same for me, but you've got to start small, then work on conquering all of existence, you must work methododically to, first control the universes which use magic, then once you control around thirty thousand or so of them, head towards science hwile allowing your control to seep towards the less powerful magic dimensions, then you need to conquer science, with the added help of magic they wouldn't stand a chance, after that there is no chance of resistance for the rest of them, and just work slowly you have your time, all the time in existance, but to ensure your reign you'd have to leave copies of yourself behind in each one, and if by some chance one of them falls you can call in immediate reinforcements while you instantaneously generate a second one, also erradicate all life that opposes you, you don't want their twenty second descendant coming back to bite you in the....
NO BAD PSYCHE STOP GIVING NEO ADVICE!!!!!!!......okay fine, but let's drop this discussion before my inner monster king awakens again.
Welcome one and All to the Jesters Carnival, where the prizes are greater than your wildest dreams, but the nightmares here shall silence you before you can even scream.