Warriors of Myth Characters

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Re: Warriors of Myth Characters

Celadon's Penultimate
(Just for good measure, in case you guys miss the other post)


Name- Dajai Djinn-Zetsuei

Nick Name/Alias- DDZ (for those who know his real name), DJ, Dodger Jim Zachary, Dodgy, Dodge


Height- 5'11

Weight- 162 lbs.

Gender- Male

Chronological Age- over 100 (exactly HOW MUCH over is unknown)

Biological Age- early 20's

Skin Color- (True Form) Light bluish-purple; (Human Form) Tan

Eye Color- (True Form) Dark Purple; (Human Form) Hazel

Hair Color- (True Form) White, straight, shoulder-length; (Human Form) Dark Brown, short

Species- Djinn

Other-  His last name comes from his father's name, the King of the Djinni, Djinn Zetsuei (similar to Scandinavian cultures, ex: Erik's son, Leif Eriksson; he is the son of Djinn Zetsuei, Dajai Djinn-Zetsuei)


Likes-  magic, magical beings (not just supernatural beings; those with actual magical powers), mythology (and legend and folklore), demonology, angelology, eating (soul food, junk food and exotic food, especially Middle Eastern)

Dislikes- magic haters, dealing with non-Djinni when he doesn't have to, not using magic, people who can resist or counteract his powers, swimming,

Phobias-  holy symbols, exorcism, closed spaces, oil lamps

Personality- Smart, aloof and philosophical, he often comes off as being standoffish and arrogant; though, the truth is, he simply doesn't understand humans. Although he grew up around humans, his nature is that of a djinn (with both parents being djinni; his father the King of Djinni, Djinn Zetsuei, and his mother one of the King's harem), so his psychology naturally developed into one that is put off by human behavior. Although he can socialize relatively well when the time calls for it, he isn't known for initiating conversation; often won't say anything to people around him unless someone else initiates it.


Knowledge- demonology, some angelology, various myths, legends and folklore from numerous races and cultures around the world (and mythological, legendary, folkloric and cryptozoological creatures), Genius-level intelligence, speaks fluent Goblin, Elfin, Fay, Janna (the language of the Djinni) and three human languages (Spanish, French and English)

Skills- diplomacy (has had lessons from his father's advisors), research, strategy (especially strategy games, like chess), solving riddles, lying, being sneaky, picking up on new magic (a bit of a prodigy), fighting, handling various weapons (blades mostly, and a few exotic weapons), parkour  

Nonskills- terrible shot with a gun, can't cook for crap, doesn't know how to open up to others, befriending children and animals (only magical animals react to him normally)

Field: Espionage and Reconnaissance


Djinni are magical and clever beings, known throughout the world, through history to outsmart, dominate and dislike humans in most every capacity. Only by trapping, exorcising or tricking them, can one expect any good to come from interaction with them (otherwise, they tend to either be neutral, with a tendency to stick to their own race, or they try to trick, dominate or harm others). Because of their closeness in mentality to demons, few will ever encounter one with good intentions (that isn't a half-breed), and even fewer actually prefer the company of mortals (especially humans).

              Powers and Abilities.
                   *Magic- Djinni can perform various magical feats, such as magical shapeshifting, dimensional travel, time travel, matter transmutation and summoning; Dajai isn't as skilled as the high priests of Djinn society, but his shapeshifting is pretty proficient, despite being on a time limit; he can jump to alternate dimensions, and up to a year in the future or past, and other magical abilities are likewise in capacity; about intermediate in strength; he can also sense magical occurences and sources of magic
                   *Aerokinesis- Djinni have the natural power to assume elemental control over wind; they can generate gusts, fly, and blast foes with gale force; Dajai isn't exactly Aang when it comes to Air Manipulation, but he is pretty skilled (and creative) in its use

                   *Imperceptibility- Due to their spiritual nature, Djinni have the natural ability to hide from the sensual perception of natural beings; with this power, Dajai can become invisible (on all bands of light), intangible, inaudible (to move around silently, and be immune to sonic attacks), inodorosity (to lose his natural scent, which in his case, is reminiscent of cinnamon and brimstone) and insipidity (in case anybody can somehow TASTE his presence)

                   *Bodily Possession- In congruity with the power to become imperceptible, Djinni also possess the ability to take possession of one subject at a time, by physically phasing into the desired subject's body, and aligning his neuroprocesses to the subjects, and using theirs to override that of the subject; Dajai is not very skilled in this; doing this tires him out greatly

                   *Sin Sense- As an infernal race, alongside the ranks of demons and other infernal beings, Djinni can psychically (and using the senses) pick up on the very presence of sin and iniquity; Dajai can even use this to identify presences (by perceiving which sin is strongest in a particular person, and what variation of a particular sin is most common)

                   *Holy Symbols- Although they'd more likely just slap them away than recoil from them "Nosferatu-style", Djinni
cannot really stand the presence of holy symbols without eventually becoming physically ill, or feeling the strong urge to leave the area

                   *Exorcism- A holy person of nearly any kind can attempt to banish his presence from an area, meaning that if he is IN that area he will feel the strongest urge to leave the area, and if he ISN'T in that area, he will be physically unable to enter it

                   *Trapping and Wish Granting- a powerful-enough mage or holy man (even a team of mages or holy men) can attempt to trap a Djinn's presence within a container, from a wine bottle, to an oil lamp, to a jewel (for those of you who remember the movie Wishmaster); whoever would release him would be owed wishes (the number of which is 1, 3, 5 or 7, depending on how powerful the Djinn is; because of Dajai's power, which is fairly low on the power scale, he would have to grant 5 wishes; fortunately he has never been imprisoned)

                   *Djinn Hierarchy- Djinni, due to their similarity to demons in psychology, have a hierarchy to which they adhere austerely; typical Djinni (called simply Djinni) are of the Wind element, stronger and smarter than Ghuls, which belong to the Earth element (the lowest on the "food chain"); Efreeti are of the Fire element, stronger, but less clever, while Marid (of the Water element) are smarter and more arrogant, but don't occur in as many numbers; Dajai is a typical Djinn


Halo- A round, silver hoop that serves as the crown of the King of the Djinni; Because he is only the Prince of the Djinni (and not king), he can't wear it without being weighed down by its tremendous power, so instead Dajai uses this to do magic on, doubling it often as a weapon or a scrying device  

Wizard's Robe- A robe that djinni often wear to enhance their magical capabilities; only wears this at home

Eye of Djinn- A talisman worn about the neck, allowing him to mimic the capabilities (and appearance, if he likes) of other races of Djinni; he can only use it when in Djinn form; it cannot be worn in a magically-altered form without producing intense pain, so when he wears it, Dajai must be in Djinn form

Dajai Djinn-Zetsuei

Celebrity Claim: Chris Riggi (again)
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Warriors of Myth Characters

Gentleman Vaultboy
Right, this is the proper place for this, isn't it?


Jacob Gryers

Appearance: Tall and gaunt 36 year old Caucasian man with shifty blue eyes. Black hair, cut short. Appears malnourished. Wears glasses.


Gryers is a man in control. Everything he does is stiff and formal. He doesn't socialize unless forced, always follows logic rather than emotion, and in general appears to be a man with no emotions. The only thing he seems to break his shell for is animals. Experiences nigh constant cravings for human flesh and takes all him meals in liquid form.

Animals, solitude, the woods, the cold

Banquets, restaurants, noisy places, places where people gather in large numbers,. hot weather

Sitophobia (Fear of Eating)

A crack shot with a rifle, an excellent tracker, and a knowledge of Arctic wilderness. Also knows several techniques for maintaining self control even in the most chaotic of times.

Recon, Sniper, Tracker

Captured Species Data


A spirit of cold and hunger that Jacob encountered while studying the migration habits of wolverines. Constantly hungry and with the ability to posses people, those it posses eventually become Wendigo themselves...


Heart of Ice: Jacob is able to project an aura of arctic cold, and concentrate it on things and people.

Wind rider: Jacob can fly, sailing along on the arctic wind that seems to come from nowhere.

Wendigo Psychosis: Jacob can inflict on others great cravings and hunger. At strong enough levels, this is sufficient to turn enemies against one another.

Possession: Finally, Jacob is able to project himself out of his body and posses other people. This leaves his body vulnerable, and his arctic aura is taken with him to the new body. Anyone possessed by Jacob develops Wendigo Psychosis after he departs their body.


Food supply: On any long mission, Jacob must carry his own supply of liquid food, because he refuses to imbibe anything else.

Hunger: If he does eat something solid, it reminds him of the vast hunger that he feels at all times. Just the feeling of solid food dropping into his stomach is enough to trigger his own Wendigo Psychosis, making him a danger to everyone around him.
Hey son, wanna' learn how ta' make witch balls?
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Re: Warriors of Myth Characters

Celadon's Penultimate
 But you knew that already...
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Warriors of Myth Characters

Celadon's Penultimate
In reply to this post by Gentleman Vaultboy
Oh, and I have something you might find of interest for your character.

I'm posting it in the other WOM thread.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Warriors of Myth Characters

Gentleman Vaultboy
In reply to this post by Celadon's Penultimate
I got excited!

And lazy....
Hey son, wanna' learn how ta' make witch balls?
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Re: Warriors of Myth Characters

Celadon's Penultimate
 No worries, we've all done it. It can be kinda difficult to keep up with all the threads, sometimes.

Okay, I posted a link in the other WOM thread. Think you might want to take a look, if you haven't already.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Warriors of Myth Characters

Celadon's Penultimate

I wonder what you guys think.

Currently, we use these elements to categorize mythical beings:


Should there be more categories of elements than the ones currently used for creature pages?

If so, I think one element we could add is Luck/Fortune/Misfortune. Do you guys agree? If so, do you have other ideas?
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Warriors of Myth Characters

Marvelous Miscreant
Does metal fall under earth?
Praise the Sun
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Re: Warriors of Myth Characters

Celadon's Penultimate
I think so, but anybody feel free to suggest otherwise (with a reasonable explanation).
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Warriors of Myth Characters

Gentleman Vaultboy
The classical element of China consider it to be it's own element, I think.

Wait, or is that wood?
Hey son, wanna' learn how ta' make witch balls?
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Re: Warriors of Myth Characters

Celadon's Penultimate
Both wood and metal. And I think you're talking about Japan (though, the Chinese may hold similar beliefs).
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Warriors of Myth Characters

Gentleman Vaultboy
No, Japans are earth, fire, water, wind, and void.
Hey son, wanna' learn how ta' make witch balls?
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Re: Warriors of Myth Characters

Celadon's Penultimate

I thought they had nine elements.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Warriors of Myth Characters

Gentleman Vaultboy
No. In fact, most classical element tables only have 5.

Except for alchemy, which in addition to the Greek elements also contained sulfur, mercury, and salt.
Hey son, wanna' learn how ta' make witch balls?
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Re: Warriors of Myth Characters

Celadon's Penultimate
 Ah, I see.

Just looked it up for myself, thanks for the heads-up.

And it says void can also be considered the sky or divine element. Though, we already have a category listing creatures/beings as divine agents, so that can't be included again.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Warriors of Myth Characters

steel/metal in general
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Re: Warriors of Myth Characters

Celadon's Penultimate
 Should I put this with the other Warriors of Myth comments thread? Or with the Characters thread?
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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