Maybe, that that doesn't really fit well with the character. I was planning on Shark to be the more colorful and smooth one, while Crux meanwhile would have been the central straight man of the group.
Still working on the names and the bottom right still needs a better character sign but from upper left to right, to lower left to right, the names so far are Crux, Stitch, Shark, and Hit. Each one capitalizing on a different sector of the business. Stitch is the Hit Man specializing in long range assassinations and poisons, Shark is the Loan Shark the smooth operator that convinces businesses and people to borrow money or make deals with the organization, and Hit is the information gatherer/muscle. Crux meanwhile would be the crux of the operation keeping the entire group intact and filling in for others when their busy with something else, so I wanted to keep him as the stereotypical image of a Mafioso or hitman.