has been known to resist even upper-level psychic influence by mentally "pushing back" against it

    Sub-Powers- Ambidexterity (can write easily with both hands)

    Power Scale- 8 (is highly intelligent and competent; memory is perfect, and mind cannot be dominated by less than the most powerful or subtle influences)
    Control Scale- 6 (although his intellect is under his complete and total control; his anger, anxiety and fear causes him to revert to cold and calculating thought)

Longevity (can live a much longer lifespan than the average human)

    Sub-Powers- Agelessness (will not age past physically looking around 40 years of age)

    Power Scale- 10 (If never killed, he could effectively live forever)
    Control Scale- N/A (does not need activation or control)

Celebrity Claim: Harrison Ford
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
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Name- Kate Schumacher

Nick/Alias- The Kissing Bandit, The Flirt, numerous aliases


Height- 5'8

Weight- 135 lbs

Gender- Female

Chronological age- 27

Biological age- 27

Skin Color- White

Eye Color- Green

Hair Color- Blonde

Species- Superhuman (Human Mutant)

Other- some of the various aliases she takes falsely indicate her as a relative of various assassins, including Wayne Cobane, Charisma LeVeaux and Archer Flegn


Likes- Junk food (especially lollipops), using her powers, her job, social functions, superhumans (especially those with offensive abilities), video games, sports, guns, cars, TV and movies, listening to music, exercise, travel

Dislikes-  idiocy, incompetence, having to work with partners, being yelled at, being talked down to, being ogled, being felt up

Phobias- N/A

Personality- Something of a feminist; though, while fashionable and girly in her downtime, also perfectly comfortable getting down and dirty, and working up a sweat, whether on the job as a mercenary (paid spy and assassin) or hanging out with friends. Quite friendly and sociable, even in the midst of getting work done. Not to be crossed, though; she doesn't not easily forgive or forget.


Knowledge- Locations and operations of various superhumans, superhuman factions and gangs, government officials and overlords; various other espionage secrets that if she told, she'd have to kill you; working knowledge of psychology; decent knowledge in metaphysics, fluent knowledge of astrology, pop culture and some random trivia

Skills- interrogation and persuasion; adept liar (even fools some SUPERHUMANS who can detect lies); skilled with cars, and machines (including some computer knowledge); very good driver, good at fighting, especially boxing, kickboxing, street fighting, the use of bladed and ballistic weapons (including improvising weapons), decent swimmer; pickpocketing, picking locks

Nonskills- intimidation (without resulting to violence), escape artistry, cooking, cleaning, checkers, chess, math


Power- Kiss-Based Abilities (the ability to use a kiss to produce one or numerous effects)

    Sub-Powers- Kiss-Based Telepathy (can psychically perceive thoughts from and project thoughts to others via a kiss)

    Sub-powers- Kiss-Based Empathy (can psychically perceive emotions from and project emotions to others via a kiss)

    Sub-Powers- Kiss-Based Persuasion (can psychically project compulsions to others' minds via a kiss)

    Sub-powers- Kiss-Based Xenoglossy (can psychically project language to or learn language from others via a kiss)

    Sub-Powers- Kiss of Death (can psychically kill up-close with a kiss to the lips, or long-distance by blowing a Kinetic Kiss)

    Sub-Powers- (when powers are boosted) Kiss of Life (can psychically revive, regenerate and rejuvenate the ill, the injured, and the deceased with a kiss)

    Power Scale- 7 (powers are quite potent, but may be resisted by some with the right abilities)
    Control Scale- 5 (intense negative emotion may cause abilities to negatively affect others, even when she does not mean to)

Celebrity Claim: Kaley Cuoco
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
Hm...I need a profile for the main henchmen of all the Overlords. So, we should probably get on the Trelaine family's henchmen. Both those of Caleb and Samantha's lands...

I'll get to work on Phil, Willis, Bruce and Bruno today, if I can help it.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
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Name- Willis Harper

Nick Name/Alias- Will, Big Guy, Goliath, Mongo (hates this)


Height- 6'4

Weight- 182 lbs.

Gender- Male

Chronological Age- 29

Biological Age- early twenties

Skin Color- White (kinda pale)

Eye Color- Blue

Hair Color- Brown

Species- Superhuman (Human Mutant)

Other- Caleb Trelaine's right hand man


Likes- Swimming, hiking, boxing, horror movies, having people wait on him hand and foot, bossing people around, having people fear him, torturing foes, superhumans, luxury, showing off wealth and power, social functions, travel

Dislikes- Having to pretend being nice to those he dislikes, stupid people, easily-outsmarted people, people who give up easily, religious people, vermin

Phobias- the wrath of the Trelaine family

Personality- Ruthlessly ambitious and unrelenting in his pursuit of perfection and success; combined with his fear and loving respect of the Trelaine family's rise to power, he has waxed worse and worse in how he treats subjects and handles foes under their jurisdiction. Not even close to a nice person to start, he has, since befriending the Trelaines, veered over to the sociopathic end of the emotional spectrum, and developed something of a well-renowned sadistic streak.


Knowledge- "his place", the locations and functions of various superhumans, superhuman factions and gangs, fluent in French, German and Italian

Skills- lying, pickpocketing, lockpicking, hotwiring cars, driving, using his friend's resources for petty and extreme damage, fighting (especially by combining his abilities with his skills), leadership, strategizing for battles, sizing people up by looking at them, reverse psychology, provoking fights and instigating trouble

Nonskills- Taking defeat quietly, trusting others, being nice for long periods of time, keeping his temper, standing up to Caleb or Samantha Trelaine


Power- Size Shifting (capable of psychically changing from one size to another, at will)
    Sub-powers- Growing (can psychically enlarge his body, at will); increases his strength, stamina and durability proportionately
    Sub-powers- Shrinking (can psychically diminish his body, at will); maintains the strength, stamina and durability of his normal size

Power Scale- 5 (can enlarge his body up to 40 ft, and any size in between, at will; can shrink his body down to 1 in tall, and any size in between, at will)
Control Scale- 9 (can size-shift at a whim; feelings like intense anger can cause him to grow unintentionally, and feelings like intense fear or embarrassment can cause him to shrink unintentionally)

Celebrity Claim: Shaun Evans
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
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Name- Phillip Morgan

Nick Name/Alias- Phil, Prince Phillip, numerous aliases


Height- 5'10

Weight- 162 lbs.

Gender- Male

Chronological Age- 27

Biological Age- early twenties

Skin Color- White (kinda pale)

Eye Color- Blue

Hair Color- Blond

Species- Superhuman (Human Mutant)

Other- Caleb Trelaine's second right hand man (third in command)


Likes- Swimming, hiking, sports, horror movies, having people wait on him hand and foot, bossing people around, having people fear him, torturing foes, superhumans, luxury, showing off wealth and power, social functions, travel

Dislikes- Having to pretend being nice to those he dislikes, stupid people, easily-outsmarted people, people who give up easily, religious people, poor people, vermin, reading, cooking, cleaning

Phobias- the wrath of the Trelaine family, closed spaces, needles

Personality- Cowardly, spiteful and vindictive by nature, he deeply relishes having superhuman abilities, in addition to connections to the Trelaines; with his friends at his side, he feels encouraged to be far more reckless, more defiant to anyone who opposes his perspectives, and more violent and merciless with his abilities. Easily manipulated by the Trelaines (often through charm) and Willis (often through threats), in his nearly-facile eagerness to please them and gain their approval.


Knowledge- "his place", the locations and functions of various superhumans, superhuman factions and gangs, fluent in Spanish and Portuguese

Skills- lying, pickpocketing, lockpicking, hotwiring cars, driving, using his friend's resources for petty and extreme damage, fighting (especially by combining his abilities with his skills), provoking fights and instigating trouble, decent cook

Nonskills- Taking defeat quietly, trusting others, being nice for long periods of time, keeping his temper, standing up to Caleb or Samantha Trelaine (or Willis)


Power- Telekinesis (the ability to psychically generate and manipulate force, at will)
    Sub-powers- Telekinetic Flight (can psychically propel himself in flight via Telekinesis, at will)
    Sub-powers- Telekinetic Sense (can psychically project telekinetic force to facilitate a telekinetic version of a sonar sense)

Power Scale- 6 (capable of lifting cars, and hitting with the force of an oncoming truck, with concentration)
Control Scale- 6 (dextrous enough the he can type on a keyboard or stir a cup of coffee with his mind, and otherwise vary the force he applies; only loses control with intense emotion)

Celebrity Claim: Ryan Gosling
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
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Name- Bruce and Bruno Sagato

Nick Name/Alias- The Twins, the Twin Dominators, the Twin Controllers, the Gemini Twins, Thing One and Thing Two (by friends)


Height- 5'11

Weight- 159 lbs.

Gender- Male

Chronological Age- 24

Biological Age- early twenties

Skin Color- White (pale)

Eye Color- Gray

Hair Color- Black

Species- Superhuman (Human Mutant)

Other- twins; often referred to as a joint entity (Bruce and Bruno; rarely called on separately, by people who know them)


Likes- reading books and watching movies of (the suspense/mystery, horror, sci-fi and fantasy genres); having people wait on them hand and foot, bossing people around, being right, having people fear them, superhumans, luxury, travel, wealthy and powerful people, computers, talking with one another (especially to share secrets), puzzles, riddles, not being easy to tell apart, finishing each others' sentences, messing with Phil

Dislikes- Having to pretend being nice to those they dislike, stupid people, nosy people, easily-outsmarted people, people who give up easily, religious people, poor people, vermin, cooking, cleaning, extraneous physical activity

Phobias- the wrath of the Trelaine family, being permanently separated from one another

Personality- Sarcastic, cynical and condescending, the brothers care for few people beside each other and the Trelaine family. In fact, their fascination with and the loyalty to the Trelaine family can sometimes border on obsessive. Though, this is likely due to having deemed the Trelaines' survival critical to their own. That said, the two are still quite passive-aggressive to any members of Caleb's entourage (and horrible to any of his subjects) that Caleb will let them get away with, and if threatened, will quickly defend each other over any other supposed allies.


Knowledge- "their place", the locations and functions of various superhumans, superhuman factions and gangs, fluent in Spanish, French, German, Klingon, Elfin and Esparanto

Skills- interrogation, reading body language, lying, using their friend's resources for petty and extreme damage, decent fighters (especially when combining their abilities with their skills), provoking fights and instigating trouble, strategy, using technology (especially computers), solving riddles and puzzles, math

Nonskills- Taking defeat quietly, trusting others, being nice for long periods of time, keeping his temper, standing up to Caleb or Samantha Trelaine (or Willis)


Power- Possession (the ability to psychically dominate an object or a subject, by physically stepping into, or projecting one's mind into said subject, at will)
    Sub-powers- (Bruce) Inanimate Object Possession (can psychically dominate objects, and animate them, by physically passing into them, at will)
    Sub-powers- (Bruno) Bodily Possession (can psychically dominate living subjects, and control them, by physically passing into them, at will)

Power Scale- 7 (can psychically possess their respective targets for as long as they like, and if they can take control, they take near total control; takes the strongest/wildest of minds, or the densest/heaviest of objects, for their powers to fail)
Control Scale- 5 (can use their abilities at will, but intense emotions may make it more difficult to maintain possession of a target, or harder to depart the target)

Power- Twin Telepathy (the ability to psychically receive thoughts from and project thoughts to one's twin sibling, at will)
    Sub-powers- Psychic Link (the presence of an inherent psychic connection of one mind to another, allowing efficient mental contact and communication, as well as often resulting in agreeing thoughts, perspectives and opinions)
    Sub-powers- Twin Metempsychosis (the ability to psychically switch bodies with one's twin sibling, at will)

    Sub-powers- Gestalt Telepathy (the ability psychically increase one's capacity for telepathy--allowing the users to branch out to other minds--by joining up with another; in the twins' case, by joining hands)

Power Scale- 5 (decent telepaths, though not prodigious; can be resisted with training, as evidenced by Caleb Trelaine; preferred mode of psychic contact is between the twins)
Control Scale- 7 (can be activated at will, though distress and separation decrease their abilities, and fear and anger increase their receptive capabilities, resulting sometimes in minor headaches)

Celebrity Claim: The Entin Twins (Gary and Edmund Entin--doesn't really matter which brother you say plays which character...)
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
In reply to this post by Zaleramancer
So, Zale, how comes the reading?

I'm really feeling ready to get back to this story. I feel, with the new players, like things will be far more interesting, and far more engaging to read and participate in.

If all goes well, this will play out far less like a bad Heroes fanfic, and more like an actual attempt at a decent, enjoyable story.

 (Kinda feeling a bit giddy right now...)
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
Okay, so since I'm sort of odd about these sorts of things, I'm going through the character profiles and trying to find nice pictures for them. Not making everybody all super-sexy and awesome (though, sometimes that is a pleasant side-effect), just trying to make them look like the profiles say they should.

I'm starting with the FIRST characters thread, and I'll be continuing basically until I'm done. Hopefully, I can find them all pics before their characters are to be included in the story (if at all).
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
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Name- Delia Drummond

Nick Name/Alias- Human Lie Detector, Lady Snitch, Miss Polygraph, Wonder Woman (in reference to both her tireless workaholic tendencies, and Wonder Woman's capacity as DC Comics' Greek goddess of truth)


Height- 5'9

Weight- 130 lbs.

Gender- Female

Chronological Age- 31

Biological Age- early thirties

Skin Color- White

Eye Color- Brown

Hair Color- Brown

Species- Superhuman (Human Mutant)

Other- an expert interrogator; works for the President


Likes- TV, reading, movies, eating out, using the computer, brainteasers and puzzles (especially sudoku and Rubik's cubes), optical illusions, outsmarting enemies, animals, trying to get in some exercise, kids, flowers, soft rain, warm sunny days, being appreciated for her gifts (compliments, awards, etc.)

Dislikes- Show-offs, math, "gangstas", hip hop/rap music, bugs, vermin, the sight of blood, pushy people, people getting really close up on her, revealing her emotions, lies (lying and being lied to)

Phobias- rejection, failing relationships

Personality- Delia is quite an intellectual person; though she does know how to have fun, she is, compared to most, something of a prude. She doesn't smoke, only has the occasional social drink, is mostly celibate, and but for the event of a sick day or a vacation day, doesn't do a great deal outside of her work. Though, unlike many intellectuals, her stoic and aloof demeanor is not due to a social inability to connect with other people--rather, it is due to her fear of rejection.


Knowledge- Locations and operations of various superhumans, superhuman factions and gangs, government officials and overlords; pretty fluent knowledge of psychology and sociology; decent knowledge of math and science

Skills- skilled with puzzles, computers/machines, and cracking codes (familiar with Morse, Braille, sign language, and various other codes), stopping fights, interrogation, time management, administrative work, excellent multitasker, acting, decent artist, telling jokes (kinda), lying, decent fighter (takes work-mandated self-defense classes); speaks Spanish, French, German and some Dutch

Nonskills- being flirty, impersonations, telling jokes on the spot, acting dumb, tolerating a lot of pain, or tolerating pain for a long time, any sport including a ball


Power- Lie Detection (can psychically perceive when subjects are telling lies)
    Sub-power-- can tell specifically which part of a person's statements is untrue or deceptive (not what about it is untrue, or what the truth is, just that it is untrue); can also discern the difference between deliberate deception and mistaken information, and powers normally do not react to her own lies

    Sub-power-- Body Language Intuition (can intuitively read body language, to analyze various physical body cues, including predicting movement)

Power Scale--7 (can detect lies, even of many skilled liars; only the most powerful minds--or the truly honestly oblivious--can evade her detection of untruth)
Control Scale- 7 (can usually tune in and tune out with her powers; powers may sharpen to become more sensitive, reacting even to mistaken information, or to her own deceptions, if she is afraid or nervous)

Power- Truth Inducing (can psychically cause a subject to tell the truth, by asking the subject questions, or compelling the subject similar to Psychic Persuasion)
    Sub-power-- If she employs the ability by asking questions, she temporarily deactivates the subject's ability to tell lies, but does not compel the subject to speak; if she employs the ability by compulsion, she compels the subject to speak, but must be specific about what she wants to know, otherwise the subject spouts random truths

Power Scale--7 (can force truth from nearly anyone with willpower below superhuman level)
Control Scale- 9 (can usually activate it at will; the subject must understand her, for the ability to take effect)

Celebrity Claim: Anne Hathaway
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
 Tamara McShay, the elemental, who had that lovely Crowning Moment of Awesome in the previous series...not that I did or didn't intend to use her again in this RP, but when FlyBoy disappeared for whatever reason, he took her profile with him.

Looks like I'll have to create a new version, from memory, and whatever info we can salvage from the wiki.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
 And Zale, would you be okay if I found a pic for Alex the Shapeshifter? Not that I intend him/her/it/whatever to maintain one physical shape for any long period of time, but I'd like pictures for the wiki. I've even been thinking about making a gallery on the wiki for the various shapes he takes.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
 Ugh, dang, FlyBoy4 (in his departure) seems to have deleted A FEW characters. Tamara McShay, Renee Velatruz, Mark Yamada AND Damien Caste. All of whom turned out to be pretty important to ESRP.

So, I've restored two of them, to the best of my memory, but Mark and Damien I'll have to try working on tomorrow.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
Okay, Damien Caste and Mark Yamada have been restored, too. I seem to be getting much quicker at this. So, I'm gonna try a couple more profiles tonight, that came to mind.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Characters (cont.)

Celadon's Penultimate
This post was updated on .

Name- Jordan Rose

Nick Name/Alias- Lax, Drowsy, Sweets, Cupid, Cotton-Candy Head (insult)


Height- 5'10

Weight- 144 lbs.

Gender- Male

Chronological Age- 17

Biological Age- 17

Skin Color- White

Eye Color- Blue

Hair Color- Pink

Species- Superhuman (Human Mutant)

Other- bisexual


Likes- TV, movies, eating out, using the computer, outsmarting enemies, showing off, being appreciated for his gifts (compliments, etc.), kissing, social functions, sex, spontaneity, adventure, travel, music (especially pop; among his favorite artists are Ellie Goulding, Lady Gaga and Rihanna), candy and other sweets, shows of affection

Dislikes- Math, bugs, vermin, the sight of blood, pushy people, being lied to

Phobias- commitment

Personality- A quick-witted and flamboyant personality, with a smart mouth and pretty lax morals, he is at his best when he is laughing and making others laugh, and generally having a good time. Willing to do nearly anything for a good laugh, and he is a shameless flirt, who doesn't take always take no for an answer. Deep down, though, he is a very nice, upbeat and thoughtful person, who just happens to really love sweets.


Knowledge- Locations and operations of various superhumans, superhuman factions and gangs; pretty fluent knowledge of pop culture

Skills- lying, decent with computers, cheating, acting, snappy fashion sense, singing, dancing, flirting, flattery, sarcasm, insults, decent fighter (especially when combined with his dance skills and his powers), decent artist (especially drawing), swimming, speaks fluent French, decent Spanish

Nonskills- impersonations, telling jokes on the spot, tolerating pain, any sport including a ball, humility, resisting an opportunity to be sarcastic, taking defeat quietly, driving, cooking


Power- Stupefying Breath (can exhale a substance that produces a drowsy, disoriented, euphoric stupor, at will)
    Sub-Powers- Pheromone Generation (can generate pheromones that break down dirt, and adapt to present company to make his body and breath smell attractive, and his lips taste sweet like candy)

    Sub-power-- Immunity to charm, domination and seduction abilities, as well as laughing gas, narcotics and similar chemical agents

Power Scale-- 8 (only the most willful minds can resist his effects)
Control Scale- 7 (his abilities are mostly consciously activated; though, they can be activated against his will if he's nervous, afraid or genuinely attracted to whoever his powers are being used on)

Power- Sugar Rush (can enter a berserker state, in which his strength, speed, durability, senses, reflexes, agility and dexterity increase, provided he has ingested a sufficient amount of sugar and sweets)
    Sub-power-- Immunity to sugar intoxication or sugar overdose (his body metabolizes processed sugars as though they are just as essential as healthy foods and nutrients)
    Sub-power-- Power Self-Negation (his primary power set, Stupefying Breath and Pheromone Generation--but not his immunities--are negated when Sugar Rush is activated)

Power Scale-- 7 (Jordan's physical attributes are greatly enhanced in the Sugar Rush berserker state)
Control Scale- 3 (Very difficult to snap Jordan out of the Sugar Rush; often has to wear off on its own; the time required for it to wear off is determined by how much sugar is ingested; Sugar Rush is activated by a combination of emotional distress, combined with ingesting some amount of sugar)

Celebrity Claim: unknown male model
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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