It would take awhile.
You need to stop taking this personally.
The Monster King is probably going to be punished
somehow, but It's not like any of us are doing this because of our personal feelings.
Hell, I know this is a bad idea because it sets us up to be the bad guys latter on.
They chained me beneath the earth for centuries.
It's probably going to go the way of Germany after WW1.
If Mik Hael wants to keep the Gods from their course of action, he should try to persuade them that it's not needed. Here, a cunning mind and silver tongue could win more than violence.
The more he threatens and blusters, the more and more the others will be afraid of his actions.
Which is the opposite of what he should want to happen. :/
“She'd become a governess. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. And she'd taken to it well. She'd sworn that if she did indeed ever find herself dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps she'd beat herself to death with her own umbrella.”
― Hogfather