(Sorry, i'm in a class and got caught up in the lecture)
Marv casually strolls the rows of passengers, his eyes darting from face to face. She was here somewhere, he thought to himself. The description he was given made her seem like she'd stand out, but so far, he hadn't seen her. Finishing his scan of the car he was in he sidled up to the door to the next car. A quick glance through, and he knew he'd found he quarry. She was't hard to miss.
Marv analyzed the situation and briefly considered bashing in the door and running in full tilt before dismissing the foolish idea. Instead he slid nonchalantly into the car making sure not to make eye contact with Akuma as he slowly stalked towards her.
His fist clenched beneath the large poncho he was wearing and began to crystalize.
Half hidden under the wide, shadowy brim of his hat, a wry smile grew on his face.
Praise the Sun