Oh, then:
Teleportation allows you to escape virtually anything bar old age, which would spoil your fun. Eternal youth takes care of that.
Eternal youth still leaves you vulnerable to violent deaths, which teleportation would let you avoid. Teleportation would also help you move around, which is necessary when you never age.
Teleportation allows you to go anywhere, but you still need supplies and a home. The Door* can take care of that.
The Door* creates a rudimentary home and gives you anything, but you still must travel normally, rendering you temporarily vulnerable. Teleportation takes care of that.
With that, I announce another combination:
The Door* + Immortality (any form) = After the end of the universe, you have a place to live until you find other immortals who could help you. It also provides a hiding spot if people are trying to research/capture your powers (either one would start massive wars) and The Door* gives you the perfect hiding spot.
If I got my powers in my profile, (i.e. New Beginning), I would use The Door* a lot, for all sorts of things. I would also give it to a few of my friends with Friendly Power Gifting*, especially since it poses no threat to me (they can't hide people and the weapon in their supply room are useless against me, even nukes).