Girisha raced behind SHJ as the demon raced through the city. Even with his enhanced speed he was falling behind the creature until the demon suddenly stopped in midair.
"Perfect" Girisha said with a grin.
He sent a spiral of freezing air towards the demon, even as he was beginning to spring away, and coated him with ice. Knowing that it wouldn't stop SHJ but that it would be enough to slow him down.
Girisha took a moment and froze the path behind him before continuing after to harass the demon. Making sure to block off additional exits along the way.
Okay lets see, technically you were a bit late to see him paused. Second if you took the time to freeze him slightly he would already bre lost. Also I think it would just be cool if you found a way to speed your guy up so you wouldn't immediately be left behind. He's traveling faster than any living creature known to man, and most cars, while still having the agility of a rabbit/ninja.
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