Official RP Thread: The Evolutionist's Stone (9)

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Re: Official RP Thread: The Evolutionist's Stone (9)

Celadon's Penultimate

Space-time rippled, fluxed and tore open. Torres was first to erupt from the aperture, followed by Johnny, Philip, Devon, Collin, Jeremy, all in a clumsy, pseudo-Egyptian heap. Embarrassed, they stood, and everyone thanked Torres for the favor.

"Eh, no problem." Torres shrugged, "Ivan owes me, anyhow. Now he just owes me more."

"Hehehe, sounds good to me." Jeremy chuckled, "See ya around."

"God willing." Torres agreed.

Torres vanished into thin air, and the supers took in their surroundings. Lovely place, Libya was, at least at night. With the exception of handsome domes topping some of the buildings, it could easily pass for a semi-urban American land. Lights decked every building, illuminating rather handsome artificial constellations. Very few cars could be heard in the distance, but they were not entirely absent. Even where they stood now, a cramped alleyway; one would never know that, years ago, that same town had once been the site of heinous social carnage.

Devon admired it a bit, but soon looked down and gripped his stomach, "Man, I'm hungry..."

"Hm, yeah, me, too." Philip blinked, holding his nose to the air, "I'll see if I can't sniff us out a good couscous place--"

"No need." an unfamiliar voice interrupted, "I assure you, you won't be here for very long..."

The supers turned, and there before them stood an athletic brown man, bald and stern-faced. In his hands, a bow was drawn; the arrows dripped of a glowing purply-pink fluid. Undoubtedly, poison or acid...
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: Official RP Thread: The Evolutionist's Stone (9)

Celadon's Penultimate

The Libyan glared at the supers, almost wishing them to move. The supers protested a bit, but his four comrades quickly showed up on the rooftop for his backup. The supers put up their hands, as though caught by policemen in the middle of a break-in.

Devon whispered to Collin, under his breath, "Hey, uh, want me to see if I can take 'em out? I can have my dupes on them like--"

"Silence!" The Libyan snapped, noticing the replicator's lips moving, "Stop speaking, Egyptian! Unless you want to explain what business you have here, I'm not interested in hearing your mouth!"

Philip cursed mentally. He knew that they should have changed out of their ridiculous Egyptian garb before entering Libya. He had even suggested that to Collin and Jeremy, at least twice! And they had ignored him, insisting they would have time for that when they arrived! Collin knew exactly what Philip meant by that angry glare. He could only manage an apologetic shrug in response. Philip groaned, defeated.

"...Excuse me." Philip said, at last, "Before you maybe decide to kill us, I think you should at least know the truth about our identities. You see, we're not Egyptians."

One of the Libyan's allies, a pretty girl, menaced Philip, "I've never known that to deter Ufar's motives. She uses Egyptians, Canadians, Americans...whoever she can get her filthy hands on. False queen...she's worse than--"

"Stop talking!" The Libyan shot her a glance, and she was silent, "...Alright, so you're not Egyptians. That does nothing to clarify why you're dressed like them. Explain yourselves."

The other supers looked expectantly to Philip. The sensor sighed, resigned. He knew it wouldn't be easy to explain why, being non-Egyptian, they dressed up as Egyptians. It seemed almost absolutely certain that the Libyans wouldn't believe that they were actually American rebels on a mission. And surely, the Libyans knew the would not go for the claim that, to gain the audience of the deluded false goddess, they too would have to disguise themselves as false gods.

Still, it was worth the shot.

Even if the Libyans didn't buy a word of it. Even if their disbelief threw them into a rage, chasing the supers down the street. And even if they had reinforcements waiting down the street to help with the pursuit.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)